Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

It’s double damage against demon. And why Strength Pendant? Don’t you already have a Peta?

That be the day Highlanders will jump to Hoplites as a new meta.

My tradable talts would like to have a word with you

and no don’t tell me to buy it

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My 183 Fencer (with catacomb rapier/ can’t find venier in verena sv haha.) took like 40 minute for 170-180k + also skip some range magic mob fuking hurt and waste time.

By the way does Attaque Coquille also boost additional line damage is intent or bug?? (Skull swing doesn’t boost right if I remember correctly?)

I think Lostac want petamion from damnn cube not market. xD

I thought you already have one. Oh, and I got a Peta from a solo rush today

doesn’t matter, I have 1.3k talts

Yeah, yeah. That’s approximately enough for a Max Peta in Fedimian

I could buy 3 petamions with the talts I have now for Telsiai, I just really don’t want to.

It’s like Harpeia laughing at me that I gave up. Meanwhile I can still slaughter his entire species while I’m at it

I know that feeling pretty well. The moment an ultra rare drop appeared on your screen. So good.

When Peta appeared, I thought “Another Bettleback recipe, meh”. Then I suddenly realized that I’m in the Legwyn dungeon

I’m telling you Sw1>HL1>Hop2 will be the rage

Imagine Crossguard synergize with Finestra into one buff, so much block such endless stagger.(then again, evasion has higher priority over block in dex builds like fencers)

With Aspersion? Atm those mobs hitting me for 400ish (w/o Aspersion, if they ever hit me), tho I’m using Superior Skirmisher Pants instead of Ibre, and all gears unenhanced.

yes with aspersion, for the physical area they hit me 1-50.

statues hit a bit harder somewhere near 100

I’m at 226 now. Fastest clear time was 30 mins, longest was 40. 10 mins to reach mineloader then the rest of the time to those annoying magic mobs. Those damn sudden ice pikes and sleep.
The silver is too good to pass up. I made at least 820k silver for the 3 runs.

I already gave in. Saved enough silvers to buy a recipe. I’m still gonna fck up her species until she gives me what I’ve been looking for 3 months already.

I’d have to skip ranged mobs and anything that runs away to make it efficient. Ranged and runners are the worst, just stand in front of me, don’t move and let me burst you down. Would have helped if I brought more mana pots as well.

Runners are super ultra mega annoying part of this game. They run away faster than a kid whom saw a Charizard on the road.

Best of today, Lv10 HP pots price just tripled

Time to roll an alchemist!

by the way you can skip glizzardons for your QS they don’t drop silver

I’m DC 2 times today… with 3 run only got like 350k and 3 cubes lol.


I think you are overlooking at the crosscut+skyliner combo with armor break from skull swing, it deals a lot of dmg to targets that can bleed, tho now that we won’t have a 0cd skyliner highlanders will have a serious problem in dps and will have to rely more on higher ranks to compensate for it. (crosscut and skyliner + lunge is godlike)

also lvl 130 dung gives that much silver?