Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Pain Barrier is great at lv15
GungHo at lv15? Meh.
Concentrate lv15 is very very good - not only the amount of hits increase, but with the new damage formula, it can go up to the 400s if you’re a STR character.
Restrain lv10? Well, at first glance 60% Chance of Stun seems a no brainer, but then you realize that the stun lasts 0.1 seconds, the skill has an absurd cooldown and it reduces your HP. This skill is not so good after all.
Pommel Beat seems good at first, but the damage is weak, it would be best if you have some stun, which you have not, even with Restrain (you really can’t count with that) and the partial defense ignore is easily outbenefited by Fencer’s skills.
Double Slash makes a good combo with Thrust (have to pick that attribute) but the damage is not that great, and a Crosscut+Skyliner would do the same much better.
Bash is only there for the knockdown, there would be no reason to up it more.

So, would you loose 2 Ranks just for a better Concentrate and Pain Barrier? The rest is really negligible and bad.

The question that needs to be addressed here is this: How many Ranks will ToS have? 8, 9, 10?
I’m betting on 10, “and why this is important?”, you may ask.
Well, that’s because it determines for how long would be best to pick up Utility Classes, that have Buffs and CC instead of Damage.
Higher Ranks Classes are immensely superior in terms of Damage Dealt, so you’re most likely to never use Offensive Skills from lower ranks, and instead, just aim for the support ones (Concentrate, Pain Barrier, Guardian, etc).

No offense but it seems you never played/seen a Cata Rush + Restrain or a Doppel Cyclone + Restrain combo. It not only stuns but it slows everyone hit for a long time and the HP reduction is negligible. Even in PvE you can see how much damage you do not take by stunning mobs over and over (almost stun locking them) but if I wanted a PvE fencer, I’d take Pelt even with Guardian nerf/buff just for Swashbuckling.

What I asked was: if I don’t want Pelt nor Highlander, is sw c3 good for Fencer synergy wise? If it’s trash, I might make a Shinobi out of him or something else.

Any reason for not thinking that each class will be 3 ranks+? I mean, If Dragoon/Templar was the last classes, we would have at least 9 ranks.

Or do you think when they stop making new classes they will give only one rank for the end of the line ones?

Honestly, who cares how many ranks there will be? If the game keeps its pace, it might never reach the maximum ranks intended. If it gets better, they come up with new things.

All I asked for was an opinion os sw c3 and Fencer. No sw analysis, no rank prediction or whatever. Just pretend I never asked anything in the first place because I can’t delete it right away. Ignore this reply as well.

Yes, if the Last Classes of the ranks don’t end up with 2 and 1 Circles, there will be a never ending Ranking system, and I doubt the creators want that - The best they can do if they follow this path is to introduce new Ranks extremely slowly - 1 every 2 years or such.
If the skills don’t scale in the future (most don’t) then the first Ranks will really become useless.
But honestly, it’s just my thoughts.

"You’re welcomed". At least I tried to reply, and what I got was a bitter response.
If you want a bitter response too, here you go:

Sword3 is a piece of ■■■■, delete your character or make a Shinobi out of it, but you’ll regret that as well, because you’ll be locked in a path that’ll render your character useless in the future.

Also, if you pick Restrain to stun lock enemies with multi-hit skills, just Stun them right, with 3 second or so, with a multitude of Barbarian skills, and then feel free to annihilate them with Cleave or Cyclone or whatever - you don’t need to sacrifice 2 Ranks because of the shitty Restrain.

My response, if you still want something like that, is that as a Fencer, you are pretty much a caster unit, as the pierce bonus passive only goes to skills.

Therefore, any class that boosts your fencer damage will be good, synergy wise.

If sword3 continues to be buffed, a sword3 will be cool to play. Sword3 is also easier to manage than barbarian, because all buffs are almost 100% uptime, with allies buffs on CD, you pretty much have them all 100% uptime.

But of course, it won’t be meta. I highly suggest going cata/shinobi for a happy society, if that’s your thing.

I fail to see this “never ending ranking system” (care to explain why it would be never ending?) being an issue really, because RO pretty much gives you “access to all circles” if you think, but of course, with the limit of choosing a side. And the cool part of ToS is that it is a “RO without the need to choose a side, hybrids are free”. Weapon swap is an evidence for this case.

And concerning scaling, if ALL classes fall for being bad at late game (wizard, I’m looking at ya) then we will have a scenario where the first ranks pretty much dictate how you will level up only, creating a one only path of leveling by “natural selection”. Though not the worst scenario, it would waste the potential of this game’s class system.

True since Stabbing is more of burst DPS than sustained DPS

Yeah the extra hits work that way from my earlier reply, my bad. The thing I’m fascinated about it is that each line can crit so the new buff from fencer 3 might come handy given we got sufficient crit rate. Right now, it’s making my composse hit leather targets from 19k to 27~ 33k(33k assuming all hits crit) per cast (just cross guard alone). Lunge goes from 35k to 68-72k.

Crossguard is still preety flexible at 200 dex. It still procs quite decently on same level of mobs even with leather set (not shade set) and is super reliable with plate set.

I’ve found another reason to get Hop1 over HL3 now:

Preparation applies to the entire 14(?) hits of Stabbing.

So Stabbing will, in fact, be the strongest burst ability for a Fencer (if they go Hop1).

Now add in increased crit damage for pierce damage with Epee Stance on a dex build and we will really start to see some nice burst. :slight_smile:

This was already discussed before, like I said, it doesn’t change much.

In the end, you can still:
Compared to

Prep stabbing takes a bit more time, stronger, but locks you into a position too long. While with etoiles I can just spam composee afterwards or do a Lunge>Cleave>slash comboes faster.

(If you really want hoplite in your build I strongly suggest following minju’s build, not exactly that but get at least hoplite c2 for lunge and start weapon swapping, that gives more difference than what you’ll ever get for using a rank just for stabbing, just start with spear lunge if you’re worried that the new stance will be gone upon weapon switch)

You mean:


I mean you do realize that Composee and Etoiles will still be available to me right? I am gaining Stabbing as a skill, not losing/replacing Etoiles.

he is comparing the time spent between the two setups.

you could do much more damage from the time spent doing prep-sept-composee than prep-stabbing.

Uh no I realize that, but look at the time you start using composee, the /execution/ time.

that’s what you don’t realize…I believe. And the damage difference? A little. a whole rank for stabbing, there’s honestly better choices, fencer is the pierce class, it fully replaces stabbing in just a short amount of time and has no cd, it’s your best pierce source for damage consistency of as now, and for burst you already have sept and lunge

So instead of using one rank for that, Just do prep>etoiles>lunge>slash/composee

Stabbing is roughly 3 seconds total execution time. Etoiles is 2 seconds based on various videos I’ve seen.

Prep > Stabbing > Etoiles over the course of 6 seconds is:
14 x 200% (prep) + 8 x 100% = 3600%~ of damage, or 600%/s
Prep > Etoiles > Composee x4
8 x 200% + 4 x 2 x 100% (4x Composee) = 2400%~ or 400%/s


specializing too much in pierce skills are also bad imo. the lack of strike and slash skills would really hurt.

It’s really up to you lol. You’ll not get that damage though.

  1. That’s a high str build with sissels.
  2. That’s a level 15 stabbing.
  3. You’ll not have spear lunge.

Well no sh*t, my Etoiles will be doing less damage than his as well, in exchange for higher evasion/crit chance.

That video I linked was his damage without spear lunge. Lol.

See, you’re already blinded by stabbing you forgot the better trade-off by getting another class instead of hoplite. I don’t think we can argue more about this because you seem to be already locked into hoplite as a decision…

Better trade off compared to…?

  1. HL3
  • I get Skull Swing, which is nice for my Slash Attacks, but my primary damage will be from pierce, and I already have Attaque Coquille for ignoring defense on piercing damage. Epee Stance only works on Pierce damage.

  • Vertical Slash, despite its base damage buff, is still a really weak skill. Stack 4 debuffs and you now have a 220% multiplier instead of 100%. OH. Still weaker than Moulinet and Skyliner with bleed.

  1. Pelt1
  • Swash to get wanted in parties. Very cool.

  • Nerfed Guardian. Situational.

What else?
Barb2 is barbage (no attribute for Frenzy)
Sw1 is meh (Restrain? more Conc?)

No seriously, tell me what I’m missing.

Sorry to be lazy but what is your build?