Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I do 130 with 7 characters, keep doing it because that’s the dungeon where it’s easy to find people wanting to rush with anyone.

also only that + 190 gives 2 boxes, so you don’t have any better choice. farming low level wb with cheap reroll like abomination also works but I don’t wanna waste debuff for those

Did you calculate with the damage amplification crits from the new stance? I think we’re going to fall into a QS + Grand Cross / Didel scenario, but in this case Venier/Lolopanther.

If +15 and level 10 transcendence (550% damage)
Actual damage on skills venier:
Level 7 Balestra: 2.9 (10202 +1534.5) + 286 = 34321.85
Level 7 Attaque au fer: 2.9 (8788 +1534.5) + 286 = 30221.25
Level 7 Fleche: 2.9 ( 3051 + 1534.5) + 286 = 13583.95
Level 12 Composse: 2.9 ( 1300 + 1534.5) + 286 = 8506.05

Actual damage on spada:
Level 5 Balestra : 2.5 (8635 + 2812.5) = 28618.8
Level 5 Au Fer 2.5 (7420 + 2812.5) = 25581.3
Level 5 Fleche 2.5 (2543 + 2812.5) 13388.8
Level 10 Composse 2.5 (1143 +2812.5) = 9888.8

I heard mole lasts only 4-5 seconds, could you try equipping it at level 1 so you could remove freely after tests?

also, I mentioned it here before:
glass mole
gazing golem

reaverpede seems to be more consistent, but of course it doesn’t work on bosses

much appreciated !


Someone found these vids of Doppel (c/o @Lenny)

The 1st one was without DoV. The next 2 was with level 10 DoV. I changed my mind and planning on continuing my Doppel. I really can’t stand Rapier’s durability (don’t like carrying 2 weapons 'cause it’s giving me some kind of OCD). I’m dropping DoV in favor of survivability over glass cannon burst. Maybe if they fixed Rapier’s durability, I’ll make one, for me it doesn’t make sense for it to be that low. I like Fencer’s style but the issue with the durability is really turning me off.

BTW, is it confirmed that Fleche doesn’t have attribute level? It’ll seem like Venier and Lolo Rapier will be the best weapons with those +2 skills (lvl 7 Epee Garde is just awesome)

Last thing, any other confirmed armors exclusive for Swordsman?
I know these two exists in Tels :

Anybody can confirm if these exists already:

EDIT : Ohgmar and Demonas gives the same stat, so they might be the same.

The armors can be helpful =)

i alredy saw those vids xD
theres another one too:

hope this one help u decide about playing doppel

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Yeah idk how realistic level 10 transcendence though but I find level 5 transcendence and +15, venier is better than spada even on composse.

@Lostac I heard it’s 10 secs from a lot of people.

Edit: i can test it later. I have one myself.

Thanks for the vid! :slight_smile:
I was planning on High Dex Doppel, good to see one in action.

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Greytis confirmed to exist, they’re quite good actually if you use plate

edit: oh nvm you confirmed it yourself lol

Was planning on going full Leather but since it seems that they are releasing plate exclusive armors for swordsman, might as well make full use of it.

Yeah using that plate graves+grynas top/bottom+roxona plate gauntlets seems to be a good idea

however you need to make sure to enhance it and put high level gems to cover evasion

edit: lv 7 green gem only gives 32 evasion, that’s quite sad
you lose leather boots evasion + leather evasion bonus

Is there confirmation on whether Epee Stance can go beyond lvl 5 w/ Venier/Divine Might etc? I feel that this would influence weapon choices more than anything else (as far as phy weapons vs Venier for transcendence is concerned).

One thing to note is that the fencer forgot to re-cast Epee after Spear Lunge>swap to rapier for the Prep-Stabbing combo at the start, so she would’ve done 30k crits instead of only 15k.

I’m still of the opinion that Hop1 is a viable early circle to take just for stabbing alone, since it works well with Prep. Hop2 looks clunky as seen in the video, as spear lunge’s debuff only lasts for 5s (and you still have to swap to rapier + recast Epee before your burst).

Yep, that’s the plan.

On topic, I’m really hoping they’d do something about the durability of the Rapiers. Tried spamming the suggestion to them thru their ticketing and all generic responses :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i still think high STR is the way to go, for doppel. high dex for fencer and dragoon

the same guy with high STR were doing great damage too, in another vid, but we will have to wait R8 release to be sure. for now ill go high STR

the good thing is, now we know doppel is doing well =)

yeah, and also thanks to that stat reset from the event (I still also have my founders stat reset) I could change my build if needed. I’m mostly 1:1 str dex now, I’ll have to experience Rank 8 tho before I can make my own conclusions and before I reset as well. My reasoning with High Dex is because we could already get most of our patk thru Transcendence. but well we’ll see. I’m just at least happy swordies are doing great now. :grin:

(tho I for one wouldn’t mind if we are still stuck at the same shitty dps, as long as we get cool looking skills :joy:)

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Stats for the build number 1 - Pelt - Barb 3 - Fen 2 ?

These are only my personal recommendation, feel free to go with what you want:

1 str - 1 con - 3 dex

1 str - 4 dex, all bonus points on con

On reddit some one confirmed doppel c3 now doing fake multihit skill.
Anyway, stay almost dead to do some DPS seems stupidity.
I’m glad fencer now has epee with no drawback. As you can see all r8 classes has mid ranged skills.

Epee Garde with Venier/Lolo/Solmiki + Monster Gem will have it at lv8, giving 160% bonus to Crits, resulting in 390% Crits in the end.
The skill is truly the best.

To the guy not liking Venier due to the low transcendence potential:
Now we can have Loli Rapiers more easily, then you can transcend your Loli.
Fencer3s probably will be more common in ET vanguard groups as well, aiming for the 40th Floor, which means we can dream with Solmiki too.
Nevertheless, never forget to transcend your Loli.

PS: To the guy who doesn’t like DOV: You can use Lapasape Mushrooms to increase the stacks without taking damage.