Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Let me show you how much bs you are talking right now.

Okay, afk sorcerers at dina bees would get on average 500-1k mats per full day and lets just say they have 4 other accounts doing the same thing.

So that’s 2k-4k mats per full day for 4 accounts. The bees there spawn every minute or minute and twenty seconds( I forgot because I don’t do this anymore), which is way faster than many maps. So they are getting the most mats they can get within short amount of time.

If you’re saying you weren’t even trying to farm mats then your amounted mats should be the same as these afk sorcerers because they kill a whole area instantly by just standing still.

So you say it took you 3 months with 4 characters to get enough mats to equal 35.5m exp. That would be about 7.1m mats. Now let’s see if that adds up.

The 4k mats the sorcs would get multiply the amount of days in 3 months.
That is about 360k mats in 3 months. yeah…things just dont add up.

Let’s just SAY you actually did farm 7.1m worth of mats within 3 months.
That would average out at 78k mats per full day. HAHA even bots don’t have this much in a day.

Given all the evidence and you saying you “weren’t trying to farm”, you sir are full of :poop:

yeah just look at its damage, 9.8k non crit, that would have been 6k+ on plate. I hope that was not preparation boosted so that would be 12k on preparation and 18k on crit and we have monster like crit. the range and aor too, it is viable option for pvp one shotting archers with preparation.

Interesting but still no AoE from the looks of it. Good on DEX being an even bigger incentive for Fencers. Crit resist can go into negatives, so we are going to be critting left and right.

That’s funny, because you don’t know where/what/how or for how long I was farming XD

You don’t even know what my other classes are

But you know what, forget that I said anything!
call me lier, throw theories and statistics that you assume are true at me, or whatever all of you have to do to make yourselfs feel better.

I’m tired of defending it, and others threatning to report me because they think what I’m saying is BS, or they think I’m hacking the game.
I’ll just let everyone keep thinking that obtaining a lvl 10 gem is 100% impossible.
And I’m just some lying bitch who’s out to deceive everyone…
For some reason?..


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just ignore them, get to fencer c3 and show us how powerful it can be with those gems!


Do you have toucher at lvl 1?
I know it’s bad but I’m considering getting it later on my barb 3 Fencer 2.
just have another pierce skill to work into my rotations, and taking advantage of the Fencer c3 getting what seems to be +300% on crits that are piercing dmg.

Since I opted for Barb 3 on my first fencer I’m kinda lacking in pierce skills

it’s not that bad and gives a pretty evasion buf i just have it to not level that much lunge and to have another pierce skill (tho i might get more points into lunge)

O man. fencer c3 gets hella benefits from dex now. That bonus critical damage looks strong af even more so with spear lunge. Didn’t like that disarm skill as it’s pure pvp and I think still require you to be close to them.

Edit: wrong tag @Eon11

If the new stance has a 100% uptime and a rapier requirement wouldn’t that make Fencer C3 not play nice with both Barb and Hop? Barb wouldn’t take advantage of pierce crits and Hop would lose the stance whenever they weapon swap for Spear Lunge/Throw.

Well it’s technically Spear lunge first then prep/ new buff if you’re ever a hop fencer but I have no clue how the new buff stance works if it’s just like casted like concentration buff or there’s another catch to it. I absolutely have no clue about barb but I would say it wouldn’t be a big deal.

This is basically how it goes but keep in mind that it’s much faster if you hit a mob as it’s possible to animation cancel:

I hope the new stance doesn’t work like prep though and crossing my fingers that it would be like the rapier stance attribute for fencers :>

Edit: ^ just a dream lel.

I’ve thought about putting a point in it but no I do not

yeah im kinda skeptic about that buff too…
maybe it would be the same with Rapier: Aggression Passive…that thing actually works on everything not just pierce. It would be great if they made a mistake again hehehe

Does it!?

I never realized that

So anyone who went Pelt 2 or 3 with fencer is fuked. Shield penalty using new fencer skill wtf.

pelt 2, rod 2, fencer 2 rip

To be fair, Pelt 2, rode 2, Fencer was never good DPS wise.
And they aren’t really tankyer then any other fencer who picked up pelt 1

It was only good at pvp when you could exploit the glitch where Rodel had no cooldowns
Which has long since been patched

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Well it was never ment to be a dps build to begin with. Just some added dps to a tanky build which now is screwed.

They aren’t any tankyer then any other fencer who picked up pelt 1

Seism has a knock down atribute now…

That might be really good :0

Ya i think thats the problem and most likely a reason for me to reroll. Not seeing a point in pelt 3 anymore, sure the extra taunt is nice but if i cant use fencer circle 3 with it whats the point.

Not sure if i have the energy to reroll tho. Was always against circle resets, but yeah would be nice right about now lol. :frowning:

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Yeah we’ll see! I’m more interested in the increased stun chances though