Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I have a High3-Cor1 atm and have played Highlander in iCBT2, so yes I do know of crossliner’s weaknesses. However, most enemies that can’t bleed are plate types, aka weak to Strike which is where Cartar Stroke comes in. Then while it’s in CD, Fencer skills can cover for the rest of the damage without relying on crossliner combo. But when an enemy has cloth armor (weak to slash), then Lunge + Crossliner will provide much stronger burst in comparison to Flacconade spam.

Surely. But you will not want spam hl skills when epee is active.

Nor would you spam Barbarian skills, as I mentioned both classes end up as “Epee Cooddown filler” so it ends up as to what you prefer.

Obviously it’s meant to be on a case-by-case basis. Like others have said, Fencers work wonderfully as a standalone class that doesn’t require much support from previous ranks. However, that doesn’t mean that they’re an end-all solution for every single enemy type in the game.

whyd you reply to my post saying that? I don’t think it’s related but I mean I agree with you. hl3 is fine for fencer

oops didnt see your follow up post sry

Yes. Flaconnade was not designed to “cover” the weak point of our fencers.

Did not mean to reply to your post specifically. Sorry for the confusion.

For sure. It has great utility, but a lot of people seem to have the idea that it substitutes for slash damage for some reason.

In this video, Epee Garde’s bonus is exactly as it should at lv7: 2.4x higher.
Her Balestra Fente went from 11823 to 28375, a 2.39998x increase.

So, all those videos where the Crit value wasn’t “correct” were due to the Normal Crit Calculation itself, and not to the Epee Bonus to Crits.

You can use Balestra Fente as gap closer, than Hook and spam damage. IF the guy is still alive after all that, you can Disarm him at the end of Hook too.

Probably will. It’ll be better to use Balestra before Hooking.

Thanks for the spreadsheet, I’ll toy with it. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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Just a not-useful tip:

If you’re a Highlander-corsair, you can bleed Crosscut resistant monsters with Keel Hauling!


Oh yes, the OHKO potential of this skills is amazing, if it crits, few people will survive. Someone mentioned here about Long Strider, but Long Strider does not break your Iron Hook, maybe Balestra and that Murmillo jump works similarly.

Great work on the numbers 2.4x is nice, even higher with divine might, a little bit overpower IMO, a forced lv 5 cap was understandable but IMC don’t know how to balance anything so… after the recent up-time nerf, I don’t think they will not touch the skill again, not even Kekthrone was touched IIRC.

Was the Keelhauling bleeding thing a recent patch? I distinctly remember hooking in bleed-resistant monsters and not being able to proc bleed, but last time I played seriously was back in spring.
I know that broadhead can inflict bleeding on just about anything, so if anything partying with a fletcher helps a lot.

so… i’m trying to make a skill spammer fencer build here… prob swordsman>pelta>high2>squire>fencer2 (dont really like squire but i just dont see as much use for corsair 2 if i’m not going for a barb/auto-attack build), i plan to get shinobi later on to make more use from a high dex, so what stats should i use?

  1. Why not get Corsair 1 in your build. I have one and it’s great.

  2. Why do you want Shinobi? Fencer 3 is superior in most ways. And getting 5x more damage taken is counter productive.

  3. Fencer 2 and above have Composee. It’s a 0 cd skill so spam to your heart’s content. Or till you run out of SP which will happen in less than 2 minutes

It’s 50% now

Oh, so it’s lv 5 DOV but 5x more burst DPS then

Oh… actualy i was thinking about shinobi in rank 9 after fencer 3, if nothing better is released. I’m going for the same stats so why not.

I’m trying to avoid corsair only because i dont wanna bother with double weapon assault. Now if i do bother with it, then i will make a barb 3, gonna miss shinobi in rank 9 ); . Well, it is just to end boss fights so i dont really care much about it.

Plus it seems rapier repair is a problem.

Sometimes it bugs (or monster resists, not sure), but I remember using this a long time ago, pre-merge.

Something happened today, went afk and when I returned, I found those qts, too bad my interned died and we couldn’t chat :no_mouth:


That depends how the damage received formula works since DoV actually modifies your def value but shinobi just increases your damage taken by multiplying whatever its original value is by 1.5

If those are interchangeable values then yes

Just go for any R9 class. Don’t bother going back to any R7.

Squire is becoming less and less suitable for Fencers since everyone is sporting 2 Rapiers nowadays. Venier as main, Cata or something else as back up.

Remind me which servers are you guys on?

I have seen so many Fencers on Fedi these days. Should have asked and made friends with them