I imagine ET will be somewhat easier at level 330.
People took so hard to reach 20F. Pretty sure when some pt reach 30~35F, rank 9 will arrive with more weapons and sets making again ET hard work pointless.
I remember someone said about his own +10 Venier. Question: How much did it cost to +10 that thing?
I’ve got it to +8 a the moment, I think. Just waiting for those event silver anvils. :3
I’m currently contemplating whether to transcend my Venier or my Magas.
Are Veniers still viable for transcending since it’s holy attribute/buff can’t get the increase, later on its +2 on skills will fall off against its other transcended toothpick sword brothers.
I got mine at +5 thanks to 1 silver anvil. Cost 400k to +4 (somewhere around that number)
@Fuwaro: Transcendence is costly and time consuming so I believe most people will just transcend their main weapon to stage 5 at most.
I will do some math tomorrow to see whether stage 5 Venier or stage 5 Spade wins. It’s math. Not Who won, Who’s next, you decide.
Gosh, summoning @Kascly. Sorry, I need your Epee formula. 10 minutes scrolling and didn’t find it
Ok @hienng1991 here we go:
{[(PA+SA)x1,5 if crit]+CA+EA+ETD}x(Epee1,2~2,4)x™x(Enhance)
Edit: for who want to know those terms:
PA = Physical Attack
SA = Skill Attack
CA = Critical Attack
EA = Elemental Attack
ETD = Enemy type damage(Attack on medium target or beast type and etc)
TM(Target Modifier - see the thread with damage formula)
on enhance you must put your skill attribute + rapier mastery(15%).
do you guys know the duration/cd of Epee?? afaik it’s not 0cd anymore but i’m not sure
Sorry folks, Venier still wins hands down in every single crit despite only having half of Spada atk at Stage 5 Transcendence.
I won’t type the whole thing here. Have fun with my primitive excel tables. Please tell me if I did anything wrong.
Sorry I can’t upload the excel file. It’s almost 3am here. Gotta sleep for tomorrow lecture
40% more damage still the best, and 6s more uptime is better
Stage 5 transcendence is 250% (2.5x) not 150% (1.5x). Do you have a link of that excel sheet? @hienng1991
@Eon11, you win the find of the day. I raise your troll level 1 to troll level 10 of my own huehuehue. Sadly, I can only find cure level 1 scrolls.
Updated with 250% Transcendence. Venier still wins except in Sept.
@kradenmike4 Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw9zjG8ypo6TdVdEUGFhcVVVSnM/view?usp=sharing
Let me know if the link works
Haha, nice! Now let’s wait for Pole of Agony Scrolls + Epee garde. Preparation keeps amusing me every day… Coquille mechanics too.
this is some OP troll meta inc lmao. I’m about to make that OG pardoner just for skill scrolls. Hmmm idk I think coquille didnt add any damage when I checked it. Too lazy to recheck. @hienng1991 yup, got the excel.
Coquille actually gives you damage based on the target defense instead of ignoring armor, that’s why it adds damage to extra lines AA and etc
I mean it doesn’t add extra lines, but it boosts every line of AA. Tested on a few monsters myself.
Wait wait hold n a minute.
I’m not sure if I’m just a blank moment or smply am too tired.
But exactly what is happening there?
Venier proving to be Top toothpick sword compared to 220s after transcendence and Cure scrolls damage being boosted by Top toothpick if my guess is right.
quick question for fencer build: between lunge and spet etolies, which one is better. According th the skil simulator , lunge seem to be far superior in terms of damage. Then what does spet etolies do… waiting for a reply , thx