Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I miss you too. :wink:

Aaaaaannnd. I finally got it!

Took 924 Upent kills. Good luck to anyone else farming for theirs!!!


Good job, much respect for hunting those. Everyone and their moms are actually trying to buy those ambers in Klaipeda lol.

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Congratulations. Now let’s go farm battle bracelets.

I’m thinking in go ahead with cata rapier until I get spada because my build fits better without venier. I will wait a month before start to enhance my weapon.

Don’t think I’m ready to start farming for Battle Bracelets. In fact I rather just buy them but the prices shot waaaay up. Maybe 280+ will bring an alternative?

What is the best alternative to Sissels anyway? I’ve got Zachariel Nabgle and Bearkaras bracelet? I’ve got a few Poison Bracelets recipes as well. Zachariel one seems seem, I guess Rapid Bracelet? Would need one anyway for Sissels.

you might want to wait if it’s confirmed that venier doesn’t work with fencer c3, I don’t see how spada can outdo venier if it works on the new skills

I hope not, because that not make sense.
Especially that we have this in ET. -
So what, you got on ET40 new rapier with same attribute +2 to all skills but doesn’t work with last rank? That doesn’t make sense.

I already give up on venier now (got 5 Amber) and stick with my +7 catacomb xD.
I wish that 2.5m-3m Spada rcs are sold in verena. I might buy it. (It looks cool than catacomb and venier lol)

By the way we can roast level 6 gem now?? I see one lv6 shop in Fedimian (Verena server).

It’s definitely a bug if it doesn’t work with the ET one. Just need someone to confirm that. I wonder if Divine Might works with Fencer3 skills right now.

I really am jealous of most of amber farmers here. Most got their venier below 1000kills. And mine only got 9/12 in a 1400 kills… Tiring yet the feeling of getting those mats are far better then the feeling of level up.

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You can do it! I had to alternate between farming and leveling, especially when you are going through 300 kills and no drops. But ye, it did feel great when each of the Ambers dropped.

I’m planning on jumping on the Fencer 3 hype train, but I’m having a little confusion over stats.

I plan to just go with the cookie cutter barb3 path, but I’m having trouble figuring out what I should be doing with my dex and str. I’ve pretty much read up everything there is to read on the subject, but I still feel like I’m lost on what I actually want. Just about every build I’ve seen of the c3 Fencers on kToS are using nearly full dex builds (over 400+ dex and about a max of 80 str) and it’s somehow leaving me even more lost than I already was.

Long story short, should I just stick with dumping everything in dex or do I want to do maybe a 4:2 or 4:1 dex/str ratio?


We don’t know yet if epee stance will remain as it is or will it get nerfed down further. IMO right now before fencer c3, I would conserve stats.

You can play around with this

My stats with guardian level 1 (not optimal damage) (w/o guardian at 800 physical damage)

Guys, for a SW1>HL3>Pelt1>Fen3 route, which skill build of HL3 and Fen3 i should do better?

Highlander 3:

  • Crosscut should remains at lv1 just for the bleed?
  • Maxing Crown is fine?
  • Moulinet is a good skill to invest?
  • 1 point in wagon is a nice cc?
  • Cartar Lv 3 with knockback attribute is nice or leave ir at lv1?

Fencer 3:
-Lunge Lv 10 is nice to have?

  • Sept i saw here in this post people saying its better to leave it at lv 1 now, if i leave it at lv 1, which skill i should invest? Or i can stay with it at lv 10?
  • Esquive Toucher always gave me some weird feeling, so i dont think investing on it
  • How much points in Composee are fine?

Stat build is High Dex, few Str and some Con right?

Nice stats ratio bro, ure using 7 ella lv 10?

The rest of the next points you will invest into more str or more dex?

Composee is fine anywhere 1-5(or 10 on c3), depends on how you are handling SP, I don’t like to go over lv1 atm because spamming it on high level wbs will give me a dull time due to pot cd.

Crown maxed at 15/15 is nice, Moulinet should be ok at 5, scaling for moulinet isn’t great and you’ll rarely use it on higher levels

Leave Sept at 1 for now.

put 4/10 coquille for high uptime even without +2 skill weapons.

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Sept isnt scaling good?

About crosscut 1, cartar 3 with knock attrib and wagon 1 is fine or it dont matters in the final build?

I hate highlander CCs to be honest but you have nothing else, so yes, Wagon 1 and Cartar 3.

Yes Cross Cut 1 is enough

I don’t recommend cartar knockback attribute, if you ever need it bash is your friend anyway

Sept Scaling per lv isn’t good, you can still however put the remaining points in sept if you decide to leave composee at a lower level, but always save skill points for fencer c3

If you want some damage on your sept etoiles you can buy attributes upto 30-50, should be cheap enough and deals a nice burst together with preparation

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Yup, thanks for the tips.

Sept was at 10 because i leaved composee at 5 and attaque au fer i only got 1 point just for the disarm

I saved 4 points from fencer 2 to 3

  1. Invest in Crown until 100% uptime (lv14).
  2. Moulinet is not a good skill to invest
  3. Wagon is 1 point. It’s not that much good, because it has no overheats and a considerable long CD for what it does. You’ll use it when Bash is on CD.
  4. Cartar at least lv3
  5. Cross Guard depends on your playstyle. Can be at lv1 or 10, your choice.
  6. Crosscut can be at lv1, if you ended distributing points and still has some spared, put here.
  7. Skyliner MAX
  8. Skull Swing MAX
  9. Vertical Slash MAX
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3 for attribute up to 10