Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

i see. i nvr used it before. i din even learn base camp… i got my squire and proceeded to open shop. i heard someone say its only food buffs extended

Some punish test


time to get myself a vienie twinblade. I really want sarkmis tho

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Doesn’t work for tomes. It was working for dumplings and candies from the last event (not sure for the dumplings now).

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excuse me, what? When? Where?

Punish is nice. Can also combo with Crossguard.
And lol, 110 shards for a Venier?


Check out this

More into at the kTOS general thread:

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yes, people were marketing them for 30m.

kek, I bought a lolopanther leather legs for less yesterday. venier is around 20m here

What do you think of
Sword 3 - Barb 2 - Fencer 3 build?

there’s someone here that runs that build, but I can’t tag him for some reason, maybe he left.

It’s pretty okay but you lose two core skills in exchange for warcry. You’ll rarely use seism paired with sword 3 because restrain almost stunlocks all the time with the 40% > 60% buff. Durandal switch also works nicely

Not really much uses for barb anymore other than the buffs, you’ll see yourself spamming composee 50-70% of the time

they are in denial. Cyclone hit aerial units a auto win on solmiki… Let them suffer.

Also cyclone damage is almost x3~5 times of a single FC + Chap 80%
Assuming both are equally invested and have the standard trans stage 4/100% Staff/2hs

But I think corsair is leaning toward pvp. And pelt is beneficial to tank. Barb seems to add more damage than that build right? Cleave might be useful in the future(?) sigh, this is hard lol.

yep, the cleave problem really lies on how R9 and R10 is

if you don’t like corsair, you can go with pelt>barb

but the Jolly Roger passive change is an instant win to me, even with only level 5 pillage

yes Cyclone is supposed to be superior than FC, FC is a damn rank 6 skill unlike doppel c3 cyclone which is 6-8. Which was also why a lot of people were comparing DOV and QC before. But DOV got a nice little buff so I have no more complains

I have that exact build on Fencer Sw3Barb2Fencer3 @Lostac Pretty much nailed the discription pretty well.

Barb2 is pretty much just for the crit debuff to spam and also for Warcry. The other skills are pretty much just filler. Restrain takes care of that cc problem nicely.

If you’re focusing mainly on pve this is a nice roll to look at. Here’s a quick video if you wanted to see how it worked.

Oh right, you changed names I was trying to tag your old name lol

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Yeah, I had it changed lol. Gets confusing when you’re ign isn’t the same as your fourm name lol.

Also another note:
If you don’t have hop2/3 friends, you can replace barb2 with hop2 if you are willing to switch manually, repetitively.

Some editing in game files would make it easier but I didn’t really bother myself with that.

spear lunge provides the best damage boost on previous trees, cross guard is not reliable.

I believe DOV can be more finetune.

Cyclone recent fine-tune is decent. 5.5 seconds for 25 hits? is acceptable compare to 7 rofl.

They prolly will roll more fix to it so it equalize the power creep at least.

(there too much doppel whales now imc won’t be a quiet mouse and they prolly need to satisfy this pool of players)

Now i wonder what fill in rapiers will fencer get. Since fencer are all stuck to +2 weapons like qs rofl. (unless their later classes suck with it)

well my last test is that venier switching still works but

as with the doppel aspd fix

“unintended nerf” get imced.

:< let’s hope for the best haha. if they do fix switching it’s gonna be a issue prioritizing weapons

Maxed coquille version.

Let’s see, this is currently a theory craft but for longer fights I can see this being better than points spent on Lunge.

Straight 21 seconds of undisturbed composee (with venier/lolo) unless some random fencer decides to refresh your coquille and ruin it.

with class resets announced, I’ll probably try this out…after the reset.