Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Swordsman's Battle Manual (All classes) - By Cathexis

Hey Cathexis, first of all thanks for this great role you play with our community. Second, I am having some doubts about Jolly Roger: after testing it I think it could be better explained, it gives you the buff of pillaging, which works like the “steal” from Ragnarok, the monsters have a chance to drop itens as you attack them, making it worth it to kill them slowly, with many hits. Although I noticed a significant increase in the amount of crafting material I get, I do not notice it on Silver, so, judging by how the buff works, you’ll only get more Silver if you’re able to pillage Silver as well, which I haven’t noticed so far. Also, pillage doesn’t work on instances as far as I can tell. So, do you have a reliable source that could shed some light on this? Or are my observations the most we have só far?

One more question, I’m planning on going pelt > hop2 > cor2 > doppel. Because hop ant cor are great at single target, but lack aoe, which doppel will cover. Is this a bad choice compared to dragon and Shinobi on 7? Or would it be just as good? I’m aiming for a pve farming build with some PvP potential. Thanks in advance

@Cathexis thanks for the feedback!

Yes, I did plan to get highlander for the crit attributes since I thought it would give me more damage overall than going barb c3, but it seems like this isn’t the case?

In that case, would it be better to have a bigger focus on str than dex?

Cathexis thank you for the feedback as well, alot of people truly do appreciate the time and effort your putting into this.

Just wanted to clarify one thing:
Is a Spear Corsair>Dragoon better than a Hoplite c3>Dragoon in terms of DPS or is it actually the opposite?

I still want to tank somewhat but be able to hurt in PVE

Ive decided to scrap the whole cataphract>Dragoon concept and down to those two routes

Progress so far…

Couldn’t have done it without this guide special thanks to

and Tree of Savior Fan Base

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For pure Two-handed Sword fans, which build carries best into the end game for them?

Barbarian C3 or Highlander C3?

I’ve heard conflicting stories like the highlander route being better for shield/spear and the barb going dual wield. I’m really only interested in the two-handed swords and would like a build that won’t be invalidated by parties or level 200+ mobs.

Plz help me Cathexis what’s build i choose go for pvp in this 2 build [PVP 2v2 3v3 5v5]


thank you for adviec

look hes passive…

If you’re talking about the two-hander critical attack bonus, that’s been proven to fall off hard at high levels unless you’re running a pure dex build. Mobs have extra crit resistance so critting isn’t as common as low levels and that extra crit attack damage is added as flat damage to your skills. Critting for an extra 200 dmg is meaningless when you’re hitting for over 3000.

The rumor that highlander is better for shield/spear comes from its synergy with the Stagger effect and Pierce damage. There’s really very little that makes them good at using two-handers and that passive is never the reason people pick them. Check this guide even to see that, going highlander for the passive in a two-hander build is NOT worth it.

Which leaves us back at wondering which class actually does the best with two-handers: the debuffing low damage combo guy or the self-buffing high damage attack spammer.


What are your thoughts on

Sword, pelt, hop2, cor2, then Doppl or Dragoon.

Is dopp dtrong enough to compete?
Is 2h Spear realy much better than Spear/dagger?

Does Jolly Roger and Double Pay earn synergize?

I picked up SW c2 because of restrain, but u gave me a good point. I think peltasta does not work with corsair. And i really wanna know what you think about the combination of hop2 corsair2 and dragoon

I wondered about pel synergy, but if you think about it pel gives the kit you lack. Provoke More hp with atributes and a cc if you think u need it for only a wep swap.

@Cathexis, you should add a synergy section to each circle of each class, and maybe a PvP and PvE scaling / use, cause theres so many questions for you all the time that developping the guide some more might help with. That and maybe the overall worth of going to a further circle from the one before, and potential sacrifice/gains.

A section about 1hand+shield or 1hand+daguer vs a twohander might be a good addition.

People keep asking for builds and help, mostly because synergy of class is not quite as known as it could be, so maybe putting some more time in the guide, even if its longer then answering all these individual questions, might save you some time in the future.

Again, thanks for all your time so far, wish i could do something to help out some more.

@nazrious, Jolly Roger and Double pay both provide more silver, so in a sense they synergise, but they shouldnt multiply off of each other.

Also, for doppl vs dragoon, you might wanna invest in the one in which you wanna go further in. Going dragoon, once the rank 8 are there, you would still be able to go spear and daguer to go along with corsair C2, where doppel is two hander stuff, which doesnt complement it all that well. I do think dragoon might be preferable, but you can always weapon swap to get the best of both.

Wanna be good-survivable dps-delaer and idk which stats i should go
atm : 2:1 dex-str, 4:1 spr, sometimes i take con. Mb some advices for me? I have stat/skill reset.

Thanks for the response mate. I was thinkign about dopple one and then rank 8 goign Drag instead of just jumping into drag for rank 7. To clarify my question at rank 7 does dragoon really offer considerably more than taking doppl at rank 7?

If I do

sword, pelt, Hop2, Cor2, Doppl > Dragoon
Sword, Pelt Hop2, Cor2, Dragoon or Sword, Pelt, hop3, Doppl > Dragoon

I kinda just makes me wonder if Dopll circle 1 is so damn good wouldn’t it work for rank 7 just as well as rank 6 and also provide the bonuses of better farming etc. Just something I was thinking hard about. right now I am very leery of rushing the levels because I really want my first character to be my main, and not just something I will end up re-rolling because I went the wrong way.

Hello again, @Cathexis.

Could you please help me one more time with my new build? Here it is:

As you can see, it is a Dragoon focused on PvE, using Double Weapon Assault, and offering some utility (via debuff). Also, I have no intention of doing any kind of PvP with this build. I am actually looking for something that is capable of dealing a quite significant amount of AoE damage and single target damage (and survivability).

For now, I am doing 3 STR : 2 DEX : 1 CON. How often am I going to crit? Is it a good stat distribution for my character? I am investing in DEX because I have a few multi hit on my build and DWA, as you can see. Otherwise, maybe a build with high STR would be better. The DEX here is only for criting as I will be using Plate.

Also, is it true that Double Weapon Assault fall of later in the game? If yes, how much it does fall?

As there is no Finestra and Spear Lunge on my build, I intended to invest heavily on my skill rotation and debuff to increase my DPS. Basically, what I mean is: debuff my target, attack while DWA is active, and use every damaging skill on my kit while DWA is on cooldown. Repeat. Is it right?

And last, but not least: is my DPS going to be far inferior in comparison to someone who chose Hoplite instead of Highlander? To be honest, I do not like playing with Hoplite :smile:

Anyway, I thank you in advance.

P.S: If Doppelsöldner is the only option for what I want (an excellent character for PvE capable of dealing a good amount of single target and AoE damage) then I will go for it.

It does work on dungeons as it was easy to tell when a run had a Corsair or not depending on the amount you got at the end of a full run. However, it could be different in our version and I don’t have a Corsair right now to test it out, so this probably would require some more testing.

It is also one of the main reasons why on kTOS many people gave priority to finding a Corsair for their party, especially for the 130 dungeon which is the one that gives the most silver in the game.

Mmm, I think either way is good.

Overall I am inclined to say that Dragoon might be the better option by a small margin, mainly because it gives you 4 new offensive skills to use on your kit. While Doppelsoeldner only gives you 1 but at the same time it is Cyclone, plus raw stats through Deeds of Valor.

I think that one you get to Corsair C2 and playing with it around for a while, you can decide if you would rather have more active skills to use or if you would prefer to add more damage to your current kit and increase your AoE with Cyclone.

Even though Cyclone is the strongest AoE, the Dragoon kit still offers some AoE to complement your kit if you do choose to purse that path.

It is okay to have a higher focus on STR than DEX, but don’t neglect DEX either, as you will need it to have a reliable source of Critical Rate as it will serve to complement your gems and equipment.

It is pretty difficult to exactly determine which one will have the highest DPS as both of them are pretty close.

If anything, I would say that each one might be stronger under different scenarios but overall they have a very similar DPS.


I think that for late game they are pretty much the same when it comes to dealing damage, as the highest damage sources you get come from other classes like Corsair, Fencer or Doppelsoeldner.

If anything, Barbarian still has an slightly edge when it comes to AoE, while Highlander has an slightly edge when it comes to single target. But both must meet certain conditions for them to really take advantage of their kit.

Barbarian recently got some buffs on kTOS, I believe that if we get those buffs in our version then Barbarian is going to pull ahead of Highlander in terms of dealing overall damage, mainly because of the higher up-time for Frenzy and War Cry.

They are fairly similar. Just pick the class you like more between Fencer and Shinobi, both builds offer you different tools to use in PvP, but since you have Corsair on both with Iron Hook then you have one main aspect of PvP covered, which is hard CC.

There is no best way to succeed at PvP, it comes down to your skill as a player.

Yeah, they are different buffs.

I recently made a comment about 1H Spear+Dagger with a Corsair->Dragoon when compared to a 2H Spear one here:

Yeah, I have been planning on updating it, but there is not much space left because of the capacity of characters each post is limited to (each post is pretty much maxed out), so I have been thinking of a different way to do it or reordering the guide or something.

I will do that later.

But I also like that people read, come up with a build they crafted themselves, then ask questions in here. I feel that way they understand a little better what their character is aimed for and what it will provide to them. All I do is just offer a different perspective on it.

But yeah, thanks for that.

You might want to add 1 point into Giant Swing and 1 point into Zornhau.

You need CON to survive in PvP, so you probably want something like 50~100 points into CON, 80~100 into DEX and the rest into STR to deal good damage.

It gives you more offensive skills to use (4 of them), while Doppel gives you 1 (Cyclone).

So it depends on how you feel with your character. If you would like to have more skills on your set then Dragoon would be a better option. Otherwise if you feel comfortable with your current skill sent, then Doppel will give you a great AoE skill and more raw damage from Deeds of Valor.

I would recommend for you to get first to Corsair C2, then try it out for a bit and when you get to know exactly how that build behaves you can decide if you would rather add more skills and go into Dragoon or more damage to your current kit and go into Doppelsoeldner.

I would suggest you to get at least level 1 of Cross Guard and Gae Bulg, mainly for the debuffs they offer.

You are gonna have a few multi-hits once you hit Dragoon, but overall I think it is a good stat distribution.

How often you will be landing critical hits also depends on your equipment and gems, so it is a good idea to invest into green gems once you are higher level to increase your Critical Rate, as well as other equipment that could help you to increase it.

It is not necessarily that it falls off, it is just that with Dragoon you gain a bunch of new skills to use so it is not as necessary to fill your rotation to deal damage. You might still use it from time to time though if you so desire.

You can still increase your pierce damage with Cross Guard though. But overall you will be more focused on dealing damage with your skills first then fill the rest with DWA.

A similar build with Hoplite on their build will deal a little bit more damage (and most likely have Peltasta too), but it is not something that you should worry too much about if you want to have a Highlander-based Dragoon build.

Your character is fine for single target, but you are not going to have much AoE until you get to Dragoon.


Speaking about kTOS changes for Barbarian. For anyone wondering, here is a recent post I made about them:

Hi, i got really interested in both corsair and barbarian and i noticed one of your recommended build includes barb c2 > corsair c2 > doppel , do you think swaping doppel for barb c3 would be bad for late game? i’m kind of ignorant about late game since i didn’t played any closed beta (im actually barb 2 atm)


Hi there, Great work u do here so keep it up :slight_smile:
i have some need for your opinion My goal is to have a balance one that can play any aspect of the game (PVP, Tank dun, Solo) So i though around Fencer Build

Stat :
i prefer balance type so STR : CON : DEX / 2:2:2
it is ok for this build?

Class :
SW1 -> PE1 -> H3 ->Fen2
SW1->PE1->H1->Ro2-> Fen2

Which one u think is the best for allround build

Thank alot!

Thx for response :3 and what about equipment, plate or leather?

760 replies?
jesus people let @Cathexis play the game too ._.

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