Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

May i ask you why you wait for ktos patch to creat a hop c3 > fencer c2 over barb c3 > fencer c2 ?

Is high str viable for the first case ?
And if you goes to leather for evasion ( maybe ? ) it’s for str build ? Why not plates ?

( someone told me that attaque compose outburst stabbing is it true ? )

Attaque Composee do 568 (base skill damage) at lv5 per hit no atributes and 0 cooldown. Stabbing do 399 at lv15. It’s not fast like Stabbing, but you can choose how each hit will be dealt, which might be better.

Though I think both skills are pretty different in mechanic.

Composee is a spammable skill, thus it will out-dps stabbing eventually. To be honest, a rank 7 skill like that will drink your SP dry. Stabbing is better for burst in my opinion. Plus it’s cheaper to upgrade

I mean you can do both if you wanted (wearing plate and having high evasion) - that’s what I do since evasion only has an 80% upper limit of activating

It’s actually faster than stabbing. Stabbing does 14 hits in 6 seconds (according to google). In 6 seconds you can do 10 composee which is 20 hits. Stabbing shines because you can use preparation for its entire duration instead of just one strike.

Oh ok thank you.
If i go barb c3, frenzy is a must ? Is it easy to stack it and keept it on ? Does it increases attaqye compose ?

Should i go dex or str ? Ratio ?
If i’m full dext, does lunge still increases my eva ?

And in which case should i use leather or plates ?

Thank you so much for all these answers !

no, stabbing duration is merely 3s.

Frenzy is a must for dealing damage, if that is what you seek. It is easy to stack as it is to press the button. Stacking will be kept depending on how good you can remember to activate and deactivate the attribute. And yes, it increases everything, attaque composee included;

The current preferred stats for Fencer are either 1:1 STR:DEX or 1:2 STR:DEX
both having at least 50 CON;

Lunge and Esquive Toucher will always increase evasion flat numbers. Evasion rate is based on your evasion and enemy’s accuracy. Some say there’s a rate cap of 80%;

The only moment when plate can be a problem is against high Blunt/Strike damage, which is pretty rare. But if you want tons of evasion, leather is your friend.

Execution time says 3.5 seconds, so yeah you’re right. So stabbing IS faster than composee by almost 3 total lines (2.4)

I got the same issue. But the real problem? gem roaster lv5 leave a -1 maximum attack penalty.

It’s not a problem if you always hit your min damage instead of your max though which is what I was wondering

I see.
Well, I was wondering if venier really worth it. Cata rapier has a high damage base and venier a low base + 280 flat plus fencers skill lv +2.

Some one have tested if the difference is that bigger?

I’m glad you asked - I’m in the process of testing at least venier vs duelist as I write this. (Though only fair on large mobs)

There’s a spreadsheet somewhere too that has a lot of cool information but I haven’t seen it in like a month. Don’t know what happened to it

I think a high base is better than a flat number.
Looking at fencer’s skills, +2 lv from venier, only attaque coquile has a considerable increase in terms of damage and +2 secs on debuff.

It’s flat, but don’t forget holy is the best element. There are a lot of dark types in the game, and while flat on multi hits from +2, it still boosts per hit on multihit skills.

I see. I’m working in a fencer for now. Got a venier and cata rapier but since I’m still highlander3, I can’t test it.

I wouldn’t even bother considering attaque coquile because it only hits once.

Here’s the results of my testing. It’s easy since fencer has no min/max damage so your lines are always constant.

These are the weapons I used:


All of these results assume every single line crits which doesn’t happen often. Without critical attacks, the difference becomes even smaller. With nothing in my off hand so i assume the +15% attribute bonus also applied to the pierce skills.

On an element neutral large mob (important distinction). All of these skills I’m using are attributed to level 50 as well.

Duelist loses 290 total damage per attaque composee
Duelist loses 138 total damage per flanconnade
Duelist loses 504 total damage per sept etoiles
Duelist loses 624 total damage per lunge

On a dark large enemy:

Duelist loses 3,804 total damage per lunge
Duelist loses 1,130 total damage per flanconnade
Duelist loses 6,416 total damage per sept etoiles
Duelist loses 1,850 total damage per composee.

But you gain 43 evasion. For me this puts me from 75% evasion with full plate up to the evasion cap (80%). In my opinion that’s worth the damage loss in a decent amount of cases (…mostly not dark enemy cases).

Venier costs 8m clean on my server and nobody lists lizard ambers anymore because I guess they dropped the max price cap or something. So you have to put in a LOT of work to get one of these things.

Duelist costs 10k for the recipe and ~600k for the materials and has a cheaper upgrade cost.

Up to you if that damage is worth what you have to put in.

And a final note for anyone curious, the 43 evasion from duelist is NOT affected by peltasta guardian attribute. It just straight gives 43.


Very interesting.
So with a cata rapier 242 base damage in neutral element mob will do a little bit more damage than venier(excluding 202 critical attack from it).

In your used weapons, you have enhanced both letting with almost the same base damage. So in a scenario both +0, damage difference isn’t that huge like I think.

I can’t give you exact numbers unfortunately because I don’t have a comparable catacombs rapier.

The only thing I can say with 100% certainty (based on that spreadsheet I referenced earlier) is that venier is definitely the strongest, except catacombs rapier is stronger for sept etoiles. I don’t remember the exact difference in damage though. It’s probably not very big

I might get back to this later with a catacombs rapier though. I’m considering making one just to have another rapier to use in general because the durability of rapiers is so bad (this is why I made that duelist)

Thank you very much.
I have 0 experience with fencer. So I want ask what I can improve in this build. I’m at highlander 3 and when reach rank 5, I will have 13 spare points for highlander skills.

Cross guard is good for some tank moment, Crown in my personal experience is really sht.

Edit: My Skyliner, cross cut and moulinet has lv50 attribute.

You could increase some more points in Skull Swing, it increases the duration of Armor Break. Some points in Crown as well to weaken magic mobs or wizards in pvp. And if you are interested in weapon swapping, cross guard gives this nice buff (Staggered) for 5s that increases pierce damage .