Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Sept etoiles has Physical attack scaling better with 8 hits, Lunge has 4.

for example you have 1k physical attack, it gives 1k additional damage per hit where lunge has only 4k additional from your physical attack

preparation also doubles everything

ok so, if i increase spet etolies to lv 10, it give 387 damage, with preperation it double to around 774 damage. since it deal 8 hits does this mean 774 damage/ hit ? or the total 8 hit is 774 damage ? Just want to make it clear. thx

im also trying to see between lunge and spet which one scale better in late game. was planing to maxed 1 out.

774 per hit, but don’t forget to factor physical attack.

Level 1 Sept etoiles should be enough

hm… both lunge and spet are pierce ,if we are talking about pure skill damage only: spet lv 10 give 387 damage, x 8 = 3096 (total damage). while lunge level 10 give 935 / hit , x 4 = 3740 (total damage). + it have evasion + 100%. so won’t lunge be a better option to max out 15/15 ?

the video provide about skill make it hard to determine how many hit lunge and sept make so… can’t tell for sure. At the moment im going with 4 for lunge and 8 for spet according to Lostac.

just do this
lunge lvl 10
sept etoiles lvl 1
attaque compose lvl 1
flanconnade lvl 1
preparation lvl 1
attaque coquile lvl 1
then…put all the rest skill point in R8 skill
epee garde lvl 5
flash fleche lvl 5
balestra fente lvl 5
and you’ll do fine
the rest skill you can invest in R6-7 fencer skill or R8 skill

thx, but i think im going to do something a bit more of a combo. my current one is : attaque compose -> preparation -> lunge / spet for massive damage burst. having trouble deciding which to use. not include rank 8 skill yet but when rank 8 come out epee grade 5, blalestra fente 5 and flash fleche 5. so only have avaialble point to make 1 max out - either lunge or spet

Always use preparation with Sept etoiles.

I know you said pure skill damage only but even level 1 sept etoiles is good enough to be used with preparation because damage includes your PA per hit, Lunge only does 4 hits total so it’s weaker to use with preparation

It’s better to max Lunge overall but still use Preparation with Sept, I hope you get the idea, Maxing Lunge because you use it more often than Sept and it has evasion scaling per level.

definitely lunge…wkwkwk…i love fast instant damage dealer skill with low CD

It seems Swordman C3 is getting really popular in KToS purely for lv 15 Pain Barrier, considering most of the skills from R1-R5 will not be used once Fencer C3 is introduced.
Time to reroll?

yeah, definitely waiting a class reset for that, I’ve said it many times before Pain Barrier is godmode along with evasion and defense

I’m tempted as well, if there’s a class reset that’s the only thing I could consider.

but here’s the thing, what if you can use Venier to cast epee so you have 240% critical damage then swap to SPADA…this happens with finestra now where they swap Zega Spear to have Finestra 17 then equip into a 2 hand Spear.

thanks, now i know what to do, 5 atta queue, 15 lunge, 5 sept etolies, 5 preperation, 5 epeegrade, 5 flash , 5 balestra. seem solid :slight_smile:

why 5 prep ? why dont use 15 sept - 7 shot for 2 sec ?

because the damage don’t scale well. preperation+ lunge (damage) > preperation + sept (damage). lunge have high damage with faster cooldown, offer more mobility to dodge while sept have a much longer cooldown and the damage is less than lunge in total

10884 x8 = 87082

Lunge: (8828 in vid, x2 assuming preparation)
8828 x4 x2 = 70624

both are attribute level 40

It’s still better to use Preparation+Etoiles.

My sept is level 12, Lunge is also 12, but I will put 1 Etoiles when I reset and still use it with preparation. Sept will always be stronger than Lunge as long as you have the physical attack to support it due to 8 hit scaling

for prep, its better with sept etoiles
and why would you take 5 in prep, wasting skill point

because i got nothing else to put in ?