Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Thanks, that was amazing.

edit: too bad gale slasher aoe ratio is literally 0. sarkimis at least has a +2 but lel, orange recipe farming… after I read that guide I give up on any of those 315 orange weapon for now. Maybe if a new rapier shows up. I hope that pillage helps lol

Yes, I was going to craft it…

but 0 aoe ratio, that means it’s totally sht for HL based doppels to use HL skills on a group of monsters.

@Lostac so I guess my non DoV Doppel dies upon release of that DoV buff, no? I just came back about 5 days ago (I ran out of online games to play lul) and trying to catch up on all the updates I missed. I really liked the changes in Cyclone, right now it takes forever for it to finish its spinning.

tbh, I’m bored with my Fencer now with all that Composee spamming (even though I spent so much on it), and I’m looking for another class to play. I’m looking at Doppel and Dragoon, but I’m a hater of DoV mechanics, and with the buff coming I’d be very sub par if I go non DoV.

also can anyone give me a short summary on Barb’s changes? is it good or meh?

Well, I’m not really onto pain barrier per say. I really want the max lvl restraint but decision is heavy. I’ve always wanted to go hop2 corsair ever since I made that build back in September. OR fk everything and we can make highlander fencer great again

Barb changes…
For fencer = you can laugh
For doppel = nice addition

no reason to get barb 2/3 on fencers atm, a lot of monsters can flinch you now which makes PB much more valuable, and bosses, well you know what happens here

how will it affect current barb-fencers? badly or not really? If yes then I guess I know where I will use my class reset. but I’d like a change of style (Doppel possibly) but the changes the devs made shoehorns Doppels in taking DoV (which you know I really hate).

what does Feral do? I don’t get it. are we going to be able to use skills now while dashing? :joy:

Nothing really affects fencers on barb changes, you still do “your” thing like what we do before

For barb-doppels there seems to be a lot of important changes/syngery

that “5” consecutive hits makes me wonder…“5” real hits…or?

problem is, I can’t go on with my hl-barb3-doppel, it has high str.
My high dex doppel has peltasta which i will delete and make an alch.

Try to buy a stats reset potion! Bought one for 5m (guy was desperate), but I’m still saving it since, well…

But even if you pay 10m for it, IMO its cheaper than rerolling a new character if you don’t have a proper powerleveling support

Barb Fencer still decent for players who have ~friends~ and ~melstis~, new feral = 200 critical rate for cleave, right? They may also end up buffing Frenzy to stacks with skills one day.


I hope that IMC delays our free class reset ticket until we know more information about the r9 classes from ktos. I honestly don’t know what to do if they give us this thing next week or so. I may end up resetting my first barb fencer into a doppel or rodel 3 pre-Murm, lol.

I know what you mean. I swear if it’s another fake. :triumph:

still debating whether I should still continue my non-dov dop or just go dragoon.

there’s this problem with me and stat reset, I will buy it, but I won’t use it unless it forces me to (has expiry date)

Got to Fencer 1 which skills should I focus on?

1 etoiles 1 lunge 4 coquille 1 flanconnade

save the rest

what did ya go with? Corsair or barb1?

I went with Corsair instead.

Hearing off you previously. I would advise you to focus on dragoon.

Dov dop doesn’t look like your piece of cake here.
(the new changes to cyclone + Dov actually emphasize even more to players that you must DOV :< )
(at least 5-10 points for the damage potential)

I currently have a catacomb rapier + 10 with yellow gem now… should i change to use venier as main, or use venier for just buffing epee garde, and upgrade that catacombs to + 15 and transcend, use it as main ?

yeah sadly it is. at max level its like only 75% def penalty right? I actually wouldn’t mind it if it doesn’t have that mechanic that requires you to get hit (I don’t care much for mushrooms, and its hella risky to let yourself get hit or even if you did get hit since full dex it seems is like the meta now).

so yeah I might just try Dragoon. I hope the devs would lift up the weapon restrictions so we could be more diverse.

If you planning to use the snapshot method atm, you might as well wait for new white/blue 315-330 rapiers which should most likely have more pdmg than cata rapier.

Yes doppel cap at 75% def penalty now instead of 100%. but 10 stacks is at least 50% lol.

Dragoon is more or less fixed to spears. You can run bruiser dragoon or 2hand for huge burst.

Bruiser dragoon will be quite interesting ( abit like Murillo with shield and sword)

Any info about them yet ? :<

and that is actually pretty good. you’ll still have 25% of your defense but still retain 150% damage increase.

with Dragoon, I am more fixated with 2h spears than spear + shield combination (only thing that has been keeping me away from Dragoons, is the way they are holding their spears when in Finestra, I know little thing but I am that choosy :joy:).

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