Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

That’s becasue male and female cleric have basically the same outfit.

actually nvm you are right, didn’t see the difference on sandals

The more I think about, the more I feel like pumping more Str into my Fencer. I’m at 213 but I still have a chance to bridge the two together since I didn’t go full Dex and get it to around 185 Str - 200 Dex. Then again maybe it’s not worth it. Seems like Str will get better and better as we level up more. Not 100% sure I’ll carry on with my Sw->Pel->Bar2->Cor->Fencer3. I feel like I will, we’ll know exactly all about the Fencer 3 skills soon as kToS will get rank 8 in a few weeks was it?

damage wise, yes. but the experience is horrible once pain barrier goes off, your dps drops significantly due to manual dodging/blocking, this happened to my high str version of doppel during siauliai missions. had to jump attack while circling the bosses without pb, or cross guard every attack.

Obviously not talking about going full Str but rather more of 1:1 ratio. That’s more for the future as more levels get unlocked. Right now I can already start on that.

It’s nice to be able to avoid most bosses AoE though. I’ll just stand and dodge that thank you very much.

actually the doppel i was talking about is very near 1:1, I said high str because I’ll pump str that point onwards.

not having guardian evasion/lower dex actually hurts for fencers, you’d want to stay there and spam composee to get your cube for bosses, yes that’s a 0% attribute damage on everything, if I get randomly knocked by ellaganos it could’ve been lower or might not even get the top dps for cubes

Well, Guardian is going to be nerfed quite hard soon. Idk whether -14% atk portion is status atk or everything

yeah that why I said not having guardian or lower dex, if you have a much higher dex that’s should be enough to cover guardian loss

Or Leather Mastery + 2 pieces of Shade armor. 71+65 = 211 evasion.

Math time for high Dex

  • Max Petamion included
  • 270 Dex (209 invested, I like round numbers) = 550 evasion at lv280
  • Leather Mastery = 75
  • 2 pieces of Shade = 136
  • Superior Bandit Boots = 127

Total = 550+75+136+127 = 888 (wow)

Guardian will bring this upto: 888*1.18 = 1,047 evasion

All this number yet I have no idea if this much evasion is enough or not

don’t use shade, if you want to, use only 1 part

yes that evasion is enough for the most part (as of the current patch)

also put dem gems on boots, though I haven’t done it myself yet because I want a better boots.

Don’t forget that in the future we’ll get the option to apply tracendance to boots, which could also apply a fairly big boost to evasion in the right pair of boots.

Ah, I forgot about gems. But that’s the rough sketch for max evasion - high Dex build.

Tbh, I do want to boost Fencer damage a bit more by pumping Str. However, the Epee stance made me hesitate.

And there is Skull Swing. It might be a Godsend to Fencer except for the fact that I have no idea how Pierce defense and Armor Break interact with each other.

Edit: Skull Swing Armor debuff and Attaque debuff don’t multiply together

So I was trying my luck in Tennet Church F1 for battle bracelet (never going to happen but still). How does a level 150 Nuka end up in this area? I saw it kill a bot and man… the amount of gems it had…

Red Nuka Orb released by a player

I wish monster orbs dropped more frequently. People would have some fun screwing bots.

Ah. I wish it didn’t dispawn. I feel like rolling an Oracle 2 just to annoy bots with level 10+ mobs.

These orbs only exist for a limited duration in order to assist players. That’s the intended purpose. Truthfully, I died once thanks to whoever released it in the Legwyn mansion. A lv130 mob hit like a truck

How is a build 80 CON and the rest on DEX?
Evasion and critical build i mean

That’s pretty much a tank build. You will need some Str to deal damage

What about the Barbarian C3 build? No way to build dps fencer?