Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Fencer C3 skills seems too op amost sure they will nerf it.

So is barb 3 a bad idea now? O_o
I’m assuming with all this talk that a pierce focused build is what a fencer should aim for now?

the new skill with 3 overheats seems to have no attribute levels. Damn it, I wanna hit some godly numbers with it.

It isn’t, it’s just less desirable because you now only want it for that power warcry, still a good choice because there’s only a few choices really.

Your class choice widens if you are willing to switch

hop1 is also good for bossing, but I wouldn’t do it, most of your pierce kit on fencer is enough, hop2 though for spear lunge switching

It boils down now to:

Crown - Very good, every point here makes different
Catar - A powerful strike skill that lasts forever
Cross Guard - Situational
Bleed - Not so good late game, specially now with Skyliner not working on Epee Stance and with low-PATK requirement to deal damage, as the new skills have high-damage on their own, higher than any FullSTR build ever dreams to achieve.

Cleave - 50% Slash, +50 Crit
Helm Chopper - Stun
Seism - AoE Stun
Warcry - Finally it became good, with lv scaling, good for mobing.
Frenzy - “Meh”, I think this skill will never be good, specially for HighDEX.

Well, I think it doesn’t matter much, Fencer3 is just too much overwhelming.

Well, I’m a noob so I’m not sure what would be a valid path to switch to. Considering my current build is at c1 barb r3 right now (almost r4), I feel like this character might just be best going c3 dopple if it’s a bad idea to take it to c3 fencer. Taking c3/c2 barb for one buff seems silly to me and like a waste of ranks.

It’s pretty normal

I’ll give a very good example, look at QS

also if you want a doppel, HL seems to be a perfect fit for rank 2, not pelt, unless you’re planning on a defensive doppel

edit: look at that crit rate with 3 level 10 ellaganos.

stacking full ellaganos isn’t optimal, but reaverpedes are very hard to get. Having a mix of reaverpedes, centaurus and ellaganos seems nice now that the damage cap is increased?

If you’re only considering rank2s (I haven’t read the previous discussion sorry) highlander2 blows barb2 out of the water no question about it tbh

Nice stats. I’m aiming for that.
At Rank8, I’ll probably invest little in DEX and pump some STR - see if that 634 PATK of yours could jump to 800~1000.

Is warcry really that necessary though? Does it give that much to a fencer build? I mean, fencers aren’t an aoe class so do they really benefit from warcry outside of bosses?

And yea, c1 pelt has kinda left my options limited in that regard. Might need to re-roll soon.

Warcry is actually not very useful in bosses unless they spawn a ton of traps or adds. It’s absolutely beautiful for grinding and mobbing situations, and even more so now with the buff

it’s VERY useful outside of bosses. cooldown got reduced recently.

Yes, only Rank2s, due to the fact that Peltasta and Corsair prevent picking more.
The discussion before was after the revelation that Pouncing doesn’t work with Epee Stance, so, Skyliner won’t too.
This leaves both Barbarian and Highlander at horrible positions, and their Circle 3s even more.

I think pouncing will still be greatly useful even without epee stance. The damage is still really high (I’m doing 20k crits with it right now as well as it being a slash skill which is nice for a lot of current world bosses) but yeah for c2 only I really think highlander is the truth

I’m guessing than Warcry 10 then is the best option unless I want corsair then? (and I don’t wana be a pirate :confused:)

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I see, thank you.
20k Pouncing is a no-brainer, so Barbarian3 is back to the game as well if one chooses not to pick Corsair.

Edit: So, picking Highlander3 seems really bad for Fencers right now. Good builds are the classic Pelt1>Barb3 and the Pelt1>High2/Barb2>Cors1 variants.
Epee Stance doesn’t work with Spear too, so, if it behaves like Finestra, Hoplites are out of question as well.

Barb 2>corsair synergy is actually pretty nice, it’s like pouncing already

Dust Devil 3 charges. 20 second cooldown
Pouncing 25 hits(or 30?) 80 second cooldown.

now, dust devil benefits from all lunge and cleave duration, pouncing does not.

Eh, Barb 2 doesn’t have Pouncing, mind you

I was comparing barb 3 and barb2>corsair.

Just to not be misleading I DO have it attributed to 75