Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

I kinda already established in an earlier comment that Cross Guard combos are only viable for bosses, and barely even that really…

But good work anyway, I do think Shinobi could possibly use it for mobbing?..
Because non-boss enemies and players that are staggered from cross guard are rooted/stunned for 8s and im pretty sure Shinobi’s Kunai skill pierces targets, as in going through them to hit another target.
But you would need Peltasta to taunt enemies too you first… Andt it will be much slower then an actual mobing class.

On a side note, Weapon swap before you drop the cross guard to reduce the weapon swap lag, and be able to act while switching weapons.

First of all, don’t be fooled by that video, that boss is weak to BOTH Piercing and Holy damage types.
Not to mention that this player is editing files to be able to cancel his animations and attack faster.

And the combo was:
“cross guard (cancel) -> preparation (cancel) -> attaque coquille > sept etoiles (cancel) > Lunge (cancel) -> spam attaque composee (cancel into it self becuase 0 CD)”

2nd you lvl up Cross Guard for the Block chance, the DMG increase will always be 50-70% of the DMG you dealt to the staggered enemy.

That question is really up to you, IMO i dont feel like Highlander improves Fencer in any way.
Which i have detailed why, here:

That said though, I do not feel like Highlander/Fencer is a bad choice, but its not for me.

Hi, thank you for the guide. @Cathexis, i was wondering what do you think about this build? im already at corsair c1

ohh thank a lot bro :slight_smile:

I don’t really think its worth taking Corsair if your not going to get c2 in it honestly other then that, just minor things like only putting one point in guardian

Btw, guys how many hits does Seism does? How does the calculation goes for Seism for Barbarian? (Physical attack + skill attack) * number of hits?

i wonder that too. it looks to me like the first hit does 100% dmg (skill+atk), second hit 50% and the third one 25%…

@Cathexis I’m not really oposed to Corsair C2. Just the double weapon assault skill. I am tempted by Hexon Dropper, higher level Iron Hook and Keel Hauling (could also get 5 points in Jolly Roger, I guess) How good is keel hauling any way? you say in the opening post it might be good for duels, but is it worth investing points in damage wise?

So with that I could go Sword > Pelt > Barb C2 > Corsair > Fencer > Corsair C2? or do you really think Corsair C1 will be decent enough. It seems to be like Corsair just doesn’t synergize that well with Barb? Honestly I’m half tempted to say screw it and go Barb C3, but if the skills won’t be used much as Fencer that seems kinda silly too…

Another Fencer question: I assume that plate armor is better because the dmg reduction is better than a flat evasion bonus. What do you think about the Roxona Armor? Should I grab the plate version or are the leather stats better for a Fencer:

Roxona Leather:

  • Top: PD 64, CON+5, SPR+5
  • Bottom: PD 64, Dar Res+8, Pierce Res+7
  • Gloves: Acc 91, DEX+3, Crit Atk +35
  • Boots: Eva 91, CON+3, Stamina+25

Roxona Plate:

  • Top: PD 96, CON+6, Ice Res+8
  • Bottom: PD 96, Crit Res +37, Ice Res+6
  • Gloves: Acc 72, PD+8, HP+289, AoE AR +1
  • Boots: Eva 72, PD+8, HP+289, Stamina+22, AoE DR +2

Should I stick with a full Roxona Plate set or it is better to mix gear and lost the damage reduction. Like get Top Leather and the rest Plate or another combination.

Also, is the AoE AR+1 working for fencer skills?

Thanks :slight_smile:

No, you get out of hiding as soon as you attack (you can move around while hidden though).

Mijin no Jutsu has an AoE Ratio of 3 (so you can hit a lot of enemies), while Katon no Jutsu will hit everything around it.

Correct, only once and doesn’t leave any DoT on the ground.

1 time per level, so 5 times at level 5.

Not sure to be honest, if I find out I will tell you.

Well, if you are going to put all your eggs on the Restrain basket, then you might as well max it out to get as much chance of it activating.

The problem is that with that type of build you are not going to have too many tools to deal damage with, so you are going to have to find something to compensate with at Rank 6 or 7 (If you are going Hoplite C2). Otherwise you are not going to get through the 20k+ HP most people have in PvP before they kill you.

Apparently it does. I don’t think it is worth it if you are doing any sort of structured PvP where you can build your composition around having a Plague Doctor in your party.

Even then, I think it is up to you to decide if you would like to have that extra layer of protection although it is not going to do much and it is going to set your build even further behind in terms of dealing damage (as well as PvE).

No, that is not true. If your hit misses, you don’t have a chance of landing a critical hit. It must hit first.

You are going to need a lot of CON to survive in PvP, around 100 DEX to have enough Accuracy and the rest on STR (or SPR if you do decide to test out that route).

I would probably say:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3->Fencer->Doppelsoeldner


Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3->Doppelsoeldner->Fencer

Although it depends on your definition of fun.

I assume you took Corsair C1 mostly for PvP?

Your skill points are pretty much on point. The only change that I would make is to keep Mokuton no Jutsu at level 1 and give those two extra points to Katon no Jutsu.

It follows the same damage formula as every other skill.

Seism deals 3 hits, the first one doing 100%, second one roughly 50~70% and the third one around 40% of the original damage.

That is correct, it is mostly a PvE build.

You could pick something like Corsair instead of Hoplite C3 for Iron Hook, or do another variation like that if you would like to take those classes for PvP.

I don’t have a Corsair right now to test it out, but from what other people have been posting it looks like Keel Hauling is either bugged or it behaves differently from what it did on the past.

Before you could spam Keel Hauling a bunch of times while using it and it was quite devastating because at a higher level it could pretty much kill someone by itself.

So it depends on whether or not you have spare points for it, maybe you can use them on another skill or if nothing else is appealing to you then you can always give them to Keel Hauling.

Well, picking Corsair is mostly for a PvP oriented character (in this particular build), because of Iron Hook.

So it depends on how highly you value having that skill on your kit if you are actively looking to participate in PvP.

Otherwise if you would like a more standard build then Barbarian C3->Fencer would still be a good option.

I say Plate is better. Even with an Evasion build on a Fencer, it is impossible to dodge 100% of the time, so you do want to mitigate the damage that you receive rather than try to acquire more Evasion which won’t be doing much at that point.

It does, but it doesn’t increase your range on the skills, you will be still limited by their hitbox.

What you guys think about this build that I’ve been working on? Ty in advice !

The main stat will be CON, the only downside that I see so far is the lack of the squire, but I can still change it (I’m Peltasta 2 atm)

Omg what the hell is that?

Thanks for the tips sir! Will a build of 100 con be enought to pvp? Like having 200 str, 100 con, 100 dex?

I really want to go hoplite3, even if atm its bad at pvp. What can my rank 6 be to compensate for this? I heard 1 rank in cata is bad. If I go swordsman3 route I can max restrain and pain barrier, and hope for more utility and damage in later ranks released. Or just go with doppel and hope for pvp buffs for my build, as I believe spear throw has the potential to be a great cc. If not just I will just have fun :D.

yes i took corsair for pvp. thanks again for the input

Hi, I’ve been reading a lot to prepare for my up and coming swordsman. I plan to play as Tank and I am going for Pelt1-Hop3-Dop1-Drgn1. I only plan to use the build to help me level and to add supporting damage (if that makes sense) aside from pulling/aggroing mobs.

For this build and my intention to tank, I want to diverge from the recommended stat allocation (Full or High STR) and go for more CON. Something like 5:2 or 3:1 STR:CON.

Would these stats and this build make sense for someone like me who is mainly interested in Tanking and not at all in DPS? Also, how much accuracy is acceptable for future dungeons?

@Cathexis - would appreciate your insight!

Totally agree with this, Red and Yellow gems are just too bad, no matter how you look at them. Red is only viable for offhand if one using full DEX build, and for main hand green is always better.
Yellow is always bad IMO, crit attack stat is really bad right now. Even for full DEX build green is better than yellow.

Yeah, I think that would be fine. You can add more if you feel like you need it when nearing max level.

Well, you could do Swordsman C3->Doppelsoeldner to max out your Restrain and try to use it with Cyclone. Otherwise, if you would prefer to have a more reliable source of damage then you could pick Dragoon.

You could also go for Corsair C2 while keeping Swordsman C2, this way you will have Iron Hook with Restrain (although level 5), plus Hexen Dropper.

Those are the only ways in which I see you having enough damage to bring someone down in PvP, any other path wouldn’t have enough sources of damage to take advantage of your build.

Yeah, I don’t see any problem with doing that.

One of the benefits from that build is that you will have Finestra level 15 which gives you +30% Block and that will have great synergy with your CON (plus an Aias shield).

You shouldn’t be worried about Accuracy (except for PvP), the main reason to get DEX for PvE is to increase your Critical Rate.

If you are going to run a build like that, then I suggest an All-Around build with a focus on STR instead. So your stat allocation would look something like this (these are total points):

80~100 DEX: You need to compensate for the lack of STR you will have in the build with a higher Critical Rate. Although if you don’t care too much about your damage you could lower it to 50~60, but I would prefer to have a higher amount because of the Evasion you get which has good synergy with Guardian and Stabbing’s attribute. You won’t be dodging too frequently, but between the high amount of blocks you will have and the hits that you do dodge it will be appreciated.

100~130 CON: With good equipment at higher levels, this should put you around 30k HP, maybe a little bit more if you stack HP on your headgears.

Rest on STR: At Rank 7 this is going to be 350+ STR, which I think is a pretty nice amount if you want to keep on dealing some good damage.

Even as a tank it comes in handy to have a good amount of damage to be more efficient and it also allows you to hard-aggro mobs with your damage+Provoke when Swash Buckling is on cooldown when mobs go after someone in your party because of their insane DPS at higher levels.

And you kill faster. Everyone loves fast dungeon/mission runs.

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I already saw this treat for such a long time, and i would like to play as circle 2 dopple, but as i read further i found its troubled at meta game

my build is 3str, 2 dex, 1 con

swd c1 - pels c1 - barb -c3 -dople c2

is it a viable for end game,

thank you

I’m building a Swordsman > Peltasta > Hoplite 2 > Corsair 2, and I’m having trouble figuring out how heavy I can lean on STR when considering Finestra lv. 10.

I was planning to do something like 5:1 STR/DEX with 40-50 CON, but I’d end up with maybe 40 crit rate from stats by 200.

Mostly PvE focused but there’s a not insignificant chance that I’ll be going Templar r7 to make a guild for my friends and I. So I suppose I want to be competent but not necessarily excel.

Thanks for the insight. Can I clarify when you meant go dragoon for a more reliable source of damage, what would my rank 6 be? C3 swordsman? Or C1 Doppel?

Do you have video of Steed Charge used in PVP?
Is it worth to take 1 level?