Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

I wouldn’t necessarily say it is a “must”, but in the current state of the game it is highly preferred. That is why all my recommended builds always include Peltasta C1 on them.

You could get by without it, the problem will be that (depending on your server) it might be more difficult to find grinding parties at higher levels since you don’t provide any utility to them.

Lots of CON and fair amount of DEX to hit high evasion enemies. The rest on STR.

So I would say something like 200+ total CON, 100+ total DEX, the rest on STR (which will be 100~130 total at rank 7, depending on how much CON you add).

I don’t think they will either, but we will find out once you test it.

Overall, no.

Unless you go with a really high CON build and using a shield for block, it is still better to use Plate as it protects you better all around.

No, it doesn’t.

Alright tested, goes through neither block nor dodge sadly. Critical is only for damage.

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if i have a Falconer in the party, with circling skill, War cry can doubles the bonus ? like 10 or 15 targets, default is 5 targets, right ?

@Cathexis Thanks for the topic, i wanna make a swordman who use sword and shield, for tank/damage and i wanna ask you for some advice, i thought of something along with Sw1>Sq1>Bar2>Pel3, or i could change Bar for High, idk, im new to the game and i don’t know what skills are viable.


Is spear lunge -> gae bulg a thing? Does spear lunge double gae bulg damage? What is stab damage anyways?

Hello @Cathexis is syncho thursting really such a bad skill? SOme guy did some math and it seems it does more damage then pierce or stabbing but its assuming you have end game gear…What do you think about it?

Don’t think so, War Cry only depends on itself and the mobs around it to get the effect. If you lower their AoE Defense Ratio it still wouldn’t matter, because War Cry is not trying to hit them, it is just applying a debuff on them.

The only way to increase the number of targets is with War Cry’s attribute.

There are many ways to go with this. Overall right now it is better to use spear rather than sword (or rapier instead of sword).

Would changing to either rapier/spear be an option for you?

Stab is just Pierce and yeah, you can increase the damage of Gae Bulg with Spear Lunge although the other scenario is much more likely to happen (and easier to perform) which is Gae Bulg->Spear Lunge.

But if you manage to do a Spear Lunge->Gae Bulg, then yeah, it’s damage would go up.

You don’t even use it at higher levels, because you have so many better skills that wasting time/SP on Synchro Thrusting isn’t a good idea.

Stabbing deals way more damage and while Sychro Thrusting could deal more damage than Pierce over the duration of a long fight, almost no battle lasts that long and the burst from Pierce is better all around.

Pierce is also great because it counts as a single instance of damage even though it deals multiple hits. So it is great to last hit bosses to secure your kill with Double Pay Earn and other similar scenarios, so the higher damage it deals the better it becomes for these types of situations.



The winds of change to the PvP meta are coming~
And the era of Cleric superiority in PvP is coming to an end~

Hi, I am making a support/tank which will be mainly PvE, stats are allocated as a 1str : 2con for the moment, how much dex is needed for pve?

For the skill i am hovering betwwen 4 arrest,15 repair / 9 arrest,10 repair. Which would be better?

Hey I am new to the game and wanted thoughts for my build from someone who is experienced.

I was thinking of going into:

I just wanted to know what would be the ups and downs for this build and if you have any other suggestions. The whole point of me going this build is because I want to own a Guild, be tanky and dish out damage.

My skillset

a bit of advice pls … i am still a bit undecided about which path i should take
s1>pelt1>hop3>doppel1>dragoon (cookie cutter)
s1>pelt1>hl3>doppel2 (pve dps)
s1>hl3>hop2>dragoon (my pet project/experiment)

i’ve played mostly solo before way back icbt but this time im going to be with friends most of the time and im pretty sure what worked back then wouldn’t apply now… focus will be mostly pve clearing content together… thanks for any help :))

a bit of advice pls … i am still a bit undecided about which path i should take
s1>pelt1>hop3>doppel1>dragoon (cookie cutter)
s1>hl3>barb1>doppel2 (pve dps)
s1>hl3>hop2>dragoon (my pet project/experiment)

i’ve played mostly solo before way back icbt but this time im going to be with friends most of the time and im pretty sure what worked back then wouldn’t apply now… focus will be mostly pve clearing content together… thanks for any help :))

I have some questions about Double Pay Earn.

  1. Is it a buff on me or a debuff on the monster?
  2. Do i have to do the killing blow or can be someone in my party ?

I’m planing to take one or two points on DPE before maxing Deeds of Valor for better leveling on missions. What do you think? I already maxed Cyclone.

Thank You!

Well, if a sword its a not so good choice of weapon, i can change to the one who is the best, i dont like one more than the other, i guess i have to change the build right?. what do you suggest?

You don’t really need any DEX for PvE, at least not with this kind of build. You get enough Accuracy from your gloves to hit the mobs in the game, so you don’t have to worry about that.

I would say that Repair is better maxed out because it gives you a better way to sell your services as a Squire. Arrest isn’t that useful to be honest, but if you don’t value Repair that highly then you could use your points here instead.

I think it is better to go with Barbarian C3 if you want to have a good balance between PvE/PvP/GvG on your character. Otherwise if you are more oriented towards PvP in the current “meta” then Corsair would be an alternative to take.

Depends on what you want to do, but overall Barbarian C3 is better.

For your build:

  • You want to get level 5 Gung Ho (or at least level 3). You can probably take 2 points from Thrust and 1 from Pain Barrier if you do want to keep Barrier at a higher level.
    Thrust isn’t useful in the game, you will barely use it, so it is better to spend those points on Gung Ho which helps your damage for most of your leveling.
  • You want to have max level War Cry and maybe Frenzy too, taking points from Helm Chopper for that. Because they add more damage to all your skills at higher levels (instead of only more damage to Helm Chopper).
  • If you do go with Corsair then you want to keep Jolly Roger at level 5 and take that point from Dust Devil.
  • And well, for Templar I think that it is better to max out Summon Guild Member and Battle Orders instead of Reduce Craft Time.

If you want to deal damage, then your first build does the most amount of damage in PvE out of those 3.

Your second build is more oriented towards PvP (whenever they balance it out).

While your third build is mainly based around enhancing the Pierce damage of the Dragoon skills while having the utility from Highlander. But you don’t have Peltasta.

Since you are going to be playing with friends, then you do want to have Peltasta on your build. So I would say pick one of the first two, depending on which weapon you want to use: spears or swords.

It is a buff on yourself.

As of right now, no. If you have the buff active and someone on your party deals the killing blow, then you still receive the benefit.

It is usually better to use it right before a boss dies (not deal any hits so you don’t use any stacks of it) and let your party kill it.

I think only 1 point is fine, as long as you don’t attack you won’t lose the 1 stack of the buff you have and your party will deal the finishing blow.

Well, I am not entirely sure what you want to do with your build. Do you want to have Peltasta C3 on it? Or Squire?

You could do something like:

Swordsman->Peltasta C3->Corsair or Squire->Fencer or Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon or Doppelsoeldner

or a full utility build like:

Swordsman->Peltasta C3->Squire C3

Or you could pick one of the other recommended builds I have on that section of my guide.

It really depends, is your only preference using a shield? do you have a particular class or circle you want to go into?

@Cathexis i just wanted the Hero feeling of The Legend of Zelda, thats why i like sword and shield, and for things like class or circle i dont have a preference. I just thought that having repair was helpful, that why i pick squire. The Peltasta C3 was for the skill to hit with the sword and shield, nothing more. But if i not gonna use a sword, then its useless.


Thank you for the help. I’ve already went with 0 points in Gung Ho >< but I don’t think it’s a big enough deal to restart.

For B3 can I take 10 Warcry 10 Frenzy 3 Giant Swing 2 Pouncing 5 Helm 5 Seism and 10 Cleave? and be alright with that path?

@Cathexis I’m literally new to this game and I’m going to start as one of the swordman tree class, especially fencer or dragoon. From all the information I’ve compelled so far I want to try this 2 builds:

1. Swordman > 2 Peltasta > 2 Rodelero > 2 Fencer
Specialize with tanking pve, evasion, pvp with cc. Is this a good build with the upcoming Ktos update? As I heard that old players in ToS, they don’t really need tanker class with low dps & they just need 1 circle taunt skill from peltasta with good amount of dps.

2. Swordman > Peltasta > 2 Hoplite > Corsair > Doppel > Dragoon
I analyze this build from high level player in kTos and he was having easy raids in dungeon (flag skill from corsair & whirlwind skill from Doppel) and probably a good build for pvp as well (with hook). As far as I can see here, this build has good synergize (1H-Spear & Dagger) and all rounder build for pvp & pve. However, is corsair a good replacement class for Hoplite 3 ?

I’ve been struggling with these 2 builds and I hope I can get a bit of guidance from your good experience as swordman this far. Do u think that these 2 builts are not that good & have any alternative build around these 2. Sorry for the text heavy thread :-p

you dont need 10 in warcry. 5 is enough. the defense debuff is not significant and you are already getting additional attack bonus from leveling the attribute. max seism instead

Wanted to ask about tanking. In 50lvl dungeon i pull mobs aggro but almost die besauce of it everytime. Im full str so its probably besauce of that? My manual blocking also blocks only about 50% of the attacks and we never have healer…Should i just pull the aggro and kite them?