Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

It helps but I figured boss or elite mobs with pain barrier has a low chance of resist it. But yeah, it’s basically like pre nerf’d stone skin atm at lvl 5 and I absolutely have no clue if it even stacks with stone skin. Still better than C block though. I think at one time, I did stagger the mole in mission along with spear lunge. One of the rangers did a feint barrage combo and it just took a huge chunk of hp lmao.

Good old times, spending weeks in an area trying to find just a single card.


then you meet some random player get it before you.

*questions life

4 hours in a high lv map. Got 0 cards. Walked through a low level map: 5 cards, 1 rare mat and an ugly hat

well yes i think i will just play fencer for the rest of my time playing tree of savior… i have dopple too but the costume make me looks like a clown… and its so hard to play with high str if u do it solo… i love seeing my fencer costume now hahahaha…

ok, i will go with attribute then…

i never see any hair accessory with aoe attack ratio, so i go gladiator band first or sissel ?

gladiator band first if you struggle in aoe, if you like hitting 3 monsters only at a time go with sissel. If you’re okay with hitting 3 medium monsters forever (fencer skills) stay with 2 sissels

if i have 7 aoe attack… its only hit 4 mobs right… if i have 8 it still 4 mobs? then its better to go glad band + sissel?

CMIIW, 3 medium sized mobs, or 7 small sized mobs

yes, go with odd numbers

Hello, friends(?).

Recently I was making a Fancer, Sword1>Pelt1>Barb3>Fenc3.
I was at Barb3 when I decided to delete it, mainly because I found Barbarian really underwhelming, and Peltasta’s upcoming changes on Guardian sealed the deal for the deletion.

Now I’m creating another character, again, to be a Fencer, and I decided to go for one of those builds:





I’m currently High2, and I liked the class A LOT, but I’ll put here down bellow the reasons for my choices, and would like some help from you guys on deciding it.

Not worth picking more than 1, moving on.

Cartar Stroke is amazing.
Skyliner & Crosscut are a great combo, Moulinet is kinda good too.
I think Cross Guard will be wasted, as Fencers don’t use 2HSwords and have low STR.

More points to Skyliner, Crosscut and Moulinet. Skull Swing is a great skill, but Fencer already has one defense-ignoring one, so it won’t be missed that much. Finally I heard that Vertical Slash was trash, but was buffed heavily and now is usable.

Cleave: More damage to Slash, more damage to Stunned, more Crit Rate.
Helm Chopper: Stun.
BUT, it may be not that much worth it, because the Slash damage bonus lasts only for 5s. (this one here is tough to decide on).

Hook is my main reason for it, Jolly would be welcomed and Dust Devil would be a relief skill to this damageless Rank.

Things get really interesting here. More Jolly, more Hook and Double Weapon Assault are all things that increment well the anaemic Circle1 of Corsair, but the crown of jewelries here would be Hexen Dropper - a fantastic skill to add in Fencer’s rotation.

It’s Fencer - pierce attacks, evasion, dps - the whole concept of the class amuses me.

Aside from Preparation, what I’ve been reading about it is that “is more of the same”, “unimpressive”, “wasteful”. Why? Because it’s just upping more Lunge and Sept, while all the other points remain saved for the possibilites of Circle3 and due to Composee being a SP drainer.

Can be heaven and hell - specially because of the Super Critical damage, the “Epee Stance”. It also has a Disarm utility and Critical Resistence reducer.

So, what’s your thoughts? Thank you!

PS: My focuses are Bosses and PvP, the build is HighDEX/HighCrit/HighEvasion.

Later Edit: I decided to go Sword1>High3>Cors1>Fenc3 as Skull Swing proved to be better than the Cleave buff (More info about that on the “About Highlander C3” thread). Also, if Fencer 3 is bad, the build could easily adapt into Cors2>Fenc2.

Much Later Edit: It seems that the “Guardian nerf” was reversed, now instead of -14% PATK, its only -2% PATK. Peltastas are back to the game, and their 18% Evasion bonus is ours to take. The build I’m going to make now is: Sword1>High2>Pelt1>Cors1>Fencer3.
Also, Fencer3 proved to be a BEAST, so, the “Cors2>Fenc2” safe-heaven is not part of my plans anymore.

There’s a couple of builds listed there that are not possible as they’re already 8 ranks.

Well, that’s obvious, I’m counting Rank8.

O my bad. the fencer 1 caught my attention at rank 8 which seems really weird. Probably better to ask lostac or proxied as I’m very biased to fencer 3 atm.

Because you are already at HL2, I would suggest going to HL3. Skull Swing is really great.

Things get tricky in rank 5 if you wish to go Fencer 3. Here is some options I have thought:

  • Barb 1: Not that useful. You will likely use only Helm Chopper + Cleave combo for Stun, some damage and +50 crit rate.
  • Rodelero: Okay choice IMO, you are locked to use a shield all time but it won’t be that bad when you are in high level. Crappy damage though.
  • Corsair: Useful in PvP but if you want more damage, C2 is marginally better. However, Corsair C1 does provide decent utility
  • Hoplite: You are here for Stabbing only. Pierce is not so good. Finestra is incompatible with Rapiers.
  • Squire: For quick repair and weapon damage buff. No attack skill but this class does shine in support. Your Rapiers will love this.

Final verdict:

Or better, just ignore Hoplite and choose whatever you want

I see, I’ll study Squire more.

One thing that should be noted, I think, is that by ignoring the Peltasta Meta at Rank2, many possibilities were opened, as the “Gap Class” options on Rank5 are immensely superior to the locked path that was Sword1>Pelt1>Barb3/Hop3.

Highlander is so much better than Barbarian too… I never knew playing Swordsman could be anything other than a torture.

I don’t know why you’re rating hoplite1 under rodo1 when stabbing is more justified than what the entire rodo1 tree gives in PvE. Rodo below 3 is lackluster outside of PvP due to the lack of high kick to amplify their mediocre strike damage, rodo 1 moreso with more emphasis on debuffing things than doing damage to them which leads to very situational uses.

You’re also discrediting barb1 for the same reason. Cleave after the buff is what completes your slash vulnerability rotation along with lunge, so it’s worth having 5 leftover points if it means buffing Cross Cut, Moulinet, Skyliner, further cleaves, and Lunge itself. Helm Chopper also gives you an actually good strike skill that has high base damage along with new Cartar Stroke.

The only good thing about Squire is weapon maintenance during leveling, which decreases in value when you get rapier swaps and squire 3s are more present in towns. Arrest immobilizes some bosses (and you) so you can find uses for it but otherwise choose wisely.

I am also in the process of creation of a build now (always have been, actually) just like you and concerning your sayings, I can’t agree more. As a casting unit, highlander just feels more natural to the Fencer build.

Though I prefer the more sustainable gamepaly, that is, specializing in high defense classes and CON stat, I can’t say that I always consider some ranks on highlander.

If Epee Stance proves to make the shield meta worse, then I might in the end build something like sword>high3>???>Fencer3. Though I’m still waiting for Sword3 viability, as I love 100% uptime buffs (who doesn’t).

I strongly suggest barb1. With that 5s debuff is enough to do 3 skyliners + moulinet, I’ve tested.
With cross cut + cleave + lunge, you can do 3 skyliners before cleave debuff go off. I don’t use helm chopper + cleave combo too much, if your enemy don’t bleed, helm chopper combo can come in hand by: helm chopper + cleave + cleave + 3 skyliners + moulinet.

Vertical slash got a big improvement but I don’t mind it worth since is a one hit skill(2 overheats). In my rerolled swordie(lv 100), I will follow this build:

  1. Going Hoplite for just Stabbing is wasteful. Truly wasteful, you can only use 1 every 25 sec. You can not utilize Finestra. Pierce is not so good.

  2. Rodo needs shield plus it’s required to go C2 for Slithering. I believe without its signature skill, Rodo C1 will be just okay for Fencer. Not so good, not so bad. Rodo and Fencer have meh synergy.

  3. Barb C1 has meh damage and obviously will fall of late game. The best things Barb C1 have to offer are Stun, +50 crit rate and 50% Slash. You will have about 15s to burst all HL skills. Okay, I kinda forgot HL when I posted that. I was just too sick of play Barb all day.

  4. Squire is great for solo play. Damage buff and repair are both great for Rapier. I prefer not to switch weapons these day. It’s laggy even I was switching in investory, hotkey or Alt+Z. No idea what’s with the game anymore. Not to mention my attachment with a specific weapon

@Palazzo: Sorry about the Barb, I was just sick of playing Barb all the time when I wrote that. After studying @corsiritsmeurbrother 's opinion, Barb suddenly becomes better than Squire

Why Low-Cross Cut? Bleeding damage is influenced by how much damage it deals.

Why High-Crown? Isn’t the INT/SPR reduction dependent only of the attribute? Is it because of the duration?

No problem, we’re experimenting here. Also, Squire would do no good for me: I don’t mind having many Rapiers, and Arrest is similar to Hook (better than Hook, in my opinion) but alone doesn’t justify picking Squire, considering the competition for the post.