Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

D:, this is a bug or its really deactivated in pvp atm?

Not sure with Giant Swing, but with my Sw-High-Barb3-Doppel2, it really just makes you stuck, with so much things going on I’m not sure if (1)Dodged, (2)Blocked, (3)Out of Range. Tested it with 1v1 World PvP it works though, not sure about TBL.

I’d pick Helm Chopper over Cleave tho, sure Cleave works great with stunned mobs but that’s the thing only to stunned mobs (boss can’t be stunned). Helm Chopper is a decent source of strike damage (since Barbs will be missing out on Cartar, which imo is the best strike skill). You can get your slash damage with Seism and Pouncing. For me Cleave only works as a buff and debuffer. With Lunge + Cleave + Seism x2 you’ll get decent slash damage (I’m 178 Fencer right now and dealing 14k damage per Seism on Mineloader with that combo, with level 30 attribute on Seism and using an unenhanced Magas Rapier)

Edit : That 14k is the total of the 3 fake-hits of Seism.

You think high1 is a better replace for pelt1 to a barb3>fencer2/3?

For me nope, it’s either Barb or High. Guardian and Swashbuckling is too good. You could try though but that build is much better going Doppel.

Maybe Sw-Pelt-Barb2-High-Fencer3? Or then again if you want a balance of good slash and strike I’d say go Sw-Pelt-High2-Corsair/High3-Fencer3, you’ll take Barb for the buffs and the CCs.

I have one sw>High3 atm at lv 122 (aiming barb1 for R5), in doubt making him a future doppel 3 or get barb 1>fencer 3

Thinking loud about making a new character with the standard sw>pelt>barb3>fencer3 (with something like 96 STR, 50 con and 311 dex for lv 280 without equips), think its a good one?

Main focus is bossing, i though about pvp but i think i’ll need another character for it maybe yea?

If you are a non mounted swordsman, I’d think it’s a must getting at least 1 Corsair for PvP.

Let me ask why High3-Barb for Fencer though? you won’t have much use on the Slash debuff given by Cleave, as Fencer is pretty much a standalone class and you’ll rely most of your damage from their tree, only benefit I see from Cleave is the +50 crit rate.

You could take Pelt as your Rank 5, believe me taking Pelt1 is a better choice than going Barb1 if you want to make that as Fencer. Or you could just continue making it a Doppel as the Highlander variant deals much more dps than the Barb.

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That is what i was thinking.

I’ll keep my corsair c3 for pvp and focus with the standard fencer with pelt-barb3 route for bossing fencer 3 and this highlander 3 ill save for some doppel 3 in the future.

Do you think that stat distribution is fine or str is too low? ill use 2 sissels, max peta and got in doubt about virtov leather or plate and lolo leather (for more eva, dex and rate will still be high) or plate too (more hp, more def, more str)

depends though. If you’ll focus on pve, I think the str should be fine, but if for pvp you’ll need a little bit more for block pen.

I personally go for plate and just enhance boots and add green gemstones for eva. but both should work fine I guess? my reasoning for plate is just in case RNG fails to Dodge, I’d have something to mitigate the damage. 15% is not bad imo.

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I think plate will do great too with gems and enhance like you said coz we already have a great source of evasion from base stats (high dex build) and from skills like lunge and guardian buffs.

We can even use the vubbe gloves till get virtov or lolo plate gloves

yes that is the usual, tho I prefer Roxona Plate, cause I can put in 2 blue gems for sp regen for spamming composee.

but Vubbe would still work great.

IMO, until you get R8, just use plate armor and party
you can solo, but it will be hard using leather and evasion only, except IBRE / VIRTOV + aspersio
low AOE rate is hard for solo

and just a little advice
dont use all your skill point
use it like this offcourse with venier LOL
lunge 10 (main damager)
sept 1
prep 1
attaque coquile 1 (main debuff)
flannconande 1
attaque compose 1 (main damage spammer)

now when you hit R8, you will already have all those nuke skill
epee garde FTW

After so much time thinking on making cleric for easier, cheaper, and useful alternative

But not going with swordsman class the first time i play anygame just feels wrong to me.

So im planning on going fencer instead (after i reach 280 then maybe im going inquis or maybe stay)

So here is the question, why going barb c3 instead of corsair 1 is better?

Basicly going barbc3 is just making fencer more bursty

While taking corsair 1 giving u some utility that u can use during pve or be somewhat useful in pvp

My build will be sw1>pelt1>barb3>fencer3 (cookie cutter)

My fencer had corsair1 instead barb3, i regret it, war cry+pouncing too good to ignore

I dunno with other, but you will need more utility for fencer, because finestra cant work for fencer T_T

Barbarian is at its best at Circle3, when you gain Pouncing and the Warcry attribute.
@hienng1991 and myself wanted to have Corsair in the build, and were tired of Barbarians as well, so we went with the build:

Yup, in my distribution i can save 16 points from R7 to R8 already =D

I would take barbarian only for fast leveling.
I think is the easiest way to do a fast early way.

PS: I don’t hate barbs, but highlander skyliner hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Overheat 3
CD 15s
Do nothing if enemy can’t bleed.

Well… actually this do nothing i have Higlander C3 and I change this character into Squire, then I returned to my first character and raise to 280 lvl.
Still Petla>Barb C3>Fencer C2 is better for me.

A kind of off-topic matter, so I’m going to put it hidden. This is kind of a rare thing, so I find it to be nice to share.

It is about a type of korean comic that uses Fencing to build its plot. It is called “Attaque”.

From the manga reading perspective, it kinda progress its story as a sports manga, though I have not achieved a part with competitions. It kinda remembers those bromance sports manga, the relation between the two focused characters might make some fujoshi to achieve bliss, as a warning for you who don’t like boys love inducing plots.

I kinda of have prejudice to korean comics, though I liked a lot the Ragnarok manhwa. But this one is actually a nice read.

Here some old tests with high str.
Cross cut+Skyliner:


Lets take in consideration only white numbers:
Cross cut + skyliner = 3884
Cleave + skyliner = 3083

Something is really wrong in your statement or you didn’t playied correctly.

Here some tests I did now with that char after use a stat reset to cut off 50% his STR.
Cross Cut + Skyliner:

Cleave + Lunge + skyliner:

Exacly the same damage as you can see.
Here I’m not using glad bands like on old test.

And now do the same but use
Attaque Coquille+Attaque Composee
and you will see how many you do against someone before you. Next, try your rotation against monster who can’t bleed. There is many type and then Cross Cut won’t get synergy with Skyliner. Problem with Highlander is not like he’s really bad, but is bad if you wanna do this on Fencer rotation when there aren’t many mobs. It’s just useless in this case because you can just pierce them to the death. You can pick this class if you wanna take Corsair too, even C3 if you don’t mind about Peltasta (but you will regret this later) and then you have nice character even for PvP or party grind. But actually Barbarian do something more - fills in the gap in the Fencers - Area damage. How many mobs Highlander can hit at once and how many you can Pounce or Seism? That why many people recommended Barbarian instead of Highlander.

Your choice, your fun. I don’t regret any rank what I have on my Fencer.