Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Anyone here knows how to read korean?

  1.    ‘베니에르’의 모든 펜서 스킬 레벨 +2 효과가 펜서 3서클 스킬에는 적용되지 않는 문제

Google Translate : 1. ’ Benny Aire " All penseo skill level +2 effects penseo three issues that do not apply to the circle Skills

It seems like it has something to do with the Fencer C3 skills, and Venier (Benny Aire :joy:).

I hope what it means is that it’s working now and adding +2 more levels to the c3 skills.

Edit: Someone answered in the ktos thread and it seems like Venier would still be the preferred weapon until Lolo/Solmiki.

I’m glad I’ve grinded those Ambers!

@hienng1991 I’m making a Scout 3 myself but you knew that already. Progress is slow though.

ikr. at least I’ve found myself some source of motivation. :joy:

RIP spada go back to my storage

Well, glorious Venier comeback?

yes, but we pretty much got the short end of the stick with transcendence.

Rapier itself already has low base damage, need to wait for lolopanther rapier for the next +2 unless we get new +2 weapons from the upcoming patches

Still no info about new gear right? Expect Earth Tower 40 we know about any new items? Or no luck?

preparation work only first shot in Etoiles ? other shot without prep effect ?

It works on all sept etoiles hits.

We have Fleche now, Sept in end game isn’t look worthy. Maybe just for leveling but nothing more. Or we have some job for this skill?

fleche doesn’t have damage % attributes, later on when we get better PA sept will still outdo fleche with preparation

I just watched this video and it seems that there is no new rapier, at least VonFreya said he couldn’t find one after someone asked in the commentaries. Those new equips are OP as ■■■■ and the best is: they are tradable!

All this Venier histories…
When I crafted my Venier, it took me one week just to “drop” the recipe

4k kills on my barb fencer and I only got it after I was bored of her and tried to farm with my cryokino (so +/- 200 more kills).
I bought the amber from the market during this spider hunting season for around 100k each piece (game was so alive…), so the candles’ raw silver (and the exp!) helped a lot but the frustration of seeing four guys just questing or passing by, killing “my” candles and getting the recipe was hard to deal. If I had to farm amber by my own… :no_mouth::scream:

I hope that they will really fix the level cap from our c3 skills (or remove this lv 5 cap if it was intended). Make Venier Great Again!

Ok, little math.
SE 15 Deal 5298=4232 so if we rich deal 8464 dmg.
Of course we can miss, be stunned, knocked, sleep etc.
Fleche 5 Deal 2542
3=7626 because we have overheat 3 but if i remember fleche hit 3 times so if we use all overheat at once that do 22878 damage.
Of course we spent much more SP but i think SP potions is much more cheap than 100 lvl of attribute.

Yep, there’s no new rapier. I looked for one last night from the datamine and there’s none which made me so pissed. It doesn’t have to be +2 to skills, but just high base damage.

You forgot something with your math.

You can still Prep>Sept>3x Fleche

Also you forgot to add PA, sept’s advantange comes from 8 hits that it gets from your PA, whereas fleche only gets 3 hits from it.

Let’s say you have 1k PA, add that PA per hit on your Sept and Multiply it with attributes and preparation.

You don’t even need 15 sept, just 1 is enough then add PA + attribs.

Even with Fleche attribute, you’ll only need 700 PAtk for Sept level 12 to outdo Fleche level 7. With Sept level 3, you’ll need around 1050 PAtk.

I just Skip this because this work for both skill. Right Skip Preparation because even if we double this still Fleche do more. You still wanna go 15/15 SE? Or leave on 1/15?
Because spent 1 point isn’t much when 15 is serious deal.

1/15. is enough really, 3/15 venier

Fletche has no attributes % damage SE has. Unless you are comparing at 0% attribute, I agree, otherwise you’re wrong.

Ok, later i seen what you write about skill level.
Well, i just never like have a lot of skill when my rotation didn’t use much. Even now when we have our spam-one-skill but if we have Fleche cd 45s and Sept/Preparation 30s so we have space for this combibation… ok how much for Razer Naga because soon 20 macro around W-A-S-D is not enough.