Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Here’s all of my input. I’ll make it clear from the start I don’t care about PvP in this game so this is from strictly a PvE standpoint.

Crown and crossguard are worth getting. Crossguard makes things vulnerable to pierce if you can weapon swap 2h swords. I’m not sure about skull swing level increase making the duration last longer, usually those are effects are listed on tosbase. But I also haven’t played past highlander2.

I would drop points in gung ho or concentrate (or both) for increased pain barrier. You can also take points out of bash if you buy the attribute and skill reset and put bash at 1, you still get the attribute.

I no longer recommend attaque composee level 5. It’s extremely annoying to maintain. I would stop at 3 before venier max. I use lv 1.

Attaque Coquille isn’t worth getting beyond 4 or 5 (with or without venier) because it has 100% uptime then. Put those points in to lunge. I would also put the extra points taken from composee in to lunge as well in order to max it

I can confirm Skull Swing duration increasing by level. At max level it’s 30 secs giving you 5 secs down time.

I can say this because I already have 236 SW-Pelt-High3-Fencer-Templar. Lunge is fantastic, I don’t know much about Composee since I have traded Fencer2 for Templar, but I would definitely max Lunge.

Composee is basically flanconnade that gets +15% damage and executes twice as fast and is pierce instead of slash

I got bash because I play with my wife and some times when I lose aggro and mobs run after her, I knock down them to regain the aggro(my wife loves play with glass cannons).

Attaque composee with a 55 sp drain at max level could be annoying(noted).
I saw some people say lunge really worth max. But worth max cause of evasion buff only?

About skull swing, every level increase debuff duration, lv1 is a 10 secs debuff. I will test with my doppel now a lv5 but I thinks is a 45 secs debuff. testing now.

Edit: tested and is 30 secs at lv 5.

It’s worth it because it’s a strong true 4 hit skill. The evasion uptime is pretty bad. Also bash is great for CC, I’m just saying you can keep the CC with just 1 point in it

Hmmm, didin’t noticed is a 4 hits skill(noted and maxed).

Yeah I’ve seen how it works, but I’d rather experience it before giving my opinion. But I’ve read it’s such an SP drainer.

Flanconnade is good only for avoiding phys atk (with good ping of course).

I have high hopes for Fencer3, and I’ll probably make another one when it comes. :blush:

It’s a 4 hit skill and the damage is good, really good. I’d suggest maxing this one out (taking points out of Composee and Coquille) and just use Composee as filler. For me I just use Coquille to apply the debuff. I have level 1 and I could land both Etoiles and Lunge during the duration.

It’s not much more of an SP drainer than flanconnade. With alch SP pots I can maintain 100% uptime with lv 1 no issue.

I also don’t find flanconnade to be very good for avoiding any attacks - maybe I’m just bad but I feel like it isn’t humanly possible in this game to be able to have such stellar timing. The first .1 seconds of the animation you get no buff. When the buff shows up after .1 seconds, it lasts for .1 seconds. Then you have another .9 seconds of vulnerability while the animation finishes. I feel like this would be easier with bad ping

I also really hope fencer 3 is good. It better be compared to taking shinobi for rank 8 in terms of damage

Also @Kascly

I’ve made a +8 catacombs rapier with level 5 green gems. In the item awakening dungeon now. If I get good enough luck, I’ll have a similar awakening to my other weapons and will be able to provide some numbers.

Oh I see. Then level 1 would probably be enough as I don’t see it being my main source of DPS. Doing my rotation of skills in Fencer and Highlander, I rarely had to use Flanconnade so I don’t know how I’m going to fit in Composee.

I have decent ping and it really works wonders for me, at least for boss fights. But it will be bad for mobbing.

Wait is it not worth to max attaque compose ?
It s our best skill dps no ?

Thats great.
I was comparing Composee and flanconnade. I think I will get rid of flanconnade because I will rely on highlander as a slasher.

I was building my fencer only by that skill vids in tosbase and there don’t tell if is multhit or not.


I use it a lot for bosses because I do SOMETIMES get life saving procs off of it. However I actually find it more useful for mobbing because there’s so many incoming attacks that it has a higher chance of going off. But I also don’t explicitly time it. Different ways to use it I guess


You could if you want. Maintaining it is extremely annoying though. You have to do the sit glitch and stack SP recovery (though SP recovery is pretty useful regardless)

I don’t necessarily like promoting myself much but I have some comparisons available (I’ve spent so much on skill resets…)

In this video I have level 5:

In this video (and any future ones) I have level 1:

Trust me flanconnade is worth at least 1 point. Especially when there’s not many other places to even put the points. I dumped my extra 4 in preparation for different reasons lol

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I do it sometimes but even with good ping, there’s a really slight delay allowing monsters to hit you so I’d really rather kite. Oh and I usually play as an off tank with my current Fencer so positioning really plays a vital key, hence why I kite more. But yeah different ways. Still worth a point nonetheless.

Isn’t better save points for fencer c3 when come out?
I will have too many skills to use frequently 6 highlander + 2 barb +5 fencer(excluding buffs).

Found some discussion about it

also tested on this fencer guide

Also I wonder when people mentioning STR:DEX ratio, does it means total STR/DEX or points invested?

Kinda. When they say ratio, for example a 3:1 Str Dex Ratio, it means that for every 4 levels, you put in 3 Str points and 1 Dex points.

Thanks, that really answered my question.


It might be worth it, you have a point. However I feel like IMC will be kind enough to give skill resets. Up to you though! Everyone has a different style of play.

Ok time for some numbers

For reference, this is the new weapon:

I will be comparing it to just venier.

Same thing as my previous post applied (assumed crit, etc)

Element neutral:

Catacombs rapier loses 68 total damage per composee.
Catacombs rapier loses 240 total damage per lunge.
Catacombs rapier GAINS 728 total damage per sept etoiles.
Catacombs rapier GAINS 176 total damage per flanconnade (???)

Dark element:

Catacombs rapier loses 1,552 total damage per composee.
Catacombs rapier loses 3,312 total damage per lunge.
Catacombs rapier loses 4,224 total damage per sept etoiles
catacombs rapier loses 862 total damage per flanconnade.

So venier in my opinion is only worth pursuing if you use it against dark mobs. Which to be fair, a LOT of the mobs in the game are dark

Got it.
It’s time to get rid of cata rapier. :cry: