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[Guide] Mage Builds General Discussion đŸ’„

I think people pick Thaum FOR the sprites :wink:

How useful is Linker C3 lategame?

I do love the sprites. Wish the weapons would stay the same size though. You’ld be all hulk like but with tini-tiny weapons :slight_smile:

No one like Physical Link if you use it your party will run away to brake the link. This skill is disaster.
4 point in to fire wall and leave Enchant Fire lv 1 so you can solo quests faster.

In PVE no one likes it, in PVP it can be good as long as you don’t drag anyone interrupt-able into it.

i’m planning to build wz > cry c3> ele c3 in next steam beta. Can some one give me some tips about skill build for this? thanks a lot :smile:

I’m thinking pyro c2 , ele,ele,ele, warlock,or same thing but minus one ele an replace it necro? Any idea’s or suggestions an for the record I like synergies

OK i like theory craft

Freeze Shock Build

Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality[5] - Frozen enemies due to the skills of the Cryomancer will receive 10% additional damage from Lightning attacks per attribute level.
Joint Penalty: Electricity[5] - Deals 10% additional damage of Electricity property attack to enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] per attribute level.
Electrocute: Freezing Magic Damage[2] - Deals additional damage equal to 50% of Magic Attack per attribute level when using [Electrocute] on frozen enemies.

For Cryo whatever except Gust and Ice Blast.
For Ele max Electrocute, Hail and Frost Cloud then whatever the rest.

May be a good build if there are more Lightning skill on future class.

Gust has a new animation, range, a higher attack and a new attribute that could make this skill a very good combination with Frost Pillar. With overheat and cooldown similar to Ice Pike, do you think it’s worth spending 10 points in Gust?

I plan to do something like =>
Subzero Shield 10 Snow Rolling 5 Frost Pillar 5
And other skills, I 'm not sure =>
Gust 1/5/10 To repel mobs and finish the frozen monsters.
Ice Blast 1/+? To hurt monsters attracted by Frost Pillar. (Is it really effective?)
Ice Pike 5/10/+? Main source of damage.
Ice Bolt 1/5 To freeze and hurt during the Ice Pike cooldown.
Ice Wall 0/4 For
 I don’t intend to use physical attack against the walls anyway.

What do you think about this build? (I played Wiz>Cryo>Linker>Thaumaturge C2 during 2ICBT and I intend to do a cryo C3/Chrono C3 in the international version.)

You can stack three fireballs on top of each other and hit them all with your rods C.
So you get triple hits if your running Fireballs in dungeons, and that gives them some weight when they get knocked away since you can knock them right back for that triple /double hit.
Doing Ping pong with a single fireball though is a waste of time.

Do you guys think that Cryomancer is good enough to stand on its own? I was thinking about running this build myself.

I decided to put one point into ice bolt, just so that I could freeze things really, it’s not there for damage. I invested into Ice Pike because of the damage, Ice Wall needs no explanation. I think 10/15 points is enough. I heard good things about Subzero Shield but I’m not really sure it’s all that great. Maybe some insight from players who have used it before? I skipped Ice Blast and Gust because I don’t really see them as being great. Frost Pillar looks great and Snow Rolling seems to work well with it.

For Linker, it’s pretty obvious what I did. I avoided Physical Link, mostly because people don’t seem to like it. Honestly after getting Joint Penalty to 14/15, Umbilical Cord to 5/5, Hangman’s Knot to 15/15, and Spiritual Chain to 5/10, I had 5 leftover points that I just dumped into Spiritual Chain. Might consider putting them into Physical Link.

Any thoughts?

i feel like 1 rank for runecaster to get isa would be worth.

I would get that, but then I couldn’t get Cryomancer C3 and I am pretty set on getting Linker C3. If there was more ranks than what tosbase showed? Yeah, I’d hop on Runecaster.

Well, from my own experience playing WITH cryo3s in icbt2, I think they’re a great class when you reach c3, which is why I think you should just rush Cryo c3 first instead of cryo c1-linker.
As for the class build, IDK bc i haven’t really played Wizard alot but, I feel like maybe going Chrono instead of Linker could be a better option in this situation( I’d rather have a chrono c3 than a Linker c3).
But, if you prefer Linker, I think you should consider building Pyro c2(Linkerc3)Warlock/Featherfoot bc you’d lack alot of dmg with Cryo alone.

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I see. I’m probably biased as I went Cryo C1 in the iCBT2 and it was really handy early on with my friends. When we discovered that we could smack my Ice Wall for massive AoE coverage and damage, we farmed the heck out of the chapel. I will admit, having gone Wizard -> Cryo -> Linker -> Linker -> Sorcerer, my damage wasn’t really holding up near the end. I played in a party of friends (Swordsman, Archer, Cleric and myself) and really I was there to CC and link things. I sort of played a more supportive role.

May I ask why you prefer Chronomancer C3 over Linker C3?

Well, it’s because Chronomancer’s skills are more reliable and are all
 Good in any occasion. It also has better options of helping your teammates in hard situations.
I was very impressed with a video I saw in the forums not too long ago about a party soloing Earth Tower lv4, a Chrono literally saved his team twice, Backmasking and Stopping a bunch of enemies untill his/her team was prepared.

I would argue that Chronomancers are more situational than Linkers. Joint Penalty greatly increases the parties overall DPS and with Hangman’s Knot, you can bind enemies for upwards to 15 seconds and have them all stack. I think grouping together 10 enemies and keeping them bound in place is pretty comparable to Stop (though Stop can hold more enemies for five seconds longer too). However Hangman’s Knot and Joint Penalty have a 100% uptime.

I am positive that Linkers can save teams as well, though I believe Linkers are better suited preparing the party and enemy before engagement. However I wouldn’t say that their skills are less reliable. In fact, save for two of their skills, their entire skillset is used quite often in combat. If we are comparing Linker C3 to Chronomancer C3, Linker will actively use Joint Penalty, Hangman’s Knot, Spiritual Chain and Umbilical Cord. Physical Link may be used. Depends on the Linker’s build and the party’s needs. Unbind is likely never used save for severing an enemies link on the party.

Chronomancer will use Quicken, Slow, Haste and Pass regularly, as they are buffs and debuffs. Stop, Back Masking and Reincarnate are very situational.

So if we compare the usage of both classes’ C3 skills, Linker uses 4/6 skills regularly. We can argue 5/6 with the inclusion of Physical Link, but for arguments’ sake, I won’t just because I know it is not used all that much, except in certain situations. Chronomancer uses 4/7 skills regularly. Reincarnate, Stop and Back Masking are all pretty situational. I don’t see how Chronomancers are more reliable. I admit that they do seem better for reacting to difficult situations. Linker is more about buffing the party and preparing enemies for massive damage rather than protecting the party.

Lemme post here why I think Linker is less reliable:

  • Physical Link is a skill that has a very limited use(I wrote more but I dont think I need to, we all know why it’s limited)

  • JP/HK although are good skills, they’re:
    1ÂșUseless in Boss fights
    2ÂșAre resistable effects. I’ve seen alot of elite monsters(I guess players do too)resist it, not too often tho, but it sure happens

  • Umbilical cord. I’m not too sure of how it works but from what I’ve read,it’s not reliable because you cant predict how good it’s going to be in each situation. Even if you get a jackpot for the 2 physical damage dealers and they end up with both high STR/DEX, you magic characters are going to be left off with probably a low increase of INT. IDK, I guess you’d need a pre-set party of friends for it to work well.

The way I see it, for a class to be considered reliable, it needs skills that works the way you want them to in any(or in most) situation. It’s not about how regularly you use them, it’s about if they’re doing what you want them to do.
Chronomancer’s skills are very reliable because you have guaranteed effect whenever you use them.

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You’ve raised some good points. It is true, Umbilical Cord is unreliable in random play as you just don’t know how your party is speced and as a result, will not have reliable stat changes. JP/HK I might debate, as some bosses spawn adds and JP/HK handles them quite well. But yes, that does vary from boss to boss.

I concede. Chronomancer does seem to be more reliable overall.

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Joint Penalty is not resisted by any monster/skill it’s a R10 status ailment and Hangman Knot not pulling enemies have been fixed.

Despite this I value cryo3chrono3 more over cryo3link3 because ele3 are cryo3chrono3 best friend for the frost pillar + frost cloud rotation with pass reducing cooldowns.
Also Haste is just so good for both pve and pvp.

If your friends are low damage dealers you might go linker it will also help leveling faster to rank 6 but in the long scheme chrono is better.

I wouldn’t say Chronomancer is better in the long run. Linker may not be as good in casual play, but with an organized party, I think Linker C3 has some very valuable assets. Beyond linking 10 enemies together, CC via Hangman’s Knot and sharing party buffs via Spiritual Chain, you can grab the highest stat from each party member and allocate it to the team via Umbilical Cord. If your party has a tank with lots of CON and you yourself have lots of SPR, you’ve just given everyone a lot more HP and a lot more resistance to status ailments as well as SP.

I agree that Chronomancer is good, but I think in a well organized party, Linker definitely outshines them. You could argue Linker3 over Chronomancer3, sure, but I think we can both agree that you definitely want a Linker in your party to help distribute damage across multiple enemies (and also ele3 might appreciate the 50% buff to electric damage).