Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Silute. Lots of new Fencers and people in the Shout buying Lizard amber…

Need to make a Fencer only guild. I’ll call it The Toothpick Warriors.

Leveling up slowed down for me. Storage is a lot more boring than Truffles and Evac for some reason. I wonder how many exp cards I can get from all the monster kill bonuses I’ve missed.


Yeah the Fencer population on Silute has been getting very high, recently I’ve finally been able to actually play and raise my own and 2/5 Swordsman I’ve seen in dungeons are clear future Fencers with the other 3 being Murmillos, Cataphracts and the usual Dragoon (The latter being an HopliteC3, to be precise).
3/5 are of the Barbarian variety from what I’ve seen.

Silute . Yep, the infamous brazilian huehuebr here, i cant really blame anyone for hating brazilians though. IMC will probably reallocate their server to Brazil again just so we can stop trolling everone on the others.

Btw, thanks, i will probably go for a barb build with corsair now.

I’m here now only to tell you this.
Hello. I am Fencer on Fedimian server raging in agony because Vitrov Plate Robe never…

The fencer hype tho. Ima start farming ambers and sell them 700k each. hehe ecks deee

Glad to know i made my Venier long ago. Actually Fencer is my first character and main character and only one on 280 lvl and only one on Rank 7 (for now, Squire Idol “soon”) and I am happy because never Reroll this path.

I wonder why people use attaque composee instead of thrust (swordsman c1 pierce skill), only cost 11 sp and attribute upgrade is cheaper…

@Elaralam: Sounds good, but making a Templar is tedious. I don’t have much time these days, especially weekends. I have to work the entire days in weekends.

@Eon11, @Palazzo, @Adalwolf: Ah, I remember now. Hello from the other side, again

@Suzushii: Mind if I add you as friend?

It’s simple. Lower damage, only 1 hit and much longer animation than it used to be. In terms of damage per SP, Composee is still better.

Tbh, in order to spam Thrust, you will need to leave it at lv1. So it only gives 56 Atk. Why bother using Thrust when you can actually deal higher dps by auto-attacking?

Tels here. Even here at our server I’m seeing more Fencers, and shouts of buying those pesky Ambers.

My first character was a Fencer-Templar, never would’ve guessed that Templar would be getting an offensive skill only usable to 1h/2h swords. If I’d known I wouldn’t have made it Fencer (this is the only time I have wished for a class reset).

Still thinking what I would do with my Doppel since I really don’t like DoV. Trying to find videos of a non DoV Doppel and see if it’s a little bit decent. So for now I’m gonna main my Fencer.

When Fencer3 comes, what skill would you guys be using your Prep buff on? Sept or Fleche?

World boss wise, Sept. Sept = Less margin for error if the boss ever is mobile and also quick transition to other rotations. Prep + Stabbing [hopfence only] is for efficiency in mobbing as 1 stab is probably a group of mobs dead and it will be easy to pull off 60k+ crits. Taunt in a corner = profit.

yo wts

25m ecksdeeee


After seeing the disappointment that is Doppel C3, I now regret going Doppel. No wonder why people hate DPS Swordsman.

Fencer FTW!

After messing with some numbers. Sept still wins hands down. Not to mention Fleche has no attribute upgrades

Oh, how I hate those Fencers-to-be Elememes who’ve been continuously shouting for Lizard Ambers these days.
The drama is real, and the Fencer population will spike for sure on Silute.

About builds, the most common by far is LoliLicker’s Sword2>Barb3, then we have our known Pelt1>Barb3 as a distant second.

But about seeing Swordies who want to be Fencers levelling, strangely, I’ve been seeing little of them - most Swordies I see roaming through fields, dungeons and missions are Sword3>Cata3 (I’ve been seeing a lot less of those), High1>Barb3 (future Doppels), some Pelt3>Whatever and lots of Pelt1>Hop3 and Pelt2>Hop2.

At indonesian server (since region block ;w;) fencer is still super niche i think. Rarely seen one.

I think im happy with my decision going fencer (even tho im not there yet)

The costume looks pretty (female toon), skills are gucci, barbarian is a nice early build imo.

Currently lvl 66 (don’t have lots of time playing) lvling should be fine adter lvl 75 since i already have +8 durandal and +5 arde dagger (but noe broke af, no money for attribute lvling)

Also how painful it is to farm sage wall

Leave Attribute Enhance for later, it drains your silver really fast at early levels.
Also, be sure to make both Klaipeda’s and Orsha’s quests.

Farming Sage Wall is one of the worst things.

WOT?, dude even sb lim (aka a korean fencer c3) told that ddd is the stronget swordsman and the bosser by default with a support.
ddd stand for doppel c3.

How many hits for composee? All I know is thrust and composee has a same execution time (0.6s) if you use add on.

2 hits and higher base atk.

Thrust is useful for Doppels but is basically useless on Fencers.