Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Montano does not require a shield. Stun + slow with 2 charges. It does not justify an entire rank but there’s manual block and the other skills are useful if you like wearing shields. I consider it better than pelt c1 if you don’t want neither HL nor SW c2 on your class advancement.

Rode is good for Fencer in 1v1. Most rank 4 classes have meh synergy with Fencer. Again, shield (Aias, namely one of the best) and manual block (plus Fencer high evasion) gives you a little tankiness. Shield Charge can also help you get near a high dex archer. Knocking down people also helps landing a hook at melee range.

Rode is not for damage (for now, at least). With Guardian nerf/buff, I consider it a better defensive rank than Pelt, specially for those who like shields, in PvP scenarios.

Cross Cut is only useful to place the debuff. Crap damage and scaling


Rodelero has meh damage for a rank 4 class. Pelt does have Umbo Blow for stun with 2 charges, not that bad. And there is Swashbuckling. However, I prefer not to take Pelt so late in the game so yeah Rode becomes a better defensive option. Well, invitation to parties is overrated anyway. Just solo all the way.

I am not sure about Rode helping landing a hook at close range. No room for Corsair in a Sw1>HL3>XX>Fencer 2

Trust me cross cut bleed is based on other way:
Cross cut lv 10:

Cross cut lv 5(with set cafrisun):

Crown 14 because I want it uptime.

Here guys, how Cross Cut’s Bleeding damage is calculated:

Edit: In the thread that I linked the post to, there’s a small discussion about Highlander and Cross Cut’s Bleeding - it seems that Venier Holy Damage increases it and those guys tested it true.

Its not that way, unless IMC changed it

Edit: Yes, all elemental damage increase bleed, not only holy.


Rode is bad if you want damage. Period. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bleeding is useful on bosses if they can bleed. *Batman intensifies

But I doubt normal mobs can survive for 10s. It’s going to be the same as Wugu. By the time you finish casting all your skills, they would be dead already.

So guys, any comments of the High2 paths?


We don’t know how fencer 3 will fair and anything anyone can say about it is nothing but speculation. If you’re trying to make something for r8 you should wait until we have concrete info about the class instead of potentially idealized previews

Corsair 1 is good when paired with barb, I play Barb2>corsair>fencer 2 and I would say despite pouncing being good people underestimate dust devil a lot, it lacks aoe but it’s very strong given 3 charges where you could use all in a single cleave+lunge, this is while not taking damage on targets hit by dust devil.

For me there is only one scenario where some one could take HL2: SW3>HL2 other than that would screw up your build. So HL1 or 3.
Cors1 fot jolly roger and dust devil with your nice disable.
Corsair 2 DWA and Hexen.

Such nice damage enhancing attributes I have! thanks to how this game works I can’t really decide on a final character.

(but if imc finally decides to give gungho similar change to guardian, you know the drill, swordsman classes will soon be like wizard classes where c3 of your base class is very relevant)

I have a SW3 waiting for this improvement.
But if we get it I don’t know what build do.

I’m thinking in an AA char: SW3>HL/BARB1>COR2>DOP

Venier Recipe is mine! Probably will hold off on farming the other mats for now…Took 762 kills over 3 tries.

goodluck on your quest too mat XD

  1. Going squire is just as wasteful as going Hoplite, if not worse, that’s the problem. Stabbing is another pierce damage to be used for prep if sept etoiles/esquive is on CD and while the synergy lies in going hop 2 (albeit requires more swapping) I still find it a bit better than stopping at rodo 1.

  2. Going shield when we don’t even know what stance epee needs is a gigantic risk accounting Agressor attribute not even synergizing with shield, rodo 1 has NOTHING to offer in PvM (like I said, even stabbing and pierce does more than the debuffs that barely help in PvM, often times detrimental like knockback) until rodo 2 due to slithering and the strike damage increases, equally wasteful unless you PvP or go Rod 2 because if you want a defensive class for PvM just go hl 3 > pelt1 > fencer 2.

  3. +50 crit is still 2 level 5 green gems for better damage than rodo, also stun gives you more control than rodo knockbacks or lmao nodmg montano slow/scrambling stats in PvM. Flanco is slash too so if you ran out of HL skills you can spam it to squeeze as much dps as possible.

  4. Squire is great, until you realize you’re sacrificing an entire circle just to get 1/3rd of weapon/armor maintenance, a level 5 repair and arrest. Choose wisely in regards to this because you cannot change this circle later on while you can have enough silver for a squire 3’s services. I’d pick this over Corsair in PvE, but Jolly Roger is still something to consider.

Got bored, nothing to do. I’m just here to brag and show off my another Peta recipe. I hope someone will get talty

Today I got Flaconnade skill on my fencer and I’m disapointed.
So damn slow skill animation. Compose is slow too?

Composee is faster and has better range. Flanconnade is like that because it also has a defensive purpose.

A second one? You lucky git. :slight_smile: