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[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion 💥

Rune Caster skill clips:

Really disappointed with Thurisaz…can’t use any other skills while its active :joy:

설치형 스킬 - 예 : 엘리멘탈 마스터의 프로스트 클라우드 - 에는 적용 되지 않습니다.
And Isa doesn’t affect Frost Cloud (maybe ice wall too).

■■■■ this class there just too many limited uses, i’m going back to Warlock (at least they just got buffed)


This really seems like a buff class.

Indeed, Runecaster is better to play as a buffer class rather than a DPS class.

Can warlock’s dark pillar stop mobs the way fire pillar does?

Do Reincarnate skill of chronomancer work on dungeon boss and world boss? Is Back Masking useful?

Really hard to pull off Reincarnate on a boss since its duration is so low. I only managed to get it to revive a quest boss. It will be revived but it will be invincible for 5 secs, similar to when a mob is too near to an npc, which then disappears due to the quest ending.

Back Masking is broken at the moment. It kinda seem useless right now because all it does is move the surrounding objects around.

The monster that is revived full HP or the same amount when it is debuffed Reincarnate?

Same AKA 1 hit to death.

kk thanks. And how about Quicken? Is it good because I see lv15 adds 450 attack speed but there is no attack speed on the stats table

Attack speed cant be seen on the stats window but its present. +450 attack speed adds a lot, provided that you have low latency. It makes no difference if you’re lagging since attack speed in this game is butchered in lag. Still, keep it maxed for other party members who don’t lag and its sexy attribute that adds 25% Crit :grin:

Do we know for sure that this is +25% crit rate, or +25% crit chance? It seems to be crit rate.


Those are the same.

Anyway, to be more specific, it increases 25% of the total crit rate so high dex build will benefit from it and low dex build not so.

i heard from my friend on the korean server that magic missle just got nerfed after it was just buffed… can anyone confirm?

he said number of hit went down.

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This would be infinitely better than what we have now. Maybe later we could get an attribute to not consume the rune.

maybe he was talking about this

Runecaster is such a disappointment. all the cast times need to be cut down to 5 seconds, and let you move while casting. otherwise its not worth it even for wizard c3. The damage skills won’t be enough and your party will leave you behind. And you won’t be able to solo any area with aggressive monsters.
Thurisaz needs to allow you to use skills or it will be merely a troll skill people use in town.
only isa and algiz seem useful, but they might run into the buff limit -_-

out of curiousity, what do thaumaturge swell skills + thurisaz look like? supersize your chibi?

last CBT I went with this… main psychokino…

Wiz > Wiz > Psycho > Psycho > Sorcerer > Alchemist…

wiz 2 and psycho one are a pain to level alone but worth it on my opinion… psycho 2 is boss :3 and sorcerer gave great exploit possibilities and cool pets :3 … never got to pick alchemist cause I was too busy exploring the maps and outside of them too xD + buying pots from others was great :smiley:

thing is… now with so many changes am thinking of other routes… like one of the generic duo…

I went with this as my new possible route…

please throw all your opinions and advice at me xD

I will explain the logic bh that build in the future :\

psycho 1 is ez to level.
Psycho 2 doesn’t really add anything outside of more swap targets and its pretty garbage on some bosses with frequent KB & launches.

Crykino is a good addition as it will give you more permanent damage options then Wiz 2 ever will and you get additional CC application. Basically you’ll add more to the party when Psychic pressure is down during Rank 3-4 and be more self-sufficient as well.

Cryokino is cool, but Elementalist doesn’t fit in at all in that build, I would advice you to take linker instead of ele, linker c1 helps all your other skills a ton and also helps the party. @DrRM