Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

but at least buff the damage of the skill based on charge time. its ridiculous how you need to charge it for like 8-10 seconds and still deal almost the same damage as a level 3 charge. but yeah I like the charge reduc. it makes it much more easier to kite around now.

@Lostac, I have so many Arde to spare. At least for 3 more alts so no big deal for me. Btw, where does the Magi recipe drop?

@migzzz: To be honest, the scaling for Catar isn’t that bad. Over 50 damage per skill level is decent for a rank 2 skill. And it’s a multi hits skill to boot. However, the cast time is the biggest problem. The dev who thought of this skill should get a slap in the face. Wizard cast time in melee range. Genius

190 dungeon i think.

Pretty funny after the cleave buff price of Magi2H sword had risen.

That’s simple, the law of supply and demand can tell you that. While Fencer C3 is still uncertain and vague, Doppel C3 will be improved greatly just by looking at the gifs

yes it’s that simple, but the point was on how many people started rolling dps swordsman when they’ve hated it themselves(meta monkeys? minmaxers?). I’ve been playing sw class from the start and only that so it’s pretty funny from my point of view.

Face it, fighting monsters head on is fun. This is also why I always play as a Blademaster in Monster hunter games.

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It indeed is. The same with me, I’ve been playing swordsman from the start (haven’t touched other classes). I’ve got three swordsman in my lodge right now, 243 Templar, 203 Doppel, 162 Corsair.

Really true. Besides that, sword is my favorite weapon. :grin:

Guardian useless now for us?

It’s the bandwagon effect. Many probably haven’t even roll a dps swordman but they still hate because others do. Just bandwagon thing.

Yup, get a Ultra greatsword and watch enemies die in pitiful manner is fun. I have 2 distinct play style: One is shooting enemies from a far, the other is pulverizing enemies in melee. No middle ground

depends on how the change is, if we get more atk % reduction and less def % increase per level, I think leaving it at 1 is best.

I have mine at 4/5 for the duration fml.

So I’ll have to reset if Guardian went ugly

Or Sven if you want to compare

Nice we get some buffs finaly

Initially, I was hoping for 0cd skyliner but we’re not getting that. Still, HL c2 has good slash skills + one of the best, if not, the best strike skill(cartar stroke) in the whole swordsman tree. Lastly, crossguard(deals twice the number of hits from pierce type multi hit skills + snare effect) for 9 seconds at max attribute.

Looking forward to make a barbarian-based fencer in the future. I cant play any time soon because Im working in a ship as of now. I’m thinking Cleave + Lunge + Seism/Flanconnade spam would be really good… and Pouncing gets a knockdown attribute which makes the skill even better at pvp.

Corsair vs Fencer in pvp, it’s just a matter of who gets the setup first, wins. PVE, IMO if both are at C2, I think it’s pretty even. Corsair C2 has better burst but Fencer C2 has better sustainable damage, the latter in the long run will eventually catch up with corsair’s burst.

Guts is really like my inspiration for my Doppel build right now. I hope we get a samurai class. I’d be so satisfied with that. lmao

Bruh… barb is super super nice now. Fencer buffs? Is this real life?

Hi @Lostac, I really do like your comments and suggestions to everyone. It seems like you are really putting efforts to study and think before you talk. That’s why I did not hesitate to ask you this question. What would be a better dps:

  1. Pelt1-barb2-cor1-dopel1-dopel2 (not going to use devil dust cause of 2hand restriction of dopel2) stat is going 1:1 str:dex and going 80-100 con.

  2. Pelt1-barb2-cor1-fencer1-fencer2 and the stat is going 100str 80con and the rest is dex.

  3. Pelt1-hop3-dopel1-dragoon1 and stat is 50dex 100con and rest is str.

This is going pure pve. I’m not interested in pvp and mostly going solo.

I don’t think this is a good idea if it’s strictly for pve, if it’s mostly going solo you should take HL>barb3>Dop2 instead, or Pelt>barb3>dop2, 130 dungeon solo full run nets you 200k+ silver, taunt+cyclone makes things easy

this is what I’m using, it has weaker damage compared to barb 3 but you get a bunch of defensive skills, flag, 3x dust devil which can be boosted by cleave and 3 target hook

While this build is good, it is very pain barrier reliant which lowers your dps sometimes (very common to see people using this build in saalus runs, you see them getting knocked often), does the job though

Better for dps:

Burst: Hop2>Cor2>shinobi / Hop2>cor2>dragoon / hop2>cor2>fencer (some switching required) / barb2>cor2>fencer (I won’t suggest going this path until we get more details on fencer c3)

Consistent Pierce/Slash: Barb3>Fencer2

Power AOE dps: Barb3>Doppel2
Consistent in most things: Hop3>Doppel>Dragoon

Thank you for the very fast reply. As hop3 right now I can really agree that it is very pain barrier dependent but does good damage. It’s also a pain in the ass always repairing my equips before the sacrament buff runs out while farming solo cause of taking all the damage. I will be contemplating for a while with this builds cause I don’t think that I will do another reroll.

So that guardian change is the exact same numbers but changed to %s instead.

Idk about this one. That’s a lot of damage loss and the def gained really isn’t worth it, and now we have to pay so much more damage just to stay alive?

Why does this keep happening? Why is this always the case for swordsman? You either have to take a ton more damage yourself to do peanuts more damage, or give up all of your damage for defensive abilities. Meanwhile skills like quick cast have no drawback

This might be the one that makes me give up on this class tree and just suck it up and reroll some other class like everyone else who wants to do damage ever.

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Yeah that’s some real nerf, I have it at level 4, that’s -24% damage.
Time to reroll, or at the very least i’ll turn it into level 1 if I get a free skill reset.

If they actually plan on buffing peltasta defense with this, they could turn it into an attribute instead, flat or percentage.

damn it IMC.

I might actually recommend Sword2/HL over Pelt now if this does happen