Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I was thinking flaconnade could supply the lack slash damage, but I was wrong.

A Peta recipe, 2 Knotted Armband, a Zircon and some cards. That were what I got from opening a total of 30 cubes, 15 for each boss

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An example of Saber Fencing.
(Also, are you the famous LoliLicker? The one and only Loli’s Nemesis?)



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if you posted here then you are lolifencer.

jokes aside, that video is awesome

Best rapier.

I have a question.
for fencer
is evasion better than physical defense?
or leather armor better than plate armor?

A balance of both is always the best, you can use Ibre Pants+Rokas Leather Top to get good evasion.

If mobs hurt too much(hitting over 500) you can go ahead and use plate, but stay with leather as much as possible.

Hi! I’m rolling a new fencer (get bored of the barb 3 ), reading almost the whole post , I decided to make a High C3>Barb> Fencer C3

I need your thoughts on my build (barb is optional I just think is better for pve than corsair)

For the stats I’ll go 4:1:2 Str:Con:dex. (This is because of “Balestra Fente” skill, I don’t really know if going Str>Dex is good for a fencer :disappointed_relieved:)

Any suggestions are welcome.

Pd: Sorry if something is strange with my English, isn’t my native languaje :confounded:.

You’re going to want a point in composee. Everything else looks pretty solid (Though I don’t know if that much crown is necessary, I’m also not a highlander)

I also don’t think wagon wheel is worth getting at all but it’s just 1 point anyway

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Your class route is fine but there are corrections needed:

  • Catar Stroke to lv3 to unlock its attribute
  • Attaque Coqulle is a 1 hit skill, just 1 point is enough for utility
  • You will need at least 1 point in Attaque Composee. It’s your 0cd, spamming skill and it’s going to be buffed in the future.
  • The general consensus among Fencers is 1 point in Preparation only. As an utility skill, no more than 1 point is needed
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You need more than 1 point in attaque coquille to achieve 100% uptime, 2 minimum with venier

I also support maxing preparation because there’s not much else to put the points in to currently and I’ve found a lot of use for it being maxed, will probably change with c3 though

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Crown is good against magic. In boss fights they deal 1 dmg in magical attacks.

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Yeah I know crown is good I just didn’t see that it didn’t get 100% uptime until 14

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Crown uptime is very good in missions.
I didn’t tested yet in world bosses.

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Nah, 1 point is enough since there exist animation lag. Just 1 second doesn’t matter much, I prefer points left for C3

Uhhh might be a latency thing but the animation lag works against me instead of for me. with Lv 3 I have about 4 composees worth of time during the delay between the debuff being worn off and the extra seconds of cooldown. Lv 5 is barely enough for me to keep it at 100%. I have like a .05 second time limit to cast coquille again before it’s too late

Source on that? I thought that the INT/SPR reduction was only that of the attribute.

the reductions of int and spr is equal to your str, if you have 400 str, then you reduce the target int and spr that much with the under limit being 1, with the attribute it goes 10% further.