Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

@AEttir if you backtrack his stats and attributes, epee stance could very well put our multiplier to 360% or more. I’m unsure about his crit attack so take a look at this.

But then he hit way lower here…

I’ve tested that Gautlets of Slashing, noticed a flat amount of damage betwen 150~190. After I do my dgs, I will upgrade to demonas and check if that damage increases.
And the sad part, it didn’t work with cyclone.

How much damage do you deal per hit? I’m doing like 500-700 on Plate so 150-190 is quite significant amount

with a lv1 weapon and my magi+8 noticed only 150~190 more dmg.
That dmg amount increased didn’t apply to cyclone

So Slashing doesn’t apply to skills but only AA? That’s disappointing

Yes, it works with every skill but don’t work with doppels cyclone, but works with redel and zucken. Maybe its bugged.

Let’s hope so. Doppel needs this gauntlet in order to nullify Plate defense

2 more Ambers tonight. 3 to go.

Wow, that girl is a Fencer Maniac.
Also, those stats are great, maybe more CON would be nice.
Very nice build, better for a Doppel, though, now that we know that Epee Garde doesn’t work with Slash.

Edit: How about that Sept Etoiles, guys?

So rip all barbsfencers ???

Assuming you’re using this template:

What other choices do you have? Barbarian3, Highlander3, Highlander2>Barbarian1, Barbarian2>Corsair1, Highlander2>Corsair1, Hoplite3, Sword3>Corsair1, Hoplite2>Corsair1, Highlander>Hoplite>Corsair, Barbarian>Hoplite>Corsair.

There are endless possibilities, you can even pick Rodelero. But don’t go relying on their Damage Skills once you get to Fencer3 - apart from maybe Pouncing, Crosscut+Skyliner and Stabbing (Stabbing works with Epee Garde, but Hoplite as a whole only has that skill to offer to Fencers, due to Epee Garde only working with Rapiers and negating when changing to Spears, so doing the Spear Lunge Combo wouldn’t be nice, while the other Classes have more utilities).

These are the most common right now, something similar with “you can’t go wrong with them”:

I, myself, think that if you choose Barbarian, you either go Circle1 or Circle3, as Circle2 is not that much better than the First, and needs heavy complements from the Third, with the Attributes+Pouncing.
So, I’m following this path here, because I want Corsair in my build:

PS: In those two videos, the Fencer Girl was not a BarbFencer, but this:

I myself am going Barb, still contemplating whether Barb2-Corsair or Barb3. You won’t pick Barb for their damage, you’ll pick them for their CC (Stuns) and buffs (Cleave, Frenzy, Warcry). Like what everybody has agreed in here, you’ll get most of your damage from Fencer kit, might as well pick classes that will support your Fencer in Rank 1-5.

CD changed to 45 secs. Duration might have gotten nerf’d. Pick utility classes with no weapon swap required. Rip my fencer til I find better rotation how to make this work still.

Eh, 15 + 5*3 = 30s. Or did I miss something?

O yeah they might have nerfed that too. My bad, the videos I was watching all had 40+ duration.

I bet the Wizards called for this.

And some wonder why us swordsman players complain so much.

15s downtime :unamused:

And dragoon c2 takes L’s as well.
Serpentine debuff down to 5? Lol.

They removed the cd increase in Zucken and Redel’s attributes tho :open_mouth:

it was fun while it lasted. :joy:

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