so if i dont go Doppelsöldner i sould not go c3 hoplite?
I think then i have to make one PvE and one PvP char it looks like ther are no way to have bouth in one build with out loseing efficients
thx for your great help
so if i dont go Doppelsöldner i sould not go c3 hoplite?
I think then i have to make one PvE and one PvP char it looks like ther are no way to have bouth in one build with out loseing efficients
thx for your great help
Oh, you can do both, don’t worry about that.
You can take that build to PvP and see how well you do, maybe it is better than you imagine it is.
The thing is that PvP in this game is currently very unbalanced. So we are expecting big changes in the near future to make PvP something viable and not a joke where just a few builds dominate the entire scene.
With those future changes, other builds could be enabled to perform better at PvP.
So I wouldn’t lose hope just yet. Pick the classes you like and play around them to build your own playing style.
Thx m8 i will try a bit and again big thx and you do a great job
Hello. this is a pretty helpful guide, but i feel lost in my creation of my swordsman. Here’s my thread link to some of my thoughts.
Goal: I hope I can get helpful ideas in switching my skills up for a fruitful Pve & PvP (possibly GvG too.) I do not get the ratios here so sorry, but maybe 40 PvE, 60 PvP is that it?
Link to your build:
My thoughts:
another question:
With my Highlander c3 - doppel c2 i go with stats 3str 2dex 1con…
Is that good?
And is it better to wear leather or plate?
It is fine at level 1 or level 5 (mainly for the duration). You also want to give 1 point to Rim Blow to have an extra knockback on your kit.
Helm Chopper is also fine at level 5, level 10 only gives you more damage.
One could argue that Frenzy isn’t that good with Fencer because it is a mainly skill based class and Frenzy stacks with auto attacks. But since it is only level 5 and not 10, then it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
If you have the attribute enabled, you can capture 3 enemies but you can’t use Keel Hauling. Otherwise, you can only capture 1 enemy but you can use Keel Hauling.
Either option is fine (Corsair or Barbarian C3), but currently Iron Hook is stronger in PvP. However, this could easily change in the near future as PvP is expected to go through heavy balance, so I can’t guarantee it will remain forever as the better option.
You generally want to max Lunge, but level 5 is fine. You don’t really need the extra points into Preparation, so I would leave it at level 1.
You could also take some points from Flanconnade and put them into Lunge if you would be interested in that, but not necessary.
A case could also be built around maxing out Sept Etoiles for PvP, since it deals 7 hits really fast and it is a nice burst damage.
So it really depends on the style you are looking most for that will define the skill(s) you will max out.
Esquive Toucher is generally bad for all purposes.
In my opinion Attaque Coquille can be left at level 1 because it has a 5 seconds duration with 8 seconds cooldown, but some people prefer to have it at level 3~4 to a close to or 100% uptime. It depends on what your personal preference is.
You should add 5 points into DEX, 8~10 into CON and the rest into STR at early levels (up until level 40~50).
Then you can switch to a more heavy DEX stat allocation, like a 3 DEX : 1 STR until you reach the 100~150 you are looking for, then assess whether or not you feel comfortable with your Critical Rate and Evasion and decide if you should add more DEX or STR depending on how you are liking your character.
Most likely you will have to assess your build multiple times at different stages (maybe each Rank) as you progress through the game.
Other than that, you might also consider adding 1 point to Dust Devil to have an extra mini CC skill on your kit, since you can use Rapier+Dagger for it. But it is not necessary either.
Yeah, that is good. You can also switch DEX with STR, depending on how you are feeling your character is at while leveling it.
Hey, I love your guide, thank you.
I do have a question.
As of now, my planned build is: Swordsman - > Pelista -> highlander - > highlander - > doppel - > doppel
And so far, Iam at the Pelista - > highlander - > highlander build so far.
I am excited in that I am able to solo content and I want to continue to be able to do so (because I love solo play a lot).
Even when I was lv.60, I was able to solo the lv.50 dungeon thanks to clever kiting and skill planning.
My build is the recommended 4 strength, 1 con, 1 dex build.
However I am curious if switching it up to 3 str, 1 con, 2 dex build up to lv.140 (then restat) is more effective in the current leveling range and to help me gear up?
My experience in close beta is that if you have the money, the most effective leveling up strategy is to invest more in dex then use a restat into the proper level later if one has the money.
What do you think?
Full STR:
Im now lvl 65 with 120 STR if you say 8 to 10 points into DEX and 9 to 10 into CON you mean over all my Stats at the end sould be a lot of STR 16 DEX and 19 CON if i take the max 10 points and without Equip ?
I will use this Build:
I did skip to go for PvE/PvP and make a Pure PvE char and later if they add Guild vs Guild and if i know more about the game i make a PvP char.
Is it possible if i did take Swordsman/Peltasta/Hoplite to take Cataphract and then continue with Hoplite C2 and C3 or do i have to take Hoplite from C1 to C3 befor i take Cataphract ?
Hey I was wondering if I could get a critique on my sword build?
This is my planned build because I am not sure I’m fond of C2 Corsair’s skills. And I do enjoy the sound of Doppel C2 which is why I took that instead of C3 Barb.
I think that stat allocation is fine, you don’t need to restat. There are more levels in the game now, so there is more room to customize your build with range of stats you want it to have.
If you are level 65, then it means you should have at least 6 points into DEX. At level 70 you should have at least 7.
And I don’t mean the total amount of stats that appear on your window, I mean the amount of points you should have spent acquired through leveling up.
Neither option is optimal. If you want to use Cataphract, then it is better to take it to C3.
C1 does nothing in your build, so it is pretty much a dead rank. You either want to go Hoplite C1->Cataphract C3 or Hoplite C3->Doppelsoeldner.
Pretty solid build, I wouldn’t change anything, good job. You didn’t specify, but looks like a more PvP oriented build.
Thank you.
I’ll continue with my 3 str, 1 con, 2 dex build!
One last question.
I am still using my Didel Colo sword +10 (with 4 aoe ratio). What sword should I get next?
It’s PvE oriented but I don’t know if I like Corsair enough to drop C2 Doppel. Also not sure if I’d like playing Barbarian up to C3. I was tempted to go C3 Cataphract but Hoplite was so boring to play for me back in closed beta that I don’t know if I could deal with that again. By the way, I really liked this indepth discussion on every class in the swordsman tree. Are you planning on doing more discussions on the other trees?
Was wondering why points into guardian, doesn’t it not stack with gung ho? Or is it for when you’re tanking?
Concentrate a skill you always try to keep up even at higher levels, or is there a certain point where you just stop using it?
For hoplite, why did you recommend to max stabbing on circle 3 but pierce for circle 1-2? Circle 3 changes things?
Thanks again in advance!
Highlander’s attribute of 50% Crit Atk compensate trading it for Peltasta in a build with Barbarian and Doppel ( 2H Swords )?
Originally my intention was Swords > Peltasta > Barbarian C2 > Corsair > Doppel C2, using 2h Swords normally and switching to a Shield to use Swash Buckle. But my damage would get a HUGE upgrade from Highlander’s attribute, no?
Hey Cathexis!
I have two builds to debate for my 2h Sword - Doppel C2. (PvE)
Sword c1 > pelt c1 > highlander c3 > doppel c2
Sword c1 > pelt/highlander c1 > barbarian c3 > doppel c2
Now I know Highlander C3 and Barbarian C3 are the two main popular full 2H sword build, I would like to ask in-depth details based on difference, playstyle/gameplay, & mechanics between the path Highlander C3 and Barbarian C3 into Doppel C2.
Some ideal questions I have:
Thank you!
Oh, I see. I do like do be able to rotate skills so I think it’d be best for me to get the rim block for -1 in guardian while having no more frenzy (because no attribute and autoattack on one monster/person may be not done as much endgame) and will be put to maxing helm chopper (freeing a skill slot yay!)
Oh yeah, I forgot you can toggle most attributes on and off! no more worries about this then.
Still, I find Corsair having good utility even if it may get nerfed in the future (plus a boon costume.) Not too fond of sticking in one class and having too many skills from barbarian feels like I’d have problems with choosing skills again unlike corsair where I feel comfortable with just maxing the first 3 skills.
Oh! this is interesting. I didn’t see that it does have cc. I don’t mind having a switch and reactivating guardian after doing this skill solely, (feels like a great way of rotation in the future. ) Most probably, 4 jolly roger and 1 dust devil right?
Hm. I see that it has perfect evasion during its animation (if that’s the reason for doing a max lunge) and because as I did plan in getting this character to be a kind of survivalist by having great skills, this is a great skill, even if it has cd. Is this evasion why Preparation is okay to be left at 1 because evade > block chance?
With Sept Etoiles though, because it has no evasion and just pure dmg, I’m still wary of putting all of it there and ‘missing’ this skill and having it on cooldown. I do know that Flanconnade is spammable by a reply from my thread and from database saying it has 0cd (like Attaque Composee, but with evade.) It feels like “the super filler dps skill” that can evade and do damage, but at the same time, I feel like this skill will “battle” with the levels I put on Sept Etoiles. (makes me feel like ‘which should be max or which should be at a higher level.’)
I see builds with Sept Etoiles at around 7~8 to at least get that 300+ attack. I also see Flanconnade among these levels:
I do foresee that relying on Flanconnade often will get the user to have 0 mana fast because of spammability along with Attaque Composee (another concern of mine, sp management.)
OK so it’s fine, no more Esquive Toucher (even if it sounds the most tongue twister among the skills.)
Oh another skill that will battle along with Sept Etoiles & Flanconnade. The debuff feels great for solo and parties which makes me feel that having it at that sweet 4 to have it at the close uptime be very beneficial to sept etoiles & attaque composee (why I think I’m feeling that ‘where to put’ vibe among these 3 skills.) I am happy that Attaque Composee looks like the solid max skill.
Hm. well, I’m already almost 40 and the 2:1 dex str along with guardian makes me survive great solo and party. I guess I can continue that instead then do a 3:1 when I reach 50 for a faster assessment on CR & Eva.
OH I FORGOT! If I did fencer, would plate or leather be better? I do know that leather does that evasion thing on set while plate gives the HP on set. I feel like I should be doing leather, but then again, having plate is always an HP option (if ever I do have more con like 30~50 depending IF I WILL PUT ANY haha!)
Anyway, here’s the updated build:
Thoughts (to summarize my long post full of comments):
For information, I tested Cross Guard and Spear Lunge debuff, and it does stack.
But Cross Guard debuff is pretty weird, it seems to add a second smaller hit (50-70%dmg) for each pierce hit.
Overall it’s doable to double debuff a boss and spam stabbing (since I’m only C4) but I just have a hard time managing a block I’m not sure if every boss hits are blockables or if it’s just Cross Guard lv 5 that doesn’t give enough block.
We also don’t seem to have the auto-swaping weapong thing I heard kToS had. So the timeframe with both debuff goes away pretty fast…
Just use the best you can get your hands on. Right now good weapons are scarce, so you might be limited on your options.
That is probably the only way I would end a Barbarian->Corsair C2 build, with Doppel C1 in it. So it is still a good option to go for if you are interested in that.
Not for now. Without a testing environment like we had in beta, it becomes too difficult to gather accurate information from every class in a tree.
Level 1 is more than enough for Guardian (so you get the +18 evasion attribute). And it is correct, it doesn’t stack with Gung Ho so you use one or the other, depending on the situation.
The only reason to add more points into Guardian is to increase the duration, which is something I do because the reduction in damage is meaningless and extra duration is nice.
When it takes you the same amount of hits to kill mobs with and without Concentrate. That is when you stop using it.
That is because of the amount of skill points available you have.
At Circle 2 you will have enough points to get one of them to Level 10 and the other to Level 8. Which isn’t that much of a difference and both ways could work, but I feel Pierce gains more from those 2 extra points than Stabbing does (unless the scenario guarantees that Stabbing will deal all of it’s hits, which is mostly on PvE).
Once you reach Circle 3, there are not enough skill points. So one of them will be Level 15 and the other one will be Level 7~8. At this point it is better to max out Stabbing because of it’s shorter cooldown and the difference in damage is bigger now.
In my opinion, not really. It is one of the minor reasons to take it. The main reason is to get Cross Guard and Crown for higher levels and/or PvP.
It isn’t HUGE, but it could be a little helpful in solo play.
However, it is irrelevant in party play as the real damage comes from magic classes. So it is better to have Peltasta in those situations to be more useful.
Both use skills and fill their downtime with auto-attacks.
Both outshine each other in different areas. Highlander has more debuffs while Barbarian has stuns.
Barbarian can:
Highlander can:
There is no clear winner, it really depends on the tools you want to have on your kit.
Evasion build with High DEX or All-around build heavy on STR.
Yeah, you can take 1 point from any of the other skills.
Well, it is mostly because the difference between level 1 and level 5 is only 20% extra block. Which could be meaningful, but then you consider that you are only getting double damage on the first hit after using it, so then it isn’t that worth it because the extra duration increase per skill level won’t make any difference.
You can always just get level 1 of each skill, try them out and put points into the ones you like the most.
Plate, always plate.
Looks good. I think you will have a better idea of how to allocate Fencer points once you reach that point and get to try level 1 of each skill (and you will have more experience with the game too).
That is great to know, thanks for testing it out.
You probably have to test three different scenarios to find how it works:
Most boss skills are able to being blocked, with the exception of a few ones that knock you back. But yeah, it could be that you don’t have enough block with it yet, since it scales with STR and your level too.
Nope, but you can always put the weapon in your skill bar and use that instead of of weapon-swapping.
Either way, if you use the skill “at the same time” as the weapon-swapping, then you can pull off the entire process in half a second, so it depends a lot on how fast you are (and your ping).
Hi, my first character is a swordsman, and I am considering 1 of 2 builds after going thorugh Swords C1 -> Pel C1 -> Hop C1:
To either continue to Hop C3 -> Dop C1 -> Drag C1 as a pure PVE dps
Or to go Cata C3 -> Drag C1 as a PVE/PVP all rounder
To be honest, I would rather go cata as I can easily play another dps class while a cata’s mobility is unique. However, my only concern right now is the damage/grinding for Cata’s compared to the Hop 3/Dop1. Obviously it will be lower, but how MUCH lower? from the guide Cata is listed as a tanky AOE, but will the damage be high enough that grinding isn’t a massive pain, especially when soloing? How about killing bosses solo?
Is there a reason my build seems more PVP oriented? I’m going to assume it’s because I decided to take Corsair’s hook skill. Other than that, it’s fine in a PVE standpoint right? Or would going all-around C3 cataphract -> Templar be more efficient? (I say Templar because I’m not so interested in Dragoon yet, though perhaps C1 Doppel might be a good pick at the end just for more things to work with.)