Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Sure but all this means is that Guardian will no longer be used by Dex builds which nerfs our evasion by a lot but not enough to kill the builds in my opinion. Now if they would just extend the duration of the evasion on Fencer skills and up the numbers, it would make up for the nerf. Of course, I’m not expecting anything like that to happen.

@Lostac I hear you. IMC sadly makes many misguided decisions that affect the enjoyment of the game. I didn’t kill as many Hapeias as you did but as you can imagine it’s been talts all the way through.

no, don’t tell me to buy petamion using them

The numbers are the same just add a % to then end of them

Lol, I guess we switched places?
Looks like I’m the one on hiatus and your the one playing TOS…

I’m going back to DFO and PSO2 >_>

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I’m only playing now because of my new character, but that patch cut my motivation with IMC’s terrible decision making, which could happen several patches more

I feel the same even though I don’t feel like it’s that bad. Maybe I’ll play some Monster Hunter to recharge. :slight_smile:

I love the swordsman changes so far, despite the lack of love for dex builds. Still, this guardian change seems so unreal and unreasonable. Lets just hope they somehow sort things out in the upcoming patches. Tho if they don’t…

that’s what I’ve been doing now and some dota, only thing i’ve been doing in tos recently was dungeon runs and gimmicks.

Pokemon sun and moon is coming soon too.

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I reckon I’ll log for the event and maybe start on Doppel maybe just up to rank 3 or something. Or maybe not. :slight_smile:

You guys can join me and my quest to Doppel 3.

Tbh, IMC should have changed Guardian to +15% damage reduction instead of defense. Or too OP?

By the way I was looking at Dopple. Deeds is such a suicide move! With max stacks that’s 0 defense, you better hope there’s no AoE and you have a tank. Then again doesn’t affect mages, so all good when facing a horde of them. (you’ll be dead in any case :D)

@hienng1991 That might be too good.

I actually getting excited about leveling a Doppel… Sw1->H1->Barb->Barb->Barb->Doppel-Doppel was actually my original idea when I’ve started the game but I’ve deleted that character after reading that Swordies need a Pel. The cirle is complete now…

So if I were to take 75 Dex on the Dopple, that would net me 97 unbuffed Dex. Which essentially just breaks even at 0% crit chace at level 280. Which means that the actually crit would come from gear, how much crit can you actually get? Sissel x2 gives 74. How much would you get from level 5 gems? Cleave give another 50 every so often. That’s already 10% crit or 20% respectively.

I mean it makes sense to get crit if you taking Highlander anyway, to get that 50% crit attack bonus, otherwise it’ll be wasted. I’m essentially thinking of 2:1:1 Str:Con:Dex ratio. This nets 310 Str, 100 Con, 97 Dex. Thoughts? (I like how this thread feels like a general Swordman thread instead of a Fencer thread)

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Doppel class description does tell its characteristic: Berserker, high risk - high reward and they are merc.

Btw, that 2-hand 50% crit attack is a noob trap. I read it somewhere in reddit but forgot how to find it.

Dex on Doppel is mainly for accuracy I think. Judging from the damage formula, Slash debuff will multiply your final damage by 150%. Doppel C3 will give more Slash debuff thus amplify your DPS greatly. Below is more detailed:


Slash debuff will take place in Tier 1, 2 or 3 modifier (correct me If I’m wrong). This means it will amplify your pAtk, skill Atk, Armor break, crit Atk, Ele Atk and so on.

TL;DR: Yup, everything will be amplified by Slash debuff. Therefore making crit chance 2nd priority. Swordie don’t have Swift Step anyway

I’m almost hitting rank 6 now(lv 172) and I don’t know if I must follow fencer’s path or doppel(for the 4th time. I posted some tests with skyliner+cleave debuff. Soon I will post new tests with my 170 equipes. All I can tell now: I’m happy with the numbers.

You know what. 50% crit attack would net 150 damage per crit with 310 strength. Or I could dump all the points into Str which will give me 470 Str in total. That’s 160 damage extra per hit regardless.

I know, I’ve read the description, still having 0 defense is kinda scary. Though I suppose you would kill everything before it gets to 10 stacks…hopefully.

Then again if you not getting crit, what’s the point of 1 circle of highlander anyways. Another way to apply shock to the target…that’s all. Then night as well take Pel and enjoy the easy places in grind parties and solo grind pulls.

Nah, crit attack is kinda dumb so many people dont invest in it.

Let’s say you can deal 4k per Cyclone hit, with crit it will go up to 6k. But your 150 crit attack will only increase your final damage to 6,150 per hit. So that’s really dumb.

Attributes and Slash debuff will increase your final damage in multiplication. Your 6k Cyclone crit will go up to 9k per hit with just 0 attribute invested.

And for crit chance. Try to reach 30-40% crit rate, I believe that’s a nice threshold.

Thankfully, you will wear full Plate set. This means 15% damage reduction. Since defense can not be counted on anymore. HP will play a greater purpose in mitigating damage.

Highlander? They have Cross Guard if you want to use 2-hand sword all the time and Catar Stroke. Slash is weak against Plate armour after all.

I personally prefer Pelt over Highlander. If things go south, I can equip a Shield and block. Or run. Oh, and +25% max HP too.

It feels like the only time it’s worth to take Highlander is if you going H3-Barb1 for cleave debuff or you can get enough crit without sacrificing your Str but I’m not sure how much crit you can get from gear alone. You need to overcome the -100 crit rating to just break even to get 0% crit at 280. 120 for bosses! But I don’t know. Haven’t even started the character yet!

Maybe you can consult with @Lostac for Highlander. Doppel + Barb for Slash debuff + Doppel C3 for more Slash debuff = tons of damage already. That’s raw damage, crit is just bonus.

As for now, crit and evasion is capped at 80-85%. We have no way to do something similar to full critical assassin. So crit will only be a bonus for Swordie. More DPS is always welcomed

hello again sir… i just reaching my rank 7 at fencer… what i can say is preparation+sept is good burst damage hahaha… what i want to ask…

does composee is not good if maxed?? i mean this skill got 0 cd and hit twice… and will get buffed later… for the dps replacing lunge… or just stick with maxing lunge ?

its still my dilema to max sept or maxing lunge… thanks again btw…

Wow that pelt nerf. I was pretty pissed about the fencer 3 skills effecting shields, but now this?

Pelt is more like buff than nerf. Remember, Pelt is the tank, opposite spectrum of Doppel.

+15% def is really good. This time, tank build will be even harder to kill. Unfortunately, dps-evasion build will be hit hard since their damage will fall even further

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