Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I don’t know how crit damage actually works but Balestra Fente (the first skill I mentioned, AoE) also deacreses enemy crit resistance so you can get more STR for higher crits.

The problem with that is 28 sec CD with no overheats which is preety meh. Good for boss maybe.

I was hoping Doppel’s slash enhancer was a buff, not another debuff (as we already have it in Barb). I’m hoping it would stack (like Crown and Zornhau) but if not, what a letdown. Highlander is still the better debuffer.

The attributes for Zornhau, Zucken and Redel requires the skill to be at least level 6, and getting those would mean additional sp and cd.

I’m liking Fencer more now, I really don’t like high cd classes. Barb-Doppel would suck even harder on skill rotations lol. I already have issues with it now and if the details turns out to be accurate I’m giving up my Doppel.

100% Crit Damage = Doubles Crit Damage
What is Crit Damage = 150% Damage

What would that do then? Doubles 150% Damage, or, in other words, Triples Damage.
That’s just like advertised, 300% Crits.
Also, this skill is my top contender, right now, for Monster Gem, along with Hook and Lunge.

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Don’t forget the critical attack from Gems. (Or STR if you’re into it)

Oh and all this ignoring defense, don’t forget this part.

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Oh right, totally missed that my bad then, I’m still in shock how IMC pulled the Guardian ‘not crippling us’ patch.

I think they change Guardian number in KTOS.

2 + 0.9 × ([Skill Level] - 1) use this formula instead 14 + 3.5 × ([Skill Level] - 1)
for Atk reduction.

Yes, Peltasta has been to hell and back, and Guardian is now better than ever.
Oh god, decisions… Peltasta or Corsair? PvE or PvP?
■■■■■■■ IMC.

Edit: After light pondering, I’m sticking with Corsair. But, if they do something similar to Barbarian, I’ll be so mad… Please, let Barbarian remain broken, IMC, so that I don’t lose my mind.

Yeah, they reduced it.

Guardian is now trading 35% pdef for 14% patk at lv 15

Well, it’s a lot better. Pelt1 builds are now “saved”.

Now IMC, give those numbers to Gung Ho, dammit.

My Barb 3>Doppel has quite sh1tty skill rotation. Once everything has been thrown out, I have to wait at least 20s to use skills again.

Not sure should I reroll another Doppel or not but I’m gonna change to another Fencer for a while

Note: having at least 1 Corsair in your build can be a safe pick

other than the current bonuses…

We’ve seen Matador costumes, but it’s not confirmed to be R9/R10
if it’s R10, we can get Corsair C2 on R9, this gives us hexen dropper.
Now, Hexen+New stance+ your old skillls = ???

you can already reach 40k hexen alone with decent attributes

clearly the new Balestra Fente seems to open a new gameplay for fencer, after all we already knew about the critical buff, but with this one we will be able to AOE farm, without AOE ratio set, since we can use prep with it, for a extra damage, and finish with the new skill that as 3 overheat since that skill seems to be of a good AOE as well.
i must say that if the bonus is only 20% per lvl like someone said before it may be not so good like we are hoping, but with the new set of skills that allow us for a better AOE damage, seems to be fine , after all the good point of fencer is against bosses, but fencer3 brings a new aspect to the table even if we have a cd of 28 cd in one skill and 42 in the other and let’s not forget that we still have at least 2 rank’s left to choose from as well.
but on a side note: everyone saw the news about murmulio plus petal-rodel? it seems that the “tank” swordsman will not need to worry about damage again, since he will have more than enough.
edit: with the maths given by [quote=“Palazzo, post:1890, topic:300257, full:true”]
100% Crit Damage = Doubles Crit DamageWhat is Crit Damage = 150% Damage

What would that do then? Doubles 150% Damage, or, in other words, Triples Damage.That’s just like advertised, 300% Crits.Also, this skill is my top contender, right now, for Monster Gem, along with Hook and Lunge.

it makes sense, so ignore my previous sentence about only 20% per lvl.
on a side note: what everyone will be doing about skill point? i’m thinking of forgetting about sept all together, i know that in 1x1 scenery the skill can still do better than others but i just do not like the cd and we clearly have a better skill to use prep now.

Forgot the skill with 3 overheat name. But from reading comments, it is able to hit up to 10 mobs at once. That’s like 20 AOE ratio if you are hitting 10 medium sized mobs

Have you been using your skills wrong? overheat is ugly sometimes, you have to throw two/three/all charges of the same skills right away to let it cooldown immediately, might help your rotation

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well, for the comments the skill that hits 10 mobs is the one we do like a push forward, at least this is why i’m getting by the translation, the one with 3 overheat works with aoe ratio .
see this is the one with 3 overheat, it is a 3 hit skill( multi hit) with 3 overheat, the other one is the one who can hit up to 10 mobs i believe.

I’m dropping Doppel and going Fencer now. I really can’t enjoy high cd classes. the downside on the attributes for Zornhau, Zucken and Redel was a big NO NO NO NO NO NO for me.

I’m just figuring out what to choose for my Rank2-5 on my Fencer. Still waiting if there would balances for other classes (Gung-ho please)

My usual rotation against bosses:

Buffs>Pouncing>Cleave>Cyclone>Cleave>Cyclone>Cleave>SeismX2>Helm since bosses can’t be stunned.

That leave me about 10s to auto attacks. That 20s above might be my exaggeration.

Barb3>Doppel has worse skill rotation than my Elememe. I was hoping Doppel might bring some differences, but it was not

@migzzz: What are the downsizes for Redel and Zornhau?

Yes, it seems that IMC Made Tanks Great Again with Murmillo (at the same time, they destroyed their costumes… poor Murmillos…)

I think Swordsmen can be proud of their Rank8s, yes, apart from Doppel, which in my opinion, got the shortest end of the stick.

We have the same rotation. though with a little modification since I’m Doppel2.

Buffs>Pouncing>Cleave>Cyclone>Cleave>Cyclone>Crown>Zornhau>Cleave>Zucken>Redel>Seismx2 then either Cartar/Helm. I still find myself auto attacking for more than 10s.

Doppel 2 does, by the way you can turn off cyclone movement for 10second less cd on your cyclone if you don’t need it.

You can also use Mirarara’s addon to toggle attributes on and off easily

(reminder that free auto attack time is a great excuse to charge frenzy)