Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I have a Barbsair and I feel 150-160 dex is enough in PvP. Most people mill miss and some will hit me no matter what. Low str makes me just a “hooker” (pun intended). Seism is good to stun people due its AoE but getting 2 ranks for a low stun duration doesn’t seem good. I’d rather have Pain Barrier and Restrain (due to slow att). It’d make even hook easier to land.

HL has bleeding (pierce damage and based on patk, so coquille + str benefits it), Crown to screw wiz a bit and Cross Guard to root archers. I don’t know how well they work in PvP though. Theory vs practice – this is where I’m standing right now.

I’ve been landing crits in PvP with such amount of dex + Krivis in team. High STR would make my damage ever higher.

The reason why the recipe is all over the market is everyone has access to those dungeons. You get a cube, I get a cube, everyone gets a cube. Each cube has a chance of dropping rare stuffs. Unlike RO where a field boss MVP is spawn every 1 or 2 hours and only the person who dealt the most dps can get the drop. Only 1 person. And the rare drop has even abysmal drop rate than TOS: 0.01%.

When everyone has a Sissel, it is not a rare drop anymore.

@danielnito007: If your goal is PvP, I would recommend the traditional route of Barbsair for quick Stun (2s) and Hook. Helm is quick and fast, Seism is decent. HL is more of DPS class than Barb. Cross Guard can’t be used with a Rapier (switching nightmare)

With High Dex, I believe only CC can be your nightmare (you will be nigh physical Untouchable anyway). AOE sleep and Frozen can screw you quicker than you think unless you can use Dispeller scroll appropriately. Stunlock to death. Remember, Epee will triple your crit damage (beware of crit resist, use the new skill first hand)

More DEX seems to be not optimal for evasion purpose. It’d help with accuracy but CON (HP and Block) would be better if I want more survivability. Remember that Restrain procs off misses so I could slow high dex people and land a hook and have Sissel help me hitting hard. Balestra Fente is AoE skill so it could trigger Restrain better but I don’t want to base my build around some skill I haven’t tested yet. I have around 120 CON with my Barbsair and I can survive one long cc (like sleep) most of the time. Psychic Pressure (with or without Raise) and Bleeding (from high STR characters) are my biggest nightmare and only more CON would help against those.

Seism does help hitting hidden people though. I’m a Silute player (ping is 200+ms) so often times I stun someone but they keep moving and are stuned of a sudden, so Seism + Iron Hook is pretty hard to land. KD + Hook is much easier. I thougth SW2 (more PB and some slow from Restrain) > Pelt > Rode for Shield Charge and Shield Push. Shield Charge knocks down people from Safety Zone (you have no idea how many times I wished I had this skill) and Shield Push makes them unbalanced, further improving my knock down capability. Great utility at the cost of damage.

TL,DR: Sincer Fencer kit is pretty much self sufficient in terms of damage, it seems that earlier ranks should provide utility. Theoretically, Barb seems the best choice (and it is in PvE) but I’m not sure in PvP.

First of all, to be honest, I have no idea how Restrain works. 60% chance to stun for 1 second? Secondly, Epee Stance will boost crit damage by three folds and you would prefer decent crit rate to throw out those yellow numbers. I believe R8 skills base damage will finally benefit heavy Dex build. If you wish for more damage, I think Dex will be better than Str both in PvE and PvP.

As for skill build. I have been playing with HL2 for a while so I can give you something. HL lacks Stun or any Disables except for Cross Guard which is kind of incompatible with Fencer. Even though Crown is nice. Barbsair will be much better than HL for PvP I assume. You can check how Lostac disabled mobs a few posts above thanks to Hook. I have no idea about Rode so I can’t give you anything. But Pelt (or HL)>Barb>Rode build might give you enough utilities in PvP: Pelt for shield, HL for Crown, Barb for Stun and Rode for Shield Charge.

On the final note, Eppe might only remove Shield defense, not options or block. So grab a shield and CHARGEEEEEEE!

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Somebody can tell me wich swordsman build or builds are probably the best choices for DPS at rank 8? Please I want to start to play !:disappointed:

I don’t think we can determine which are the best now, but we can determine which builds are confirmed to be good in any scenario, and those are the Murmillo based and Spear based.

Fencer is being discussed a LOT if you read this topic, and we change thoughts everytime.

If you want Spear builds, there’s tons arounds the swordsman section.

Murmillo is still something yet to know? Though it fits in the full tank (CON:DEX) with pelta-rode, pretty sure it won’t change from this formula.

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You can always try my experimental build if you wanna yolo.

Potentially, this is how it goes but I took pelt 1 for safety reasons to test it out in high lvl.

Me spamming composse.

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Answering my own question: Restrain is good on Fencer. Just found one in TBL and he spammed Flanconnade to avoid my attacks and stun/slow me. He didn’t have high burst damage (he took around 40% of my HP, ~9k) so I could get out once Restrain didn’t proc and he didn’t have Iron Hook to lock me in place. I believe Fleche gives us the same burst we are used to get with Hexen Dropper.

What build can I follow actually at rank 8 for Pve if I want Dragoon or fencer?
Tu for reply :wink:

the one who does datamining on the ktos thread have said that we will have close to 330 exp cards from the new quests, and the exp given by those cards would be close to 550million exp, where for the entire rank8 class we only need 696million, so if he had done all the quests, it would be fair easy to reach class 12.

barb3 was always a not so nice choice, but right now at least it is in better terms, because of the new buff from warcry and of course, the stuns.
at least i believe that right now with rank8, barb is better for fencer than highlander since the stance does not work with slash atks.
but again fencer3 have become a standalone class, where you only “need” fencers for damage and so on, there is not point in taking earlier ranks for damage now.

can you tell me where did you drop the ellaganos card?
the database does not have the map of the monster/boss.

link for the new manahas set and many new items that have come with the new patch.

the translation have been done by a guy on the ktos thread.

Ellaganos WB, it cycles on Videntis>Mokusul>Videntis>so on

Sorry for late reply.

Mounted classes are not my specialty, so I’m going to redirect you to topics with those who are.

I’ll hide it because it is off-topic.

[details= Concerning Catas]
The first is yet to be updated, but still a good reference.[/details]

[details=Now, concerning Goons]. I don’t have late game experience with spears, so try to read some Cathexis guide as well. But if you won’t be mounted, I believe the formula will be at least two ranks on Hoplite.

Now, the options are to fit your gameplay style. If you are to focus on STR, I thing two ranks on Swordsman at least will be necessary for the extra Pain Barrier (because you will be knocked a lot and you need some cover while spear-casting-aka-stabbing). You can take pelt if you prefer a DEX focused build.

The other part is pretty much a filler as far as I know. It can be ether the mixed with Corsair (might be better with STR build, but it work with the pelta way).

You can also take Cata, this class actually is usefull even with only one rank, but I advise taking as much circles as possible.

Though you can neglect peltasta and make something like SW3>Hop3>Goon2 (which is something that I would do for fun), try to consider taking it. Peltasta might get its adjustments and still be a heck useful class for ya.[/details]

Now, onto Fencers. Like I said, we are pretty much confused what build is better, however, the safest bet seems to be a balance between these classes: Highlander, Barbarian, Corsair.

The logic here is, Fencer is so self-sufficient in damage dealing, that you just need a way of supporting it. And those 3 classes do it very well. Highlander is the only one I advise taking at least two circles, in the case of taking it. The others can be reduced to one (though corsair is one anyway)

Peltasta with its future adjustments is still a safe bet, so you might consider it as well.

Swordsman is almost being sufficient, but it still lacks.

So, the two builds that I conclude from what I read is:
SWx>Highx>Barbx>Cors1>Fencer3 for DPS focus.
SWx>Pelt>?>Fencer3 for Utility focus with ? being the balance of your choice, maybe focusing more on Highlander and Corsair.

Sorry if it’s still confusing. There are lot of uncertainties yet.

Veterans @Lostac @hienng1991 @Palazzo @Proxied feel free to correct anything.

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Highlander3 is probably the best bet for support with the 100% defense debuff that lasts literally forever.

I shouldn’t have taken coffee last night. Couldn’t sleep a wink.

Anyway, I believe Lostac recapped pre-Fencer class choice a few posts ago but I can’t find it. So I will do my own recap:

Top choices:

  • Pelt: Basic choice and everyone knows about it. Guardian + Swash
  • Highlander: This class is mostly about Slash damage and debuffs. Circle 2 is suggested if anyone wish to take HL for Slash burst. Circle 3 is not desirable due to Coquille and Skull Swing don’t stack.
  • Barb: This class provides many useful stuffs for Fencer. From Stun, AOE stun to pAtk. Probably the best choice to take for Fencer. I recommend taking at least 1 circle of Barb in any Fencer build.
  • Corsair: Flag, Hook and Dust Devil. Due to R8, no more than 1 circle of Corsair can fit in Fencer build. This class provides even better disables thanks to Hook and Dust Devil. Flag is just great for field farming and it can nullify some attacks. Sadly, the damage this class provides is meh at best.

Big no no:

  • Hoplite: No you won’t waste an entire rank just for 1 skill - aka Stabbing. Try to beg IMC to change Finestra to compatible with Pierce weapons then we can talk.
  • Rode: Murmillo, enough said. Still decent for PvP though, where you will want to knock the coward Priest out of his Safety Zone. Credit @danielnito007.
  • Cata: Fencer skills can’t be used while mounting. I believe plenty of people do say so.
  • Squire: Used to be a candidate just to fix your toothpick … Eh Rapier. Now people just bring several rapiers with them.

Sword3: You will take Sw3 for these things: Pain Barrier, Restrain and Concentration. I have no idea about Restrain so I will refrain from talking about it. As for Pain Barrier, I think it’s kind of redundant for Fencer whom will go High Dex anyway. Concentration? It scales off Str better than Dex. Gungho? Try to beg IMC

It is still night here and I drank coffee as well. Hehe

I was summarizing as most people don’t have the courage when you look at the right and see that 2k number. Thanks for attaching Lostac info, I didn’t memorize everything yet.

Is it still a bad idea to take squire? Or are Rapiers cheap enough to buy multiple of?

It kinda depends on your budget. But it should not be too hard to afford 2 decent rapiers. In my experience, I am consistently able to save 2 millions by the time I reach rank 5 just by doing quests and some field grinding for monster kill achievements. Catacomb rapiers are usually listed quite cheap on the market, they are good before you can craft your own Venier

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*sudden idea

*Summon @Lostac

I believe you do play Barbsair, right? I want to know how Iron Hook disables compare with Helm Chopper. I’m interested in how you can Hook pointblank a mob and proceed to raep it for 9 seconds. Can Hook up to 3 mobs and it will be better if those 3 are clustered together (it can happen). And does Dust Devil have AOE or just 1 mob only?

Corsair outfit + Hook + Flag = pure win equation for me. I think I’m going HL2>Corsair instead of HL2>Barb

Scroll a few posts above, I have a hook demonstration, it’s a total stun duration the duration

Dust devil works like fencer skills, depends on your aoe attack ratio

Isn’t it possible to not take coquille if you take hl3? fencers are kind of lacking in skill points too and epee garde only works with pierce attacks anyway.