Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

@Cathexis hey man, i made a new character and I’m planning to build a cataphract c3 because of the “Rush” skill. do you think skipping peltasta c1 to get restrain from swordsman c2 is worth it? I think Rush + Restrain would be really good in pvp. What are your thoughts about that? and lastly, Is the provoke attribute enough to tank in dungeons given that the mobs automatically come at you when they see you? thank you for reading this.

I assume that you understand the classes that you are picking and the reasons for having them in your build.

Between Shinobi and Corsair C3:

  • I think that Shinobi could give you a little bit more tools to use, as Kunai is also a ranged attack but on a shorter cooldown compared to Pistol Shot. Although it is more sustained damage rather than burst one.
    It also gives you the hiding mechanics that could provide to be useful to stall while waiting on cooldowns or simply to re-position yourself.

  • Corsair gives you more burst with Pistol Shot, but it is limited to it’s cooldown, so you probably will be able to bring someone down pretty quick with Iron Hook + your burst skills.
    Other than that you get more duration on Iron Hook and more damage on the other skills.

Although Shinobi might offer a little bit more of versatility, I would say to pick the one that you have more interest on, as it is better to have a playing style that suits you.

Barbarian C3 has the Frenzy (makes it better for PvP) and War Cry (better for PvE, but can be used in PvP). Other than that you get Giant Swing and Pouncing, which in my opinion could be useful in PvP.

The thing is, at one point in your build you will have to take Corsair C1, since you want to be oriented more towards PvP (at least for the current “meta”) and Iron Hook is one of the best tools currently available.

So it would depend on which tools you consider more important, Barbarian C3 or Corsair C1, or if you would like to have both options in your build.

Following this, we could have the next builds (considering that Corsair C2 isn’t that appealing to you):

  • Barbarian C3->Fencer C1->Corsair C1
  • Barbarian C3->Doppelsoeldner->Corsair C1
  • Barbarian C2->Corsair C1->Fencer C1->Doppelsoeldner C1
  • Barbarian C3->Corsair C1->Shinobi
  • Barbarian C2->Corsair C1->Fencer C1 >Shinobi
  • Barbarian C2->Corsair C1->Doppelsoeldner C1->Shinobi
  • Barbarian C2->Corsair C1->Doppelsoeldner C1->Dragoon

I wouldn’t worry too much about PvE because you already have Peltasta on your build and any of these builds has enough power to fend on it’s own in terms of damage.

Most of the Rank 6 / 7 classes only add more damage, so it depends on which style you like more. The only one that could add an extra factor would be Shinobi because of it’s hiding mechanics.

If I had to go towards full PvP, then I would probably pick the Fencer->Shinobi build because of your High DEX build but, to be honest, any build from that list would do, so pick the style you like the most.

It wouldn’t be good because you are not taking Peltasta on your build. Taking anything more than Swordsman C1 is mostly for PvP oriented builds.

You could make a new character, but it would depend on if that is an option for you or not (and the amount of no-trade items you have in there or compensation rewards).

Also, in my opinion, Shinobi is better paired with Hoplite instead of Swordsman C2/C3 and Barbarian, so I would pick that instead. Barbarian is more for PvP too (at least in this composition).

If you are not willing to make another character, you would do:

  • Swordsman C2->Barbarian C2->Peltasta->Fencer->Shinobi

or without giving up Corsair

  • Swordsman C2->Barbarian C1->Peltasta->Corsair C2->Shinobi
  • Swordsman C2->Barbarian C2->Peltasta->Corsair C1->Shinobi

Not really, because even though everyone will be able to use a mount Cataphract still has the highest movement speed because of Trot.

No one has made a proper testing on our current version, but I would say that you still get a few thousand gold every dungeon run or grinding session (of about an hour). While it is not of high impact on the short term, over a longer period of time you would find yourself with more silver compared to other builds.

I don’t think it is worth it. At least not in a balanced character (PvE, PvP and GvG).

If you fully devote yourself towards PvP and want to try that build then you would have to go with:

Swordsman C3->Cataphract C3->Dragoon (or Corsair / Peltasta at some point of the build if there is no interest on Dragoon).

Mainly because if your plan is to rely on Restrain, then you do want to have the highest amount of chance of activating it and that means going into Swordsman C3.

This is much easier if you have friends to play with so that you don’t have any problems getting to max level.

Yes it is for dungeons, but it isn’t for grinding parties. So that is one thing to take into consideration.


Hey @Cathexis , I have another question for you or maybe @xechidna can answer too :stuck_out_tongue: and I don’t want to start a new thread and maybe can be useful for other people. It is about Fencer weapons:

  1. Rapiers. What is the better stat to gem: Max Attack (Red), Crit rate (Green) or Crit Attack (Yellow) ?
  2. Daggers/offhand weapon. What is the point of the offhand weapon? Is the damage important or just the special attributes of the weapons? Like Arde Dagger elemental damage. If I gem a dagger, are my skills affected by that bonus or that gem just buff the seconday attacks?

For Fencer specifically, I don’t think any other gem offers as much as Green for the crit rate.
You COULD possibly go for yellow to get crit attack, but IMO the dmg that it gives is not as noticeable as crit rate is.
I recommend this because of the fact that fencer is a low STR class, so focus on more crit rate would be a godsend as criting, increases the DMG of your attack by 50% then slaps your Crit Attack on to the end of the formula.

Vs +87 crit attack (max lvl yellow gem) which wont make a noticeable difference in the late game anyway ESPECIALLY if your Not critting in the first place.

And IMO the same ABSOLUTELY goes for your off hand as you can get +120 Crit rate from a max lvl green gem, Thats a lvl 12 Finestra buff (minus the block rate and attributes)
vs. +93 Cit attack and +70 PATK which again wont be noticeable when your dealing 5-8-10k (ish) DMG depending on build and enemy.

Yeh pretty much that, and Fencer it self getting a +15% DMG buff to pierce skills when using anything other the a shield in the off hand.
And no the DMG of the off hand weapon does not apply to your overall DMG.

Everything is effected by the stats/gems/ability of your dagger.
The only thing that does not apply to your main hand is the PATK of your off hand item.


Perfect! Thanks for the info :smiley:

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Create e new one I am now a dps/supp PD :slight_smile:

How about skipping the hoplite circle? What stats would you suggest with this kind of build: Swordsman c2 > peltasta c1 >Cataphract c3 > dragoon? thanks again :smiley:

I’m making a shinobi. Atm im a sword c1 and peltasta c1, planning to go barbarian because of the stuns instead of hoplite since i’m going to go pvp and the stuns seem more useful for pvp than the hoplite build (correct me if i’m wrong :P) but my problem is the stats, since im taking barbarian i don’t know which stats to focus, i tought on going 2 STR 2DEX and 1 CON for example but i’m not sure because i’m planning to use the clones in pvp too :o.

may i ask @Cathexis @derael @Autentist and other swordie enthusiasts :grin: can I still have the full benefit of using seism like before if im goin dragoon and using spears on rank 7? im barb c3 atm

Couldn’t find much on this, but with the new ktos patch, I would like to know others thoughts on Peltasta > Rodelero > Doppelsoeldner

Would this be viable? Is there an all-around build for this or mainly just PvE/GvG? (not so concerned about pvp)

Was thinking either:
Peltasta c3 > Rodelero c2 > Doppel c1
Peltasta c2 > Rodelero c3 > Doppel c1

Should have taged me, or you woulda have been waiting for @Cathexis to wake up.
Anyway, yes Seism has no restrictions.
in fact nothing in the Barbarian path has a weapon restriction.

I dont really think you should be building in accordance to kTOS, because as it stands we have yet to get ANY changes implemented in kTOS excluding the Token benefit changes.

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@xechidna thanks man btw, you’re included in the swordie enthusiasts :grin::grin::grin: now im thinking about how would it look slashing while using a spear :confused:

You are not going to be able to use 1H Spears until you reach Dragoon if you do that, so you will have to switch between 1H Sword+Shield and 2H Spear to use your skills and Swash Buckling.

You also won’t have Stabbing, Pierce and Finestra level 5, but I don’t think that is too much of a loss, considering the build you are trying to pull off here. The only problem is that you are not maximizing your use of Restrain without going into Swordsman C3, so that could or could not be a big factor on your experience playing this build.

You are going to need some DEX to hit your enemies on PvP and Critical Rate for PvE/PvP (something between 100~150) and if you want an evasion build then you might consider going into higher numbers.

CON is also required for PvP environments, so you will also want something around 80~100 for that (or enough for your HP to be on a comfortable level for your build).

The rest of your points go into STR for damage.

I don’t think you need to follow a specific ratio because you are not going to be doing PvP until higher levels, so you can save your CON points for later and use them in STR/DEX at the start to level up easier.

So I would say focus more on DEX for now because you are going into Barbarian and it is better to use Evasion/Critical Rate for their solo leveling.

Ignoring the kTOS changes which might or might not come to our version, I do think it is viable to mix Rodelero with Doppelsoeldner. In fact, Doppel goes well with pretty much any build because of how good Cyclone is.

I would stay at Rodelero C2, then go into Fencer->Doppel or Doppel->Fencer, depending which one you like more. Although you could also try something like Doppel->Dragoon or Doppel->Shinobi too.

Hi there, at first i wanna go sw-pelt-hop3-dop-drag but realised i kinda dont like spear style. What build can compare with it(sword based) in terms of pve? Thanx in advance.

What you didn’t like about it?
What are you looking for?
Compared in PvE in terms of what?

Any chance you can explain mechanics behind shinobi skills @Cathexis ?

I tried the main shinobi topic but am looking for confirmation.

I. I read shinobi has an invisibility and a hide ability in their skills, can you really attack and do everything while invisible?

II. Is mijon no jutsu, katon no jutsu and kunai aoe dependant for amount of targets? I dont seem to find any info on this.

III. Does katon no jutsu hits once everything in a line? No DoT on the ground?

IV. How many times do kunai hit?

V. Any idea how to get Pensara sword?

Hi, I am currently a swordsman2 > hoplite2. Planning on hoplite 3 doppel dragoon. I am mostly a pvp player but I don’t like cata so I didn’t take it.

My question is should I change my plans on hoplite 3 and get swordsman3 for restrain 10? I heard restrain at lvl 5 doesn’t do well. I can keep that despite it being lackluster or just lvl pain barrier to 10 if it really is that bad in order to keep hoplite 3.

I also read that spr (aside from block penetration, magic defense, and sp) gives ailment resistance. If this is true does that mean investing points in spr becomes useful in pvp?

Lastly, what are the stat distributions for a hoplite3 doppel dragoon that wants to pvp? I heard crit doesn’t miss, if that is true I only need enough dex to raise my already high crit chance right?

Hey there,

For those interested, I made a small video showing Cross Guard + Spear Lunge + Hexen Combo

Combo is good for solo, ok for missions (if you can manage a block), pretty useless for aoe/grind/dungeon purpose.

I will do another one when I’m shinobi with kunai. (not yet C7, i’m slow XD)


Nothing really) just prefer swords over spears. I looking to be viable in all kinds of pve (solo, party, dungeons). If look in ur reccomended builds what will bebetter and more fun to play:
Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C3 > Doppelsoeldner C2
Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C2 > Corsair C2 > Doppelsoeldner
Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C3 > Fencer C2
Swordsman > Peltasta > Barbarian C3 or Highlander C3 > Fencer > Doppelsoeldner
Swordsman > Peltasta > Highlander C2 or Barbarian C2 > Corsair C2 > Fencer

Hi guy @Cathexis ,can you tell me about Cross guard skill ?
when i max it at 15 the block chance increase ? and pierce dmg increase when blocked? or i must max atribute for increase the pierce dmg
the description skill is too short i cant understand it :frowning:
now am going fencer c1 with sw>pel>barb3
i feel pain cause i just know that crossguard can increase pierce dmg and someone tell me it increase many many dmg on pierce which that combo --> cross guard > preparation > attaque coquille > sept etoiles > spam attaque composee
ex. this clip
finally I should create new char for go Highlander ? ?? to repalce that fckin barb ? or its ok to go barb 3 ? T^T
ps. sorry for my bad Eng.