Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]


No, it’s somewhere before 6 seconds. I would say 4.5-5.5, this is why something’s wrong with your calculation.

I’ve already said before, you take Skull Swing for the rest of your skillset, not for pierce attacks. and you’ve answered your self already, your primary attacks will be pierce which fencer c2 alone covers more than enough already.

Try doing the execution time yourself, stabbing isn’t a mere 3 seconds of standing in position. damage difference is little once you actually get to pull the whole thing off compared to the standard fencer rotation. The reason is because you aren’t using the full capabilites of a hoplite, you’re just taking it for stabbing.

If you really don’t get what we’re trying to say, it’s to improve what you lack with that one rank, you already have all the pierce source you need, you can go further, but you won’t see a big difference. THAT is the point. Better use it on HL3 to improve your slash attacks through skull wing def drop and remember that it also helps further ranks if we get more reliable strike and slash sources.

After playing with Highlander for a while, I realize that the base build: Sw1>HL1>Barb3>xxx works quite well. Especially for Fencer after the Guardian nerf


  • HL1: Catar Stroke and Cross Guard. AS a Fencer, your primary weapon will be weak against Plate. This is where Catar Stroke shines
  • Barb 3: After that many buffs, Barb 3 will be your best shot in both utility and damage (2 stuns and 2 damage increase). And this class has no weapon restriction

Again, I would not choose Hop over Barb unless IMC decided to make Finestra works with Rapiers (which makes sense since both spear and rapier are in Pierce category). If you just want Stabbing, it will be so wasteful

That doesn’t look like 4.5-5.5 seconds. Unless you mean with really shitty ping. Also, I’ve already accounted for the possibility of Stabbing being slightly more than 3 seconds. Hence why I put 6 seconds total for Prep>Stabbing (3-4)>Etoiles (2)

The only time my slash skills will be worth using over my pierce skillset is

  1. Skyliner for something that can bleed

  2. Against Cloth types (which in itself is a rarity)

Pierce is already the best overall damage type because it is neutral to Plate and has a bonus vs Leather. Slash suffers against Plate, which is the 2nd most common armor type after Leather.

Skull Swing will benefit not only you but also your party members specially fellow swordsman and archers, or will you always be playing solo? It will also get more relevant as we get to higher levels since mobs/boss defense would also increase as well. Since you took Highlander, that class is more known for its utility than its damage since 0 cd Skyliner does not exist anymore.

It’s 6 seconds to pull of a decent Stabbing, the execution if about 4 seconds if you have low ping

This is my favorite build for Swordsman right now. Looking at the Guardian nerf, if I decided to make another Fencer, I’m looking at this setup.

It will cover up pretty much all areas.

Strike = Cartar
Slash = Seism, Cleave, Pouncing
Pierce = Fencer skills

'cause the only thing that I would be missing if I’d pass on Peltasta is Swashbuckling.

I’m on the way to Doppel so my next Fencer will more or less look like this. I don’t want to be a tank anymore

Holy crap, being a tank in a low-DPS party is so disheartening. I just ran a 115 dungeon full run with a super low DPS party. Because my part members did not kill fast enough, I took monstrous damage. No more

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Party utility is nice, but it is not enough to seal the deal for me, since I’m more concerned on the build’s own performance. I might as well get Pelt1/Squire1 if the point was utility to benefit parties. That said, HL3 is still a viable alternative (just not one that I am too keen on over Hop1)

Also, Skyliner’s Bleed Modifier is T0 and is therefore applied BEFORE defense. Highlander is definitely is not just “more for utility”.

Barbs are OP now with the new cleave, this is all while tanking/holding aggro with cross guard/pain barrier, with some manual kiting like against that fruit throw.

After Cleave And Lunge. My slash types become stronger than my pierce, namely dust devil. Even flanco does about the same damage VS composee against leather.

Later on you’ll realize against elites, you’ll waste that stabbing. Prep>Etoiles>Lunge is more than enough to kill elites with 100k-130k hp. You won’t really use stabbing much, it’s more on bosses.

Pelt1 only brings Swashbuckling as its utility. It does not really help the parties overall dps, it just makes it easier for mobs to “mob” together. Cryo3 can do much better job of that.
I can’t say much about Squire1 since I haven’t tried it.

And for Skyliner, that only applies if the target is bleedable. Outside of bleeding it does ■■■■ damage.

This is so true. I’m really enjoying my Doppel2 right now. With the incoming slash buff on Doppel3, + the added hits on Zucken and Redel it’ll be so much better.

Soloing 130dg makes it easy as well since most of the skills are AOE.

I’ll be holding out on making a Fencer until the details on the new skills are out. I’m really most interested in Epee Stance.

Execution time of stabbing is 3.5s
Execution time of sept is 1.8s

(if wondering)

What was your lv when you soloed the 130 dung? And how long did it take to clear everything? My 151 QS3 had to shoot every single mob one by one and it took 1 hour to finish. It was so tedious that I only do one time only

If you already have venier and karacha you can just auto attack 1/3 of the 130 dungeon with a fencer, you’ll do 4k-5k per auto attack with sacrament. Your sacrament line will hit somewhere near 3k since almost all monsters there are dark types.

I hit 4 mobs per auto attack

Well, it took @Elaralam 20 minutes to reach Mineloader. That was with just a Cata rapier and no Arde. I have only clear the 130 dung with a QS so I’m curious.

Btw, 4-5k per line or total?

total of course, you could use cafrisun and make it better but I’d stay with my armor set since monsters already hit 1 with it

I think ranger builds could do well in 130 dun though

Ah, of course. Sorry I just woke up. Still drowsy though

+0 Venier
+0 Karacha
x2 Sissel Bracelet
Strength Pendant
Rokas Leather
Roxona Leather Boots
Ibre Pants
Vubbe Fighter Glove
Cos1 - Aoe attack ratio +1
Cos2 - sp regen
Cos3 - 28 poison property attack

the whole set, it’s amazing how these things could make sacrament line go hit near 3k (the work of venier and karacha)