Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I might just start leveling a doppel without pelt. I understand Pelt being a tank tree but we don’t really need a drawback on our defensive skills, I thought high guard was bad enough and now we have this.

Yeah I started on a HL>Bar>dop a few days ago, was a good call

Got a link to the build? I think I saw it in another thread.

I revised it into 5/5 Gungho+2/5 PB, anything can happen now, even a gungho change.

In before armour decrease from GungHo becomes a percentage as well.

Btw what’s wrong with Giant Swing. I saw that its damage is getting buffed massively in KToS.

In exchange for Atk % increase? I’d be happy LOL

14% atk nerf for guardian lv1 killed my build :frowning:

I guess evasion build for swordsman is a dream.

I dont really see it being useful in PVE, for PVP it might be a good idea to put 1 point in, or really you can take 1 point away from cleave still and get that giant swing for PVE, not much of a difference with 1 cleave point.

lol at least make the atk portion not percentage based.
idk why the heck they decide to nerf guardian when people are complaining about swash buckling.
guess time to delete my dex pelt-doppel and make a str one. SIGH

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Yes, they’re making things very linear.

Look at concentrate, majority is on “str” based scaling and concentrate level
The recent 30% more PA from str buff on swordsman classes

remember that npc that told us to put str (SW classes)? I guess IMC is doing this so that the npc won’t look stupid.

It started from the 10% str per rank.

I really hope they rework the values as well, -14% Attack is just build-killer.
But if not, yeah, this is a huge “■■■■ you” for anyone trying DEX Swordsmen.
And a huge lack of respect to anyone who’s lv280 (hell, I’m lv123 and feel disrespected) because it’s not just about levelling your char, but all the achievements, and optional things that differ us from simple bots with 5000 points at lv280.

If they keep this -14%, I’ll put a hold on trying to make a Fencer, really, it’s my fourth character, after rerolling 3 lv100 ones.
Maybe I’ll make a Monk, like, ■■■■ the world.

Time to reroll I guess. HL Barb Doppel is already doing 30k cyclones on ktos ET. Does anyone know the duration of cross cut bleed?

ten seconds


They should give equal opportunities to both Str and Dex not funnel us into 1 stat and we still need Dex for accuracy. Speaking of which how much Dex if any do you need to hit PvE mobs, or will gloves cover that?

Gloves usually cover for it, if you feel lacking in accuracy you can do 3plate+leather gloves.

But my build goes with somewhere around 100-150 dex, both to get 300 crit rate and accuracy.

Only special mobs like rambear and some others have high evasion I believe

Oh and apologies to the people who followed the build while wanting to deal a more decent dps. I wasn’t expecting this stupid change either. This might be the call for me to leave, at the same time my token is about to expire.

Any reason you are taking this much? In fact how many points are thinking of taking for the rest of the stats.

I was thinking of just getting up to 100 Con then rest into Str but it’s an arbitrary number right now.

I like yellow numbers. It’s that simple actually, and it just so happened that it’s tied to dex, hence why I went with evasive fencers where imc ruined.

But this time that 100-150 dex is for crit rate and accuracy only.

I mean Guardian change is not the end of the world. It is highly annoying though. Fencer C3 will at least get some benefit from high DEX.

Yes when you look at it, it’s not the end of the world with just that.

But this isn’t this one thing that hit me, I’ll take the time to list some I guess
1 - Removing the very feature I loved from CBT1-2, and why I hate WoW-like MMOs, yes, the trading feature. no, not our standard 30x only(w/token), token-only trading(lol untradable item w/out token). Yes, silver trading. Those afk buy shops, I like them too. We’re now forced into market to do these things.

2 - IMC’s overly stupid decision making. part of it is #1, then the next was how they handle bots/rmt, they’re hurting us, not them.

3 - as a person who creates and deletes characters a lot, you may think that rerolling is simple to me. No, this is actually a character I loved and leveled to 280, they now ruined it. <the final blow.

There’s more, I just can’t list them now because I’m frustrated.

Something /personal/ is my 400+ harpeia kills, but that’s just luck so let’s count that out

Yes, I just had it with IMC. I’ll be waiting to see if that’s their final decision or not.

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its end of the world for dex based swordsman. you already have low dmg due to low str, they crippled it more with -14% atk.

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