Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

oh I didnt know such bow exist.


Hey I’ll test with some barbarian skills since you brought it up and either edit this post or make a new one depending on how it goes


Lv 2 skills is automatically taken in to consideration with the numbers I provided since of course I directly compared venier and catacombs rapier


Level 10 gems would likely result in DPS loss until c3 alch comes out. You have 2 of them already? Just level 8s would cost 30m in my server if you can even find that many mats. I don’t have the EXP required for 9 and 10 lol, also I thought all of those shields above 1 socket were test shields and not actually available in game

edit: 272m per gem


With plate

WIth leather

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I play 5 characters…
4 of them are 280, so the mats are ez to farm without even trying.
And 4/5 are money makers anyway so…
Plus Fletcher is a world boss slayer so… :I

I said "let’s say that I have it"
Some one claims they found emperor’s sheild so I thought I’ed try my hand at hunting it…

If it’s in the game, then 3 lvl 10 gems = GG

I’m gonna need some screenshots mostly out of curiosity cause that’s almost 2 MILLION mats

Sure, I get off work around 5pm (7hrs from now)
And I can screen shot it when I get home around 6 (8hrs)

Ok @Eon11

I feel like making it in a new post and posting all necessary information again because it’s a completely different skillset

These are the weapons I used to compare:

For this we assume critical attacks only, and a critical attack occurring every strike. All skills listed have a level 50 attribute except for helm chopper, which has 0.

Against Neutral Element:

Helm chopper (lv 0 attribute):
catacombs rapier GAINS 366 total damage
Catacombs rapier GAINS 575 total damage
Catacombs rapier GAINS 393 total damage
Catacombs rapier GAINS 392 PER SLASH (I don’t know how many total times pouncing can hit)

Against Dark Element:

Helm chopper (lv 0 attribute):
Catacombs rapier loses 218 total damage
Catacombs rapier GAINS 358 total damage
Catacombs rapier loses 210 total damage
Catacombs rapier loses 210 PER SLASH

So even for dark enemies, the difference is pretty negligible.

How much dex and evasion is required to hit evasion cap? Is the evasion required to hit cap the same for all monsters? (Assuming you have guardian)

Assuming i am a cata with hoglan and guardian how much dex do i need for evasion cap?

It is NOT the same for all monsters - In my post about going from 75%-80% evasion I was talking about level 280 world bosses and earth tower 1F monsters.

It takes 1,235 evasion to reach the evasion cap at an assumed 85% instead of 80% for EVERY monster in the game. There are only 1 or 2 where you would need this much though. Otherwise, 1025 will cover every other case. Again, assumed 85% instead of 80. It’s a bit lower (Maybe 40-50 less?) for 80%. I made a post about this on reddit a while back so that’s where I’m recycling information instead of re-doing it

How much dex you need to cap will vary especially when you can buy evasion on pets to help. I can’t really give you an answer but you can figure that out on your own with the numbers. Also note you get 1 evasion per level as well.

But roughly speaking will i be able to reach 1025 if i will buy evasion with my pet and put around 250 dex?

My original plan was to put around 201 dex but it looks like it wont be nearly enuf.

Should be doable if you use 3 piece leather and gem your boots for evasion

I will use 4 piece leather and gem my boots. I guess i will reallocate my dex to 250.

How much evasion rate am i looking at if i only put 201?

at level 280, 539 base + whatever you have from gear + 8% of your pets evasion + 75 from mastery + 18% from guardian

539 base is from what dex value?

201 point investment

I don’t understand how you get 539 for base evasion. Isn’t it just level + dex which comes to something like 481.

You’re not taking the bonus points you get every x point spent in to consideration

Thanks for the tests. You have the perfect tools since both awakenings and upgrade are similar.

Anyway…we still need to calculate exactly how much in terms of real DPS based on how much critical rate/str ratio you have since the critical attack bonus does nothing when we don’t crit…
If someone here is still interested in a final answer, of course.

Both weapons are great, but I can see catacombs rapier being a better investment for very high dex Fencers if you consider that it’s a cheap weapon that also gives maximum hp and aoe ratio. Venier brings SPR, but your fencer skills will also consume more sp.

Oh, and one more thing to consider is that very high upgraded Venier may be a better investment depending on what benefits +2 levels to Fencer c3 skills will give us, specially if we get a +%damage buff that can’t be snapshoted like Running Shot from QS or a very high damage scaling/lv skill.

With a new level cap, even a 270 new white weapon my outdps our current rapiers (since no one has lolopanter) but Venier will always bring the +2 and the holy element to the table…

Don’t know how to calculate that but if you do here’s my stats (with no buffs):
Venier -
Catacombs rapier -

And good point about the venier applying to fencer c3 skills. We’ll have to see what those are like

venier only win if the attacks not crits.
cata rapier is on par with venier on crit attacks, but will do lower on white attack.

Thanks for the tests. Tho actually I think it would be better if gain/loss were displayed in percentage instead of flat numbers, since 800 damage loss on 20k hit does make a whole lot difference with 800 damage loss on 2k hit.

Also regarding DPS calculation :
Assuming level 280, 100 crit resist non-demon mob, 21 ele attack awakening, def is ignored (we have coquille anyway).
Venier :

  • Phys attack = 710
  • Crit rate = (492-100)*42/280 = 58.8%
  • Crit attack = 167
  • Ele attack = 286 + 21 = 307
  • AA average DPS = (0.5887101.5 + 0.588*167) + (0.412 *710) + 307 = 1323.936

Cata Rapier :

  • Phys attack = 873
  • Crit rate = (492-100)*42/280 = 58.8%
  • Crit attack = 369
  • Ele attack = 21
  • AA average DPS = (0.5888731.5 + 0.588*369) + (0.412 *873) + 21 = 1367.634

tl;dr with @Proxied’s stats, Catacombs Rapier is better than Venier on auto-attack against non-demon mobs by 3.3%

edit : wrong formula, added tl;dr

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