Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

They are just rng, I went through 300 kills without 1.

I’m done for today.
I’m only farming 2 per day because I’m busy leveling archers.
I’m thinking in craft cata rapier again.

Edit: Crafted cata rapier. +1 AoE attack ratio for me.

If I have 4 aoe atk ratio, I can only attack 2 medium size mobs right?.

I just notice that (finally got venier haha) my AA can hit 3 medium size mobs but my fencer skill hit 2. Is that normal? Does AA add 1 more aoe atk ratio or something?

I think fencers skills don’t have attack ratio.
With my 11 attack ratio I can hit only 5 medium mobs with skills.

AA round up Attack ration and skills round down.

iirc Swordsman’s basic attack hits three targets at a minimum by default.

I know the feeling man. Farmed for two days investing 3 hrs each, only got 1. Though I’m only at 170 kills because of competition against fellow farmers.

With the rate I’m going, after 3 more days I’d probably end up having 300-400 Upent kills, if I won’t get amber during those times I might give up lol.

Can someone crunch up the numbers for me? Let’s say +10 Spada/Venier with level 5 item transcend. Let’s also assume that Fencer3 skills aren’t bug. How big is the damage difference between the two while on Epee? (Level 5 Epee for Spada, Level 7 for Venier)

With Lostac tests, we can say spada with +4 enhancement over venier enhancement, both do the same damage.

Now in epee if venier works, it will be an increase of 40% more critical atack.

Edit: Finally dropped more 2 ambers. Took 150 kills

but if we factor in item transcendence? will it be able to make up for the lost 40%? but I guess if the +2 skills will work on all c3 skills, Venier would still win due to the 40% increase and the additional uptime.

Thats the point. But at this moment we have no data if it will be fixed.
If not, spada is the way to go.

Here the tests:

Guys, i was thinking about a boss killer fencer between 3 ways:

1- Swordman C2>Barbarian C3>Fencer C3 (could do some pvp?)

2- Swordman C1>Peltasta C1>Barbarian C3>Fencer C3

3- Swordman C1>Highlander C3>Barbarian C1>Fencer C3 (This one i’m near Barbarian C1 but thinking about going to Doppel C3 with this one and making another character)

I’m in doubt about who could do the best at bossing

swordman C2 is trash, lol, always take pelta1 for fencer

guardian 18% evasion OP
C block manual OP

the rest, u can always choose High3 or Barb3

But to use the C you need to do swap to shield yea?

In Barb C3 route its better to max frenzy, cleave or other skill?

Warcry and Pouncing are important to max, the rest are your choices between Cleave, Helm Chopper and Seism.

Frenzy isn’t good for bosses?

Not so much, you still have to charge it, taking it is personal preference.

Hmm, about sword c2 or pelt c1, who is better?

For pvp we can do something?

Against bosses, Restrain would be useless. GungHo and Concentrate aren’t reason enough to pick it either.
The only plus of this is Pain Barrier lv10, but it’s worth a rank? I don’t think so, specially when Peltasta and Highlander offer much more to a character.
Also, Restrain for PvP is extremely overvalued.

It seems to be the “standard” Fencer build, which most here follows and agrees to be good. With Peltasta you have the +18% Evasion of Guardian and can go “Shield Mode” holding C, for extreme situations. Swash Buckling is a good addition to Parties, helps you maintain Aggro and for yourself to level as well.
Barbarian is much more “mob oriented”, in my opinion, than Highlander, as it have an AoE Stun such as Seism; Warcry, which is a “mobbing buff” and the high-damage and mobile Pouncing.
Frenzy is no good, avoid it.

Much more suited for Doppel, in my honest opinion, because it has some serious Slash damage going on here, and Fencer’s Epee Garde only works with Pierce Attacks. Now, Crown and Skull Swing are great bossing skills, and so is Vertical Slash now.
Some people such as Lostac likes to point it out how Skull Swing wouldn’t benefit you in World Bosses, as you would also be helping your competition. Well, this is a very good point, and needs to be taken into consideration, but for every other situation, it remains a valuable skill.
Cartar Stroke is also one of the best, if not THE best Strike skill of the Swordsman tree.
Cross Guard can also be used as the “Highlander’s C” in peril situations.

PvP for Fencers requires Corsair in the build, as Cataphract is out of question.


Are some good builds that use Corsair. If you’d like, you could pick Sword2 or Sword3 (I believe Kascly is doing a Sword3>Pelt1>Cors1>Fencer3).

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Ty for the infos @Palazzo , i think the standard fits more my style.

About Barb points, i dont like helm chop too much, so i’d only put 1 point into it.

I was thinking about getting lv 14 cleave, pouncing 5, giant swing 5 (can do some nice damage in pvp), seism 10 and warcry 10.

Regarding status how much str/dex is fine? (was thinking about block pen with str for pvp)

We can do some pvp with this standard route?

sadly giant swing don’t work in pvp, only make u stuck in the middle of the field