Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Kunai hits 5 times at lvl 5?
I can’t find any info about that… So Kunai is a multihit skill?
So 1 use of Kunai against 1 enemy hits the enemy 5 times? If i use clones and then use kunai lvl 5, does it hit 25 times then? That would be awesome but i can’t image that its true ,)

Well, you have to understand that this particular build focuses around short fights rather than long ones.

That is why many people following a similar build have been disappointed when they are not able to deal with mobs that have a lot of HP (80~100k+).

Currently the best way to deal with those is to have DPS classes oriented towards long fights, which right now mainly involves Hoplite, Fencer, Shinobi and Corsair.

Barbarian C3->Doppelsoeldner C2 is a build that instead focuses on short fights and you can still solo grind using it on the correct maps. Although party grinding is more efficient but Peltasta takes care of that.

So I would say that you are not going to run into any problems, but don’t expect the build to do things that it isn’t built for doing.

I would say try to get it around 100~120 DEX total, if you want to cover your possible involvement with PvP / GvG. And you can use the rest on STR.

Depending on the amount of CON you have, you will be able to reach something close to 400 STR at Rank 7 and I think that is a pretty nice amount to have.

If you want to have max level Restrain, then you would get Doppel C1 at Rank 6 then Swordsman C3 at Rank 7.

Or if you want to keep Swordsman at C2, then you can get Doppelsoeldner C1 at Rank 6 and then Dragoon at Rank 7.

I don’t have one at hand, no. Maybe you could search around YouTube and see if you can find one.

Overall the skill isn’t that good, but maybe having it as an extra skill on your rotation isn’t that much of a bad idea. I would say to get level 1 and try it out, maybe you like, maybe you don’t but at least you have something else to use in between cooldowns.

It throws 5 Kunais that spread out in a fan-like shape.

So if your target is far away, then most likely you will only hit them with 1 or 2 of them. On the other hand, if you cast it at melee range then they are going to receive the 5 hits at the same time.

Thank you so much for the tips sir! :smiley:

Hi all, I wanna ask about Deed of Valor 100% up time…let’s say I managed to stack 10 times of it…once the skill cooldown but the buff has not expired yet and I cast again, will it maintain at 10 stacks?

1 more questions…does Warcry increases the enemy pulling amount? As an example Swordsman can pull 8 monsters max, with Swash Buckling it’s 8 + 11? So with Warcry is it 8 + 10?

@Cathexis Im planning on doing this build >< With at least 40 con and 3:2 Str/Dex. This is a hybrid build that I made so I can help my friends and to earn silver fast since I will help them on F2P. Not much but any idea how to improve this? I can change this to BarbC3>CorsairC2 but I really like the JR level 15.

Thanks for this guide. Appriciate the hard work.

Can you please tell me whether dragoon skills can be used with iron hook kr not? Like immobilizing an enemy with hook and then hitting them with a dragoon skill?

Thank you for your input, it was very helpful

is there swordman type that focus on dealing debuff and bad status?

nevertheless thank you so much

Do you know the CC effect of Steed Charge?
Is it knockdown like Bash or knockback like Rim Blow?

Highlander does. Although there is no proper debuff class in tos.

Swashbuckling don’t increase the amount, it’s a debuff, that forces monster to attack you.

Warcry doesn’t have such debuff, I doubt that it affects aggro in any way.

Yeah, highlander is kind of focused on debuffs. Rodelero is another one, but it has mainly short durational CC.

Meaning it only aggros the amount as stated in the skill? I see they can aggro 20 monsters with just Peltasta C1 @@

Not sure about this, maybe it just catches the attention of 20 monsters but only 11 get the debuff. It’s better to wait for @Cathexis to clarify this. But it might have been an illusion that it aggroed more than 11 monsters, since it’s already quite a big amount and may look like a huge swarm of monsters.

Warcry only aggros the amount stated on the skill, plus it’s atribute.
And it’s range is only about 5-10% the range of swashbuckling.

The enemies literally can’t be farther then about 5 steps away from you, where swashbuckling grabs enemies that aren’t even on screen…

First i’d like to congratulate you for making this guide and providing so much feedback, im pretty sure it’s time consuming and takes a lot of love to keep this going.

I also have some doubts and some thing i’d like to share from a different perspective.

Im a dopple 2 myself and never used frenzy, if you could comment on this i would appreciate.
Does the stack damage from frenzy, after fully stacked transfers for others skill?
What i mean is, after you get the 20 stacks and use ciclone, will the stack damage works in the skill?
if yes them it’s an ok skill, if it doesn’t them just forget about this, because the damage from warcry works, and most of your damage come from cleave+helm chopper+seism+ciclone + every other skill in your rotation.
you’ll only be auto attacking when everything is on cd, and that’s 15 seconds max in any fight.

I also would like to have a pretty in-depth talk about gear.
you said plate is the way to go because of the superior stat allocation.
This is my 3rd Dopple, i played amost every single beta, my first one equipped plate.
I agree plate is better vs magic mobs them leather, but leather is just better overall if you’re planing like me to use a good amount of dex in your build.
First, stamina is non combat stat, you gain nothing by having more of this.
Right now (240+) every mob hits over 1.5k damage, and that makes the defense provided by plate underwhelming compared to the evasion leather provides.
I’m using a 3 str to 2 dex ratio in my build, with full leather gear and mastery and i dodge 90% of the attacks. Every time another dopple gets in my party i make sure to inspect them and to look at their equips, 90% of them use plate and they get blown away in every single dungeon because in late game dungs every mob has a big effect melee damage skill.

Second to this is, if you’re having trouble with magic mobs, you should have a secondary cloth set to help you with them. They will provide much better protection, making Plate also the second best for this type of mobs.

And as a finisher Plate has no synergy with any of your atributes. If you’re planning to use gung ho on lvl 50 (as i am) them this skill will trade 50 defense points, making plate even worse. And let’s not forget about deeds of valor at lvl 10 which will decrease even further you armor, making it even worse.

On the other hand leather has no penalty on those because you’ll be dodging everything at a very good chance.
I might add that the defense with Gung Ho and Deeds of Valor, In Both build will be very close to 0 making the 1700 hp from plate set worthless in comparison to the 100+ evasion from leather set.

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Hey! , congratulations on the guide and the recognition you get from it , you deserve it!.

I have a doubt in regard to rank7 , do you think is worth considering fencer or dragoon over doppel2 for a pelstata1 barbarian3 doppel1? (this is for pve , following a 3:2:1 str dex con build).

I know doppel2 has more burst than fencer , and so does dragoon but im not really sure about the difference on this two except for the 2h spear vs 2h sword. On the other hand , fencer has more sustained damage wich can help on complement this other classes.

One last option would be not taking doppel at all and go barbarian3 into fencer2 (im at barb3 currently) , but im not so sure about this build damage wise.

I really don’t have a preference on any of this builds , i just want to know what you think would be the optimal path for the class choices i made so far.


thank you in advance!.

If you want to PvP, I would probably stick with the Wizard.

But if you want to give Swordsman a try with that build then I think Peltasta is the way to go, that way you will push through your leveling without any problem as you secure your spot in grinding parties that way.

Apparently your stacks go back to 1.

War Cry doesn’t generate any threat on the mobs you aggro, it only makes them aggressive when you cast it.

Swash Buckling increases the limit of mobs that you can aggro by 11 while also increasing your threat on those 11 that got the effect on them. However, you can still keep on aggroing more mobs besides those 11 with damage or you can lure some moving nearby to them and then pull the ones far away with Swash Buckling.

Another thing I do is lure most of the room with Swash Buckling then if some mobs are far away but I want to keep the ones I already aggro’ed in the AoE’s then I lure them using Throw Spear to them and they will come.

And yeah, sometimes Swash Buckling catches the attention of more mobs but only generates threat on 11 of them.

Like the others said, the only one that comes close to that is Highlander. Maybe Rodelero.

It is both, knocks them back while knocking them down. Just like most other knockdowns.

It does.

It directly increases your Physical Attack (on your stats window) so it will have effect on every skill and attack you do and it will also be multiplied by whatever modified the end damage goes through.

For new players, Plate is simply the best way to go with all the way to Rank 7. As it provides the best stats all around and they don’t have to spend too much money trying to level up more than one armor attribute. Past Rank 7, or 225+, I still think Plate is still the overall best set for most builds.

If you do value Evasion higher then I could see an argument for using Leather, but this is a very specific case that comes down to your build and playing style and it is not a general rule that can be applied for the Swordsman tree.

On one hand you can straight up reduce the incoming physical damage with the Plate attribute, or you can take your chances and dodge it with evasion. With a High DEX build then you don’t have to worry about using Leather, but with a hybrid build you can choose to have more HP and Physical damage reduction (which helps against both physical and magical at the same time) or focusing more on Evasion which only helps against physical damage.

Magical damage is a little bit different though. Generally it is better to simply learn how to dodge / position yourself to take the less amount of magical possible, while enduring the damage that does go through with HP (because Magic Defense isn’t that good).

Since HP is the best way to counter magic damage in the current state of the game, then Plate still covers that part better than Cloth while also offering protection against physical attacks at the same time.

The only exception to this are very high CON builds that have a good amount of HP and Block on them (physical damage protection) and can opt into getting Cloth instead to mitigate the magical damage with the attribute to complement their high amount of HP.

In the end overall Plate is the better option to go with, but there are few particular scenarios in which another type of armor could benefit one particular build. That is why I think that if you feel more comfortable playing with one type of armor, to continue doing so, as it is better to use something that suits you as a player rather than force something that you don’t enjoy.

I also think that it comes down to the player knowing how to adapt to different scenarios rather than try to straight up “tank” everything the same way. This includes positioning but also the use of Guardian instead of Gung Ho, etc.

I do think that with that path you can take either of those classes: Fencer, Dragoon or Doppelsoeldner C2.

Like you said, if you are looking into getting more sustained damage (which a Barbarian->Doppel build certainly needs) then you can pick Fencer to cover that weakness, while at the same time you already covered the AoE weakness of Fencer with your build.

Dragoon is mostly if you are interested on using spears but at the same time not interested on using Hoplite. Mostly to have either an evasion oriented Dragoon or a more heavy oriented PvP Dragoon.

For Fencer C2, I think it is better to pick Fencer+Doppelsoeldner as you cover more types of combat and weaknesses that way and will have a better balanced build all around. At least for the current state of the game (Rank 7, max level 280).

Finally, Doppelsoeldner C2 is mainly for continuing the path of using 2H swords, as the other two paths will force you into using another type of weapon.

Hi, sorry for asking again… can we use iron hook with hoplite/ dragoon skills like long stride/gaebulg/serpentine/dragoon tooth etc?

And whats the range of iron hook?

Is it possible to use swash buckling and jollyrogers together and then C to block damage while tanking?

I’m planning to go swd-pelt-hop3 (for full finestra n throwing skills)-corsair -dragon. For pvp main and pve secondary.

What would you say about this build cathexis?

Yes, you can.

Difficult to say without a metric. But you can search for videos about it to have a better idea of it’s range. I would say that it goes from your character to about 10~15% away from the edge of the screen.

But yeah, just look for some videos, it is easier that way.

I think it is fine if you do want max level Finestra.

Although I would consider a Corsair C2->Dragoon or Hoplite C2->Corsair->Doppel->Dragoon build if you have more interest on PvP.

As Hoplite C3 doesn’t offer you that much and I think it is better to have other main damage tools like Hexen Dropper or Cyclone on your build that are better than Finestra Level 15 on this particular PvP oriented build.

Thanks Cathexis. I’v edited my previous post. Can you please check it again?