Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Coquille 15 is IMO very important, cuz u can armor break for a longer duration than on lower lvls (basicly u dont have to refresh that debuff as often, which boosts ur overall DPS cuz u can spam ur DPS Skills more)

Composee 1 is mainly for the SP consumption, i did tests with lvl 10 Composee and it was horrible - u run out of SP very fast, and than ur dmg is screwed…

So my advice for every Fencer is Coquille 15 and Composee 1
(include Venier +2 Skills u have Composee 3, which is okish)

Increasing Composees Skill lvl also doesnt make that big of a difference (For sure ur dmg would be higher with a higher skill lvl, cuz the Skill Atk gets multiplied by everything, but u can´t spam it 24/7)

For my part in ET i couldn´t keep up with Sp pots in Boss Fights, on the DPS Floors also u have to fight for ~3-4 minutes without a break and than ur Dmg would be too low, cuz of SP problems.

Keistas Potion might do the trick, but - yeah we dont have 100000000 of those :stuck_out_tongue:


rofl, thanks for answer <3 … i would spent 88tp on skill reset for it BUT… the big update comming soon… then ill wait for reset it :smiley:

Oh i forgot to ask, my current build is sw3 pelt cors fenc3

But i would like to get more dps

Should i sw3 barb 2 fenc3 or sw2 barb3 fenc3?

right now, our main souce of dps is composee spam, so a build with sw3 is very important due to max pain barrier plus the bonus seconds from the att, since it ensures that you won’t be knocked out by any attack.

the 2 ranks in between sword and fencer are purely based on preference.a build with pelt and corsair is popular because it has access to taunt and pillage (pve) and iron hook (pvp). on the other side, barb is also good for it’s stuns from most of skills, but you’ll notice that your main skill rotation is going to be mostly composed by fencer skills (coquille, prep, balestra and composee).


Thx for the answer <3 u knows any channel about fencer with barbarian with good ideas?

its been a while since anyone posted here lol

guess i just put this here

I am on hiatus with my Fencer (actually … played less hours now, just doing dailies and leveling my alt slowly) while waiting for more info. Thanks for the share, good dmg but I think this doesn’t really showcase Fencer’s dmg/capabilities on the next major update/patch, much better if she/he also tried 290 dungeon or at least pystis or any 300+ maps.

Au fer has always been great for PvE and now it’s apparently even better


yea true but au fer is must max now if u wanna abuse that 2000% mods since balestra maxed only give 1.2k% mods, and this is the only video where ive seen au fer hitting 220k crit (dmg cap prolly 555k now)

Soloing dungeon might be a bit hard at certain point but eh most of the guys in ktest arent that well-geared and theres still alot of rebalance going on.

Im currently hyped for the legendary part in ET since ive been holding this lolorapier for a few months already @.@ I wonder how much anvil buff do i get with it once it hit legendary status.

put what level your rapier is here

(unless “legendary” isnt implemented yet, but this will work when that happens anyway)

yea but i wanna see the legendary anvil. I already check the current one atm. So im just gonna wait until those legendary stuff is up

legendary status is up

now its 1150 from 920 LOL, base dmg also increase to 1.2k

Thats some serious dmg! Still my favor goes to the new orange rapiers, those stats seems more appelaing, tbh.

Yet i´ve the feeling its not that necessary - cuz we lack those stats on the new rapiers (High Crit Rate, which seems to me mandatory, with the new stat rework)

My plan for now looks that, i´ll go More or less Full Str (Adding some Con/Spr if i have the feeling that i´ll need that)

Probably switching my cards back to 8 Ellaganos, 80 Dex gives a big boost in overall stats.
I think without Meltis i cant keep up my Glass Mole for a long time (maybe with spamming those new SP Pots it´ll work out, than i can still stick to Glass Moles)

Also i will go back to using Green Gems, and trying to get my hands on the new leather armor of the Hunting Grounds, since we´ll realy need those Crit Rate.

Max Peta semms like the obvious choice for amulets (Stats will have a huge impact)
Sissels will be the rings of choice.
It might be a good idea to set my focus on Crit Rate headgears??? Not sure about that, tho…On the other hand the yield realy low Crit Rate, so it might not be too important.

Too bad that PAtk and CAtk headgears will loose value, cuz we´ll have high PAtk to begin with.

yea and theres no more 0 cd skills. Composee has overheat now

10s CD and 5 Overheat on both Attaque Composee and Flannconade.
I definitly dont like that idea…

Composee lvl 10 310% x2
Flannconade lvl 15 270% x2

So Flannconade spam isnt valueable, like i thought earlier it might be good with Barbs Cleave + Lunge…but still could turn out a good Filler for downtime on Composee
Hmm we´ll see what the future holds for us.

:’( muh Fencer


Uhhh, those cooldown changes are interesting…

I would make the case that 0cd compossee and flanconnade were pretty silly anyway because it made the rest of the kit pretty much pointless, but adding a cooldown for these skills in without readjusting the rest of the skills is a bit odd. Perhaps they will adjust it in a future test patch. I’m all for forcing the rest of fencers kit to be viable, but for that to be achieved other fencer skills cooldowns will have to be lowered or something. This also, assuming no further changes are made, makes fencer not a standalone class anymore.

If they keep compo/flanconnade like this and readjust the rest of the skills cooldowns (such as esquive toucher!!) I’m all for it. Being able to make a fencer skill rotation that isn’t just


sounds pretty rad.


I was afraid everyone on the forum would be having their global “rip fencer” panic attack about now, but everyone seems quite calm about it… for now -sweats-.
10s CD isn’t too big a deal, I’ve long since lived with the fact that Skyliner has a 15s CD anyway. Like you said, looking forward to see Fencer become a more well-rounded class that doesn’t rely on a single skill for all its damage.

yea the cd honestly isnt an issue for me. Doing guild boss and rapier died in 40 mins is pretty bad since u just spam composee :disappointed_relieved:

They should at least adjust the other skills’ cd, overheats, and aoe attack ratio. Or they could wait til rank 9 to implement this since we’ll have more skill rotation. Well there’s time in ktest.

@Sera1003 team blackhorn?

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