Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Hey Cathexis, I’m making a Peltasta c3 -> Squire c3, but im unsure on stat allocation. Is there any viable alternative than going full con? was thinking possibly 3:2:2 on Str, Con, Dex or 2:2:2. I’m mainly going to do pve content. What would you say is a good enough threshold of str and dex to have before dumping the rest of my points in Con?

cathexis, what is ur opinion on this build ?
swordman c2 > pel c1> hoplite c2> dopple c1> shinobi
str ; dex 2;1 ,i put 30con as base

This is really difficult to achieve in Tree of Savior, as there are not many tools to try to recreate this thematic build on the game. And unfortunately, there are no “strong” builds that favor the use of Sword+Shield in the current state of the game.

So, I don’t think there are many options. Let me think:

  • Swordsman->Peltasta C3->Corsair or Squire->Doppelsoeldner->Anything (Fencer, Corsair C2, Shinobi or even Dragoon).


  • Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3->Doppelsoelder C2

Is probably what comes close to that. The first one is more around utility, while the second one is about dealing more damage.

Both have the option to use 2-handed Sword in case you want to switch things up, or on the case of the first one Sword+Dagger.

But really, I don’t think you will be able to find something similar. So take a look at the classes and see which ones you like.

I would say:

  • Leave Giant Swing at level 1, since it is only for utility.
  • Get Seism to level 10
  • You can get Pouncing to level 5 if you like it, taking points from Helm Chopper
  • If you do that, then you can put the rest of the points on Cleave.

But it depends on what you want to do and which skills you like. There is the scenario where you can have a lower level of War Cry, but it is usually better to have it at a higher number.

From your two builds I could say the second one is better.

Rodelero isn’t that good right now, so there is no reason to pick it for a build besides “stylistic” reasons or love for the class.

On your second build, the usual path for PvE is Hoplite C3 instead of Corsair, but if you get Corsair then you will have an extra tool to use in PvE, so it is fine.

It depends on the tools that you want to have on your character, but your second build has plenty of tools to be good on different situations. You also have the option to go into Corsair C2 instead of Doppelsoeldner, if that is another path you would like to explore.

You should have around 4k health to tank without any problems that dungeon.

If you don’t get a healer on your party, don’t bother using Swash Buckling, just get the mobs as you move through the dungeon and estimate how many your party can take depending on the damage they do.

You also have to pay attention to the attack pattern of the mobs, so you can avoid damage by moving outside of it. You should be moving constantly.

The main reason why people are making this build is for Earth Tower, so full CON is the main purpose of creating a build like this.

STR on this build isn’t that valuable because you don’t really have many tools to deal damage with, so it is pretty much wasted.

DEX is nice if you would like to have Evasion, but to be effective at higher levels it requires to be at a high number.

But it comes down to your reasons for picking this build. If you are doing it because you need it for your Earth Tower runs with your friends / guild, then you need to decide a good amount of HP to have with it. With Full CON you can easily reach over 55k HP, so it depends on what your Earth Tower party wants out of you.

If you are not picking it for those reasons, then you can follow a different path and in that case DEX would be better. However, the threshold you are looking for is an HP one.

How much HP do you want to have? 25k? 30k? 35k? 40k+?

Once you have decided that, you can spend the rest of your points on DEX or depending on how many free points you have, then something like 40~50 into STR too.

But yeah, first decide in the purpose of this build for you and then that will tell you what stat allocation to follow.

I think it is alright, a little bit more on the experimental side seeking for some PvP potential, I would say.

You might want to get your CON to 50~70 for PvP though, but other than that it looks fine.

@Cathexis Thank you for your reply & help cat, u’re right that rodelero is not in a good state now, that’s why in ktos they buff them bit by bit (along with barbarian).I appreciate ur help and going for the 2nd and I would take a good consideration of picking up Corsair C2 instead of doppel (then again…C2 corsair skills are pve oriented, but those flag and hook higher levels seems tempting).

One more thing to ask you again… str:con:dex = 4:2:1, con capped at 50 how about dex ? I kind of greedy to be able to do both good in pvp & pve lol

I try kiting them but magic mobs basic attacks (not spells) seems to never miss… Anyway really appreciate your help, thank you!
PS. Do you move and autoattack with your mouse?

We need a full DEX QS3 (or any other archer) to test this. But I think it’s most probably related to cata block pen attribute. Otherwise it’d have been discovered long ago by full DEX characters.

EDIT: Oh, you tested it already, nvm. Also, Cata attribute for sure scales off of SPR but it also boossts basic block pen and block pen from items, so it’s probably the case.

Hey there, i was following your guide to Hoplite, but i have some problems with the finals ranks… I am 100% sure i will go for S > P > H C2 and i want Doppelsoeldner, so Should i go for H C3> Dop C2, H C3 > Dop C1 > Dragoon or H C2 > Dopp C2 > Dragoon.
(Focus on PvE)

I know I’m not @Cathexis but the fundamental problem with Dopp C2 in a Hoplite build is that the Dopp C2 skills all require 2H swords. You can weapon swap to use them but you would also lose Finestra every time you do that. I think you would get a lot more synergy out of Hop3>Dopp1>Dragoon, which is one of the most popular PVE builds right now.

That was my principal choice, so it isn’t worth to get Dop 2 for Ciclone 10 and deed of valor 10?

I don’t think so, better Stabbing and Finestra would outweigh it if you end up going Dragoon.

Yeah, it is not better or anything, just another option you can take. I think both are equally good, each shinning on it’s own way.

I would say somewhere around 80~100 DEX, but it depends on how comfortable you feel with your Critical Rate. At one point you will have level 5+ green gems, Max Petamion and x2 Sissel Bracelets, so there is a lot of Critical Rate to acquire from equipment.

Me? I use keyboard mode.

I would say to just follow the standard route:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C3->Dragoon

Cyclone at level 10 is nice and so is Deeds of Valor level 10, but you will barely have anything to use it with since you will have so few skills on your kit at Rank 7.

In my opinion it is better to acquire more skills to use on your rotation as a Dragoon, so that you are able to deal better consistent damage.

@Cathexis correct me if I’m wrong, Don’t u think that hoplite skill can provide dragoon enough crit rate ? Wouldn’t it be wise to switch the stat and cap each of them to str:con:dex = 200ish : 80ish : 50 ?

Question, as a dragoon, how often do you guys use 2 hand spear? just bought C.pike currently hop3 > doppel and i was wondering if i shouldve bought karacha instead. thanks

Hi, i am actually Pel c1 > Hop C2 and i am thinking to go to cata c3 now, it’s good or it’s too late to go cataphract (I see always cata build with dragoon…) ?
My goal is to have an all-rounder build.
Thanks for your answer and advise.

What do you think about SP? I heard we will need alot of magic resist in higher levels? Also long stride isnt really important if i only plan on pve right?

@Cathexis @Darkzxvi

Thank you guys for the help. I think I’ll play around with the skills to see what I like.

Final thing about my build is what stats do I prioritize?
I am currently level 64
STR:55 CON:25 INT:2 SPR:3 DEX:27

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Hi there again, I have recently spoke with a few fencers who had given me some insights on the fencer class and is wondering if you are able to give any feedback regarding my build.
Swordsman C1 > Peltasta C1 > Barbarian C2 > Corsair C2 > Fencer

Stats Distribution:
25% STR | 20% CON | 7% SPR | 48% DEX

Planning for this build to be a good all-rounder (for all game types).


Not cathexis but I can suggest a few things

Are you going to pvp with this build?

the skills you put on corsair seems to be more pvp focused. You only need 1 point in keen hauling, you could put the rest in Jolly Roger. Max it on your circle because it’s VERY handy, more than you think.

and for the fencer part, I recommend flanconnade at 1/5 and Coquille at 4/5 for the best uptime.

Ah no worries, I had wanted to link to you as well since I saw you had a Fencer C2 but didn’t know if you are open to questions :wink:

Yes, I am planning to PvP with this build. I had been toying around with the idea of pulling my points from keen hauling (till 1) onto either Dust Devil or Jolly Roger. Would you still recommend Jolly Roger over Dust Devil?
Regarding the recommendation about Flanconnade vs Attaque Coquille, I shall heavily consider it. How is the damage of Flanconnade like though?

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me :slight_smile:

I recommend Jolly Roger over Dust Devil, Dust Devil is good enough at Lv 5 and you only put more points in there if you decide to have Lv 1 Iron Hook.

Don’t worry about flanconnade level, it will be at lv 3 because Venier will probably be your main weapon, unless you prefer Catacombs Rapier. And most of your Flanconnade damage will be coming from your Attribute, you also have 2 main slash types, Dust Devil and Seism. Add in Cleave if you want, so you’re good with that.

Also I am open to questions, so feel free~