Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Lol. Uuuh, 10/10?
Is this for PvE too?
Are you anticipating the possible Barbarian buffs?

Your skills are pretty much perfect, the only changes that could be made are based on stylistic preferences. For example, choosing Doppel instead of Fencer C2 (but I imagine this is a thematic build too, because of the name), or perhaps skipping Bash and Thrust since it is mainly for PvE and you could get Pain Barrier maxed out instead, but it is not anything major.

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Tks a lot @kiby_devine for the question! I have exactly the same doubt since i dropped my arde as well.

Thank you even more @Cathexis for the answers! I follow your guides since iCBT and my decisions were much easier to make. Just one question though. Since i was running full STR for my hop3>dop>drg, how would be an adapted stat alocation for the hoplite c2 >corsair c2 > drg or dop?

Today, im like 9:1:1 / STR:CON:DEX , lvl 118.

What do you think? Thanks since now.

Is this a thing?..
No i just got to lvl 200 and felt like Highlander was trash as it didnt cover any of Fencer’s weak points.
so i re-rolled… ironic right?..

Im just a girl who loves the fencer class. <3

Eh, the whole thing was mainly pve to begin with, but i was thinking of dropping Bash and Thrust for PB once i got Seisem
but at the same time, i don’t think an extra 4 seconds is going to change a whole lot

Update: Level 217 / 13

Without Finestra

With Finestra

Special thanks to:


I think you will need more DEX on the long run, check @Endurance’s post just right bellow, that is a pretty good distribution for your stats (but you can add more CON, that is depending on preference and whether or not you will do PvP with your character).

Not even with Cross Guard?

What do you think are the main factors that made you feel the need to re-roll and that perhaps Barbarian could help patch? Which weakness are you mainly trying to cover?

And yeah, the 4 extra seconds on Pain Barrier don’t change much, but I feel it is more frequently used compared to Bash overall, so it just another option. Either way is pretty much the same, at least for PvE.

That is looking great!

What are you planning to do for the rest of your levels? And how do you feel with your progress so far?

And I didn’t do much, that is all you. Congrats on the good progress, you should be Rank 7 fairly soon.

Cross Guard is pretty much the only way to somewhat reliably increase your damage, but it will only be if and when you can block an attack, which isn’t always the case even while stacking STR.

So I think that Barbarian might be the better option because its skills can cover Fencer’s weaknesses pretty well with Frenzy/Warcry and Seisem.
That’s the low STR and Mobbing problems pretty much covered, even if only for a short time.
But neither side can increase your dmg for an extended amount of time.

Highlander is limited by stagger only lasting 8s with atributes, and Barb is limited by its HUGE CDs

And armor break seems to be completely useless, it would probably be better if i weren’t stacking STR through…
But it probably still would not make THAT MUCH of a dmg difference honestly…

As we previously deduced, it seems the only ways to reliably increase Fencer’s overall dmg is probably a high STR build picking up Doppel at rank 6 and waiting untill 7 to get Fencer (or vice versa)

But Im not sure if this is what i want to do because Im more or less 100% certain that Matador will be a Rank 8 or 9 and round out Fencer.
Seeing as Real life Matadors are Agile, Rapier wielding, Bull fighters that specialize in lockdown and thrusting techniques which MOST of fencer’s skills are named after anyway…

So If IMC researches them like they have done with every other class, then this screams
“Rapier class, with hard CC and/or mobbing and more beneficial to someone who picked up pierce skills”

But still frail and low STR which Barb still somewhat covers, or coves better then most anyway…

Srsly tho, is this a thing? O_o

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Hi Cathexis, I’ve been looking up at different sources of information on a Highlander C3 builds and I’m having a bit of a hard time putting together a proper one of my own.I’d like some of your input on this one I just made.

honestly want one build for Corsair , it’s my favorite class , I would like something that was viable in PvP , and useful in PvE , I will not only focus to content, chose Shinobi , that Nosé with Dragoon needed launches two hands and of course, lose the effect of having code Peltast and Hoplite I guess.

Your as you see and change?

I want the buid for when friends enter when F2P go with that build , and currently have a Diev 141 xD

Sorry for my english xD

Wow man your critical rate is pretty high even before Finestra. Is it from equipment?

  • Dex bonus

  • Sissel Bracelet

  • Weapon has two green gems +22 Crit Rate each

  • Karacha dagger that i just bought has 29 Crit Rate but -10 Max Damage… i was drunk and excited so I forgot to roast gem… now i gotta remove it and all that crap and im broke

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Hey Cathexis, Just started playing and i’m really enjoying the Peltasta class and i’ll like to go further with it even though i’ve read much against it. I found your suggestion for a Peltasta C3 build here but i’m not so concerned with being “tanky”. I’m mainly planning on PvE with some utility in PvP/GvG in the future. What do you think about a build like so Swordsman ->Peltasta C3->Corsair->Doppel->Dragoon? Stat wise I was planning on going 4:2:1 Str:Con:Dex. Would like to know your thoughts thanks.

Wow that’s an awesome equipment you got there. How’s the critical rate?

Initially was planning to do a mixture of str and dex for a critical build Barbarian but gave up cause it’s hard to get a good critical rate (more than 50%?) I am currently having only 70 dex. Guess have to rely heavily on gems but even with 2 green gems with +22 critical rate each I can get up to 110 critical rate only…not even 50% critical rate on current mobs.

Part of me always regret that I didn’t take the Peltasta > Hoplite route > Corsair = / cause of the lack of AOE skills but the critical rate is awesome

I have a strange question, but can you pls test how much points finestra gives to your block?

There are rumours that it won’t increase it by listed %, but increase will be lower. Not sure what exact formula is, but it’s not flat as I’ve heard.

Definately planning on going Shinobi… i know the job class has several bugs right now, but that was my main goal… other than that i guess i will keep farming for better bracelets or materials for that stuff, everything on the marketplace seems to be inflating day by day and its pissing me off because its hard to make silver in this game

And you deserve all the credit, you made this guide and without it many people would have screwed up including me :smiley:

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I find that my crit rate on monsters my level is roughly 60% without finestra and 85% with… I’ve seen archers with 99% crit rate… always wanted to DPS like them…

Haha can’t compared with archer as they naturally have high evasion and critical rate as a compensation for lower hp and lower defence. But certainly the critical rate for Hoplite 2 > Corsair 2 is awesome and it’s certainly amazing when DWA + Finestra on boss = Critical all the way :grin:

Part of me always regret that I didn’t take the Peltasta > Hoplite route > Corsair = / cause of the lack of AOE skills but the critical rate is awesome

What’s the AOE ratio of Corsair’s skill?

Yeah, I thought you knew about them already:

Cleave also increases Slash damage by 50% now.

What are your goals with this build? Looks slightly more oriented towards PvE since you covered everything category for it.

PvP might lack a little bit of heavy CC, but I still think this is viable since you get a bunch of debuffs from Highlander to make it work.

The skill distribution is great, I wouldn’t really change anything as I understand the reasoning for picking the skills you did on your build. Good job!

If those are the classes you want to play leading up to Shinobi, I think they fit pretty well what you are looking for as it covers all aspects of the game without any problems.

Here are the few changes I would make:

  • Leave Thrust at 0 and move that point to Pain Barrier, since you will be using spear and that will be your main source of Pierce damage.
  • Max Swash Buckling and remove 1 point from Rim Blow.
  • I would max out Stabbing instead of Pierce in this case since you will have Hexen Dropper for quick burst anyways.
  • Leave Unlock Chest at level 0 and place that point into Iron Hook.
  • I would leave Dust Devil at level 1 and use those points for Iron Hook / Keel Hauling. Or at least max out Iron Hook and then the rest of the points into Dust Devil.
  • No clones in this build? I guess that is fair, the only problem is that apparently Mijin no Jutsu might be bugged, so you will be able to find out once you reach Shinobi or once we get confirmation of it.

I think it is fine if you would rather finish with Dragoon instead of Fencer on your build. Even though I still prefer Fencer because of the shorter cooldowns it has.

For your stats, I think you might want to increase your DEX since you are not taking Hoplite for Finestra on Dragoon, which means that you will require quite a bit of it at higher levels (close to 100, if not more).

Unless you really don’t care about Critical Rate the your ratio would make more sense since that amount of DEX will cover your Accuracy for the most part on PvP / GvG.

If you were to take that build, my only suggestion is to take at least level 1 of Gae Bulg since you still want the debuff it applies on hit to increase Physical Attacks by 15%.

They have 0 by themselves, so the only take what Swordsman naturally has plus equipment.

Ah I see, that means it should have minimum AOE ratio of 4 right.

Ask about Bunshin No Jutsu

  • Level 5
    Duration: 20 seconds
    Summons 5 Shadow Clones
    Damage Increase: 5x

Damage x5 only for skills that can copy by bunshin or for all skills ?


That is damage on you.

5 clones = you take 5x more damage.