Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

hmm yeah you have enough time to do some frenzy too if you have it

I wish Barb2 had access to Frenzy attribute. I can take it but it’ll only be used for bossing mainly. Then again it’s not like Helm Chopper 5 is setting the world on fire.

Might get some numbers wrong as I’m not sure bout the stats.

  • PAtk : 884
  • Crit Atk : 182
  • Level 10 Sept : 387
  • Sept Attribute : 68
  • Holy Atk : 358
  • Fire Atk : 153

Assuming Epee multiplies crit modifier from 1.5 to 3 (level 5 Epee) :

*2 after *3 is Preparation, 1.5 is against leather, 1.68 is attribute level, 1.15 is Rapier Mastery : Agression.

Assuming Epee multiplier additive to crit modifier from 1.5 to 2.5 :

Assuming Epee is another T123 multiplier :

From the vid we can see that the actual damage is 28900, hence Epee most likely work as another T123 multiplier (applied at the very end of the damage formula, which is nice), after Blessing and Concentration, that adds 174 and 163 damage (do correct me on this one), makes up to 28511.356 (1.34% difference with actual damage, acceptable I guess?).
Regarding Preparation only applied at (PAtk + Skill Damage) part, feel free to test it further, I tested it myself (not gonna upload tho, soo ashamed at my Fencer’s stats).

edit :
as for lower damage from 2nd vid, loss of (358 + 0.5*153) damage (from going vs Dark to vs Fire) translates to 2.5k damage loss after all those multipliers.

edit 2 : corrected Critical Attack value

edit 3 : Aggression and Preparation’s calculation is WRONG. Don’t use it as reference.

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Pouncing is 20 hits, right? The 81s cd also means that you can only use pounching on every other/alternate Epee downtime. So every other Epee downtime, your slash rotation will be limited to Cleave + Seism x2 + Flanco.

HL3s have Cross Cut x2 - Skyliner x3, Vertical Slash x2, Moulinet, all of which are at 35s or lower cooldown, meaning they are always available on Epee’s downtime. Also, against cloth/plate you have Cartar as well (assuming Pelt1-Barb3 vs Pelt1-HL3), which is 600% x2. If you pad the first 10 seconds of your Epee with Coq before using Skull Swing, you can get armor break to cover the entirety of the Epee downtime for all your slash/strike skills as well.

So now the question becomes…how good is Warcry/Fenzy for a Dex-heavy Fencer? Does using 10 hits to stack frenzy (on a boss) really justify the damage loss from not spamming composee/flanco/other skills?

This. Lv7 and Lv8 Epee Garde will last 36s and 39s respectively.
It seems that it’s now imperative to use Venier/Lolo/Solmiki and to get that Monster Gem.

Don’t say that… They might do both.

You forgot Concentrate = 165, Critical Attack = 182, Critical Rate = 584.
Critical Sept = 28900
Normal Sept = 10516

■■■■ it, nothing is working. Also, it may be that Sept is at lv12 due to bugged Venier.

Pretty sure it should be more than 20 after the buff. But I’m only comparing one full HL slash rotation VS pouncing.

I don’t really care about frenzy, I hate it. But warcry is very good. the difference is very noticable.

They better not… Not before Quick cast reduces Wizard’s Con to 0 :wink:

This is assuming IMC included lvl 6-9 to the skill. Summon Familiar from Sorc has no over-levels FYI, so it might be the same for Epee (unless we have some confirmation that higher lvls exists)

But that’s only for groups of mobs right? Does warcry do anything if you are just fighting against 1 target (like a boss)?

Pouncing is 32 hits, I remember reading that number somewhere. But I do have Pouncing and it’s way more than 20 hits. I guess the number is true

Warcry is really good if you wish to increase PATK, about 20-30% more PATK for most High Dex Fencers

Yes, Warcry increases PA even with no targets.

1 More target is like 2 targets.

so basically with 1 target you raise your PA and decrease enemy def, it’s like somewhere near +100

warcry works on icewalls, traps, root crystals, fireballs(notsure)

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Oh wow you can read em? o.O
Thanks mate, gonna edit my post.
Actually I missed Blessing as well, then again both are flat numbers that isn’t multiplied by anything. Also the level 68 Sept attribute is there, 1.68.

Ah, that’s pretty good then (pouncing). The cooldown is still insanely long though.

I guess warcry can have some potential with some traps around, although I am still skeptical about it.

Still not feeling Barb3 over the HL3 kit right now.

Yeah, I saw the 1.68 later.
To Blessing, I threw a random number, 366, assuming various things.
To Concentrate, I used the spreadsheet and assumed lv5, due to the lack of GungHo use, so, 165.
You’re also multiplying stuff that goes in the end of the formula.

And I can’t read them, but I compared the placement with the english one.

My calculation ended up being less than yours, something is fishy.

Also, to anyone planning on using Slash Skills in the Epee Garde interval, may it be of 15s, 9s or 6s, consider using the Max Cast of Preparation instead.

Well maybe because the original damage formula thread has too many bracket that makes it kinda hard to see, but if you refer to ToS Mechanics pdf you can see that Elemental Attacks, Size Bonus, Race Bonus, etc also multiplied by T123.

But ya, if I’m not missing anything major, I’m convinced that Epee’s bonus works as another T123 as nothing else comes even close.

Not gonna lie. Might make one for pvp lulz.

One thing to note is that, based on my own tests, Elemental Attack reacts differently than p/matk for Enhance attributes. Say 50% attribute for example, and you have 153 fire atk from an Arde.

Instead of the attribute being a straight 50% increase (153x1.5=229.5), it actually adds Max Fire Attack instead. So your skill with 50% enhance with an Arde will now get 153-229.5 damage.

This test was done on my Necromancer, as I noticed that my damage range (removing all magic amp gear) was really stable on 0% enhance skills, while being far more varied on skills with Enhance.

So far this only seems to be unique to Enhance modifiers, since Quick Cast’s +50% attribute did not cause the same variance/range in damage.

This thread is also considered to be the Petamion hoarder thread so

Am I beating you to it?

Funny thing is, all 3 of the petamions I got are on this doppel, my 6 other characters never get anything.

Also I think you guys should stop wasting maths on Epee stance for now, I sense another change incoming, but that’s just me

Not sure bout that tbh. I mean, one thing that makes me baffled is damage variance while my PAtk being single digit, e.g. 500-500, this could be explanation for that. On the other hand, the vid I based my calculation on has absolutely 0 damage variance. Interesting, but maybe just bad programming, knowing IMC.

@Lostac sorry for the Epee calculation spam post for the last few days huehuehue. Well, if I didn’t miss anything big pretty sure now we know how Epee actually affects our damage, and if they change Epee, prolly it’ll be duration/damage adjustment, hopefully.

Nah I don’t mind, but in the end the formula or how it works might change again. So you guys might actually be wasting time

You just need to remove all elemental atk gear and test to see if you get the same result. Also, test skills with and without enhance% (like Bash vs Composee for example). Can be easily verified to see if it matches my own claims.