Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I am confused, I deal much more damages but my survivability as a pelt2rode2fencer2 dropped since they changed the way stats stacks

it’s probably because we don’t take 1s anymore and evasion isn’t as reliable

Same here, but after i reset the ranks i couldnt buy the attribute again. As Corsair 1 u got the attribute after the patch, but as soon as u reset u can only get the attribute back when u are Corsair 3…sadly

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I was talking about Esquive Toucher. Not Lunge.
Esquive is still %, but not like how it worked before.

gonna test stuff out tomorrow. today was rough for me figuring out new rotations.

I’ll probably try it out with my free skill reset today. Glad I was already set in terms of ranks before event, don’t need to bother with that. Just figuring out the best skill point distribution now

For example Sept Etoille is insane now; with 2 overheats it has the second highest damage output next to Flash and due to all the hits it just gains a ton from elemental damage and concentrate. On the flip side, Lunge is pretty bad now. Damage is eh and the set evasion increase isn’t really worth leveling the skill for. One point wonder for slash bonus now (assuming your build even has slash skills in it, otherwise it’s almost worth skipping entirely)

With composee having OH and CD now it might be reasonable to max it; consider it a skill rather than an auto attack replacement.

So, something like…

Tried 50/50 str/dex today and 1/3 str dex.

Well, Balestra’s damage got divided in half because of overheat, Sept is pretty good but not THAT good.

More overheats means more ways for you to budget your kit, however, I feel like it’s very lacking in terms of power because of the Epee and crit rate nerf.

Yes, I know a top geared Fencer can deal 400kish flat with Au fer, but it’s kinda hard getting to that point without any other invested characters to farm for you.

I remember pre r8, Fencer was very behind everything…Epee saved Fencer, and now it’s not as useful anymore so I’m having a bit of an identity crisis. Not to mention the fact that you chug through SP pots a lot just to clear a few mobs (considering Fencer’s low AOE)

It’s the lack of survivability that makes me sad the most, evasion isn’t that reliable anymore and we can’t kill mobs fast enough to prevent it from dealing a lot of damage.

I still hope Blackhorn rapier will improve my life when I get it…but IMO, it’s a bad patch for fencers…I’ve seen a lot of Veniers on the market for 10m more or less now—I’m highly doubtful they sold that in lieu for a better rapier, yeah a lot will change class, but I’ll probably stick with it because I like this class…this is my class.

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Not sure why, but when I use Toucher, it disappears like 1 second after (the buff), has it always been like that?

It’s has pretty decent damage though, 30k crits per hit if ever, and around 10k per move, the slight delay is a bit irksome but it’s pretty nice to look at.

Considering it’s much faster due to attack speed now, and taking into account 2 overheats and the 29s CD, it’s an effective DPS of (185% * 8 * 2) / (29 (cd) + 2 (seconds to actually cast)) = 95.48% / s at level 10

Flash in comparison is 143.21% /s (42s CD + about 3~4 seconds to cast all 3. Maybe less, not c3 yet myself)

Composee and Flanconnade aside (which technically have the highest “DPS” since they can OH 5 times and have 10s CD only) Etoille is second in DPS only to Flash.

Of course, if you want to see one high number, Au Fer is the way to go. Now I forgot if Preperation affects all hits of a skill or only the first…

It’s always been like that in PvE. The 4s change was only for PvP for whatever reason (which is also the only place a hypothetical 100% evasion would actually be worth giving up damage for, since Esquive has the lowest DPS out of all fencer skills. That 30 second cooldown is to blame lol)

Now I forgot if Preperation affects all hits of a skill or only the first…

It affects all of Sept because Sept isn’t a true multi hit iirc.

There’s one factor that’s missing here though, it’s the fact that enemies won’t stay completely still and continue to damage you, so the quicker the kill the lesser damage you have because as of now, Fencer can’t face tank much and I usually go for in-out maneuvers.

It’s always been like that in PvE. The 4s change was only for PvP for whatever reason

Oh I see, I’ve never really used Toucher before and was playing with it today because the casting time (0.6 secs iirc?) is a big window for a lot of things to go wrong.

Also, I can feel my silver spill out of my pocket as I chug more SP pots per cycle, especially when I tried using Composee.

I was mulling over the idea of an ASPD lazy Fencer for efficient and chill farming, however, the damage can’t chase the hp of mobs fast enough and I ended up taking a lot of damage.

The damage itself in the numbers is not bad, but it’s incredibly taxing to cycle when you consider SP pots, mobs HP and movements, and you taking damage. For a crit-centric and dodge class, this patch hits hard.

Now, if we have kept the current OH in the skills as well as our old damage values esp for Balestra, it would’ve been like a wet dream and worth the loss of Epee.

After yesterdays reset on my Fencer: Sw3-Pelt-Corsair-Fencer3 into a Sw3-Barb-Corsair-Fencer3 i went directly into the 290 dungeon to test out my dmg. (I had roughly 3k PAtk all buffs included) Spread my Attributes into 70-80% on almost every skill. ~350 Crit Rate (dont know the exact value, cuz im sitting at work right now)

I went for the following Skill Destribution:
Epee Garde 5
Balestra Fente 5
Flash 5
Attaque Composee 10
Flannconade 1
Lunge 1
Sept Etoiles 12 (+1 gem)
Attaque au Fer 1
Attaque Coquille 4
Preperation 1

On a side note, i even thought about abandoning Epee Garde, cuz u cant crit regulary. (Might try that out)
I also thought it might be possible to completly ditch C3 Fencer and only go C2. (Well Flash and Balestra could hurt) But for example Doppel 1 with Cycle 5 is vey strong and DoV is also quite a nice skill now. Even Shinobi could be very strong.

-> Long 2 weeks we are looking into xD

TBH. i felt underwhelming, realy underwhelming…(Well the lack of mainhand DPS - cuz im still with Venier is probably the main problem here)

The lack of any rapier type weapons (except Lolo + Solmiki) up until now is a big problem right now, cuz its hard to get an okisch PAtk for ur Mainhand.

Btw. Double Slash with Cleave and Lunge debuff on the enemy was almost my highst hitting skill.
Sept Etoile with Preperation is now a big dmg spike. (Chug SP Pot and feel the power) - with Restrain there´s no problem cuz everything is stunned.

Atm there´s a little strange thing going on with Corsairs Pistol Attribute.
After the patch i could equip on my Corsair 1 a Pistol. (I got the attribute somehow, although every other attribute wasnt there anymore, except the rapier attribute) -> I Rank Reset on this Character and only changed Pelt to Barb. I lost all attributes (Including Pistol and Rapier). I couldn´t buy the Pistol Attribute anymore. (It says Corsair C3 required)
Here on the homepage on the class table is also something strange regarding that Topic. The pistol attribute is listed for Corsair C1. (I checked other classes just to look if it could be a mistake, and for example Fencer can get “Balestra Fente Enhance” as C2 Fencer, according to the website - although we all know its clearly a C3 Skill…

I felt realy lucky equipping a Manamana on my Fencer and the hyped died immedialty xD

Well im still unsure if which of my both swordys i´ll continue to play as my main.
Sw3-Barb-Corsair-Fencer3 or my Sw3-Barb-Corsair3-Shinobi.

Atm im more drawn to my Corsair-Shin cuz over the past months i realy fell in love with the corsair-Shin playstyle and got pretty bored on my Fencer.
Also i have the feeling that Corsair-Shin can deal more dmg than a Fencer, at least right now.

Since Corsair3-Shin is more viable and very strong right now i might main it, cuz i realy like the playstyle. (Will also try out Corsair3-Fencer1 just to try Rapier+Pistol)

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As for Doppel after update.
Our DOV got nerf’d/changed depending on how you look at it.
On one hand, there’s no need to get hit to build the stacks and dish out our dmg but they took our attack speed buff from it

The other skills scale pretty well now, if you take Highlander C3 and Swordsman C2, you get a pretty good synergy going.
MP doesn’t seem to be an issue despite a load of skills to spam. On a 260 dungeon run, I probably only used like 4-5 pots for the entire run and I actually took top dps amongst 3 other dps classes on the boss.
Our Burst is far more potent despite lesser crits now, we don’t actually need to invest heavily like before.

I currently have a pelt-barb3-dop build. The playstyle of this particular build doesn’t suit me well. and I dont think switching out pelt for HL would make a huge difference either. There’s too much down time and too much buffs to set-up for little skill rotation.

I’m currently looking at Sw 3 - x - x- Doppel for the high up time pain barrier. Also, it seems non-crit builds are more viable now that high crit rate has become more difficult (and probably less practical) to achieve. People always justify getting 1 circle of HL for the crit atk. Aside from that, what is HL 1 - or even HL2 for that sw3 build - good for?

It is a true multihit tho. Even before patch. Each hit dealt the same damage and one hit = skill attack.

A bit harder to check now that rapiers have a damage range, but you can still tell. Fake multi’s can’t have their “hits” crit seperately. Either it all crits or none of it does, because it’s calculated before the damage is split for visual effect. Each of septs hits crit seperately from one another.

ok, after made some maths…

if u have a 1800 PATK against a monster whitout 0 DEF and 0 stuff.

this will be your damange scale for lvl on each skill, and whitout counting Over Heat.

Lunge: Lvl 1: 10.728 Lvl 15: 18.936

Sept Etoiles: Lvl 1: 17.856 Lvl 15: 31.536

Attaque Coquille: Lvl 1: 9.576 Lvl 15: 16.956

Esquive Toucher: Lvl 1: 15.210 Lvl 15: 26.910

Flanconnade: Lvl 1: 7.236 Lvl 15: 12.816

Attaque Composee: Lvl 1: 9.000 Lvl 10: 14.652

Balestra Fente: Lvl 1: 14.760 Lvl 5: 21.852

Attaque au Fer: Lvl 1: 26.748 Lvl 5: 39.582

Flash: Lvl 1: 26.730 Lvl 5: 39.528

And this will be the DPS doing damange only with that skill for 1 minute and with overheats.

Lunge: Lvl 1: 42.912 Lvl 15: 75.744

Sept Etoiles: Lvl 1: 71.424 Lvl 15: 126.144 (2 OH)

Attaque Coquille: Lvl 1: 67.032 Lvl 15: 118.692

Esquive Toucher: Lvl 1: 30.420 Lvl 15: 53.820

(for Flanco and Composee, they have 10 sec CD but u take 3-4 secs to reach OH, so u only can make 4 rounds in 60 secs.)

Flanconnade: Lvl 1: 144.720 Lvl 15: 256.320 (5 OH)

Attaque Composee: Lvl 1: 180.000 Lvl 10: 293.040 (5 OH)

Balestra Fente: Lvl 1: 59.040 Lvl 5: 87.408 (2 OH)

Attaque au Fer: Lvl 1: 53.496 Lvl 5: 79.164

Flash: Lvl 1: 160.380 Lvl 5: 237.168 (3 OH)

Btw… Composee at lvl 10 drains 132x5 so 660 SP in 1 Round… 660x4 = 2640 SP in 1 minute.


Yep, pretty much what I was getting at with my earlier post

Etoille and Flash are hella good for consistent damage, with Fer being the main nuke of the class.

For readability I simplified your post a bit

Highest to lowest Single Cast Damage :

  • Flash
    Attaque Au Fer
    Sept Etoille
    Esquive Toucher
    Balestra Fente
    Attaque Coquille
    Attaque Composee

Highest to lowest damage over time :

  • Attaque Composee
    Sept Etoille
    Attaque Coquille
    Balestra Fente
    Attaque Au Fer
    Esquive Toucher

Lunge is…really bad now haha. One point wonder on a slash build but pretty ■■■■ otherwise.

The thing with Composee and Flanconnade is that even at level ONE they still go above DPS of Sept Etoille and remain second to Flash. For much less SP cost. Composee levels are only worth it if you can somehow sustain all that SP drain haha.

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because your waifu is ais wallenstein? Kappa

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yeah that SP drain realy hurts, now i should see other class to support fencer, i think about
SW3 - HL2 - Fencer or SW2 - Barb 3 - Fencer. i should now that skill “Scale” and see which one do more damage

That’s why I have to play restrictively to match my cosplay >.>


Problem with Flash is that it has fixed low aoe ratio.