Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis

@Lenny I know. That’s why I said “No” to the guy. Unless they changed it, CON is Block. (If you wear a shield.)

@YuriYuri I stand corrected, thanks.

Anyone that would care to give some feedback on Cartar Stroke with 1h spear on dungeons? it seems like my friend’s is crashing us out while doing lv50 dungeon =/

Having no problems using cartar sroke 1h spear on 50 dungeon.

most likely a combination of any cartar with bless + sacra and linker. this combination crashed us like 3 times over the course of a dungeon

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not sure if we had a linker, but im positive we had sacra and bless up on both times we went under.
thanks for the reply : 3

But is it really worth going hoplite 3? I mean, is LVL 15 Pierce and finestra better than the utility skills we can get from squire or corsair?

+10% block and +50 crit rate, or free repair anywhere, i prefer the first one =)

The thing you will be missing from not getting corsair at rank 5 is getting double weapon assault at corsair circle 2. If youre fine with that. Then you can go hoplite 3 and get doppel at rank 6

I plan on using a shield, so Corsair is not a viable option. Is spear/shield doppel viable? I’m really interested in the dragoon class.


Short answer: If your goal is to keep on increasing your damage output, then Hoplite C3 -> Doppelsoeldner and Hoplite C2 -> Corsair C2 builds are the best way to go. Otherwise, it is perfectly fine to pick Squire too if utility is what you are looking for.

Long answer (for whoever is interested):

To be honest, there is not a “best build”. The game isn’t punishing enough to force people to only go through one “optimal” class path.

I believe that there is enough room for people to create their own builds based on whichever playing style they want to have for their personal character. You can pick whichever flavor of classes you prefer and end up with a good build that you will enjoy personally.

The only reason why Hoplite C3 -> Doppelsoeldner and Hoplite C2 -> Corsair C2 builds are the most popular, is because they provide the best damage output.

Also, most classes usually get great benefits from upgrading them through more circles. For example, Corsair doesn’t really bring it’s true potential until you reach Circle 2, while a class like Squire gets more prestige at Circle 2 since your skills are higher level and thus provide better benefits to those who use your services, giving you a clear advantage over those who only picked Squire Circle 1.

The most important thing is that you choose a clear playing style that you want to have, here are some examples:

  1. PvE: Dealing the most damage no matter what.
  2. PvE: Dealing high damage but maintaining tank capabilities.
  3. PvE: Tanking and keeping control of large groups of mobs.
  4. PvE: Tanking, keeping control of medium sized groups and providing out-of-combat utility.
  5. PvE: Tanking, keeping control of small sized groups, dealing damage and providing out-of-combat utility.
  6. PvP: Rushing into the back-lines and deal high amounts of damage.
  7. PvP: Rushing into the back-lines, soaking damage and using CC to deny them to deal damage.
  8. PvP: Protecting your back-line from attackers by using heavy CC.

And anything else you can think of. The only sure thing is that you can’t have it all: deal the highest damage, be a tank, having lots of CC, high mobility AND out-of-combat utility.

You have to choose which one is more important to you and build around that. This is a mistake people often make, they choose classes that don’t fit the playing style they want and end up disappointed.

That said, here are a few builds that I consider perfectly fine to take:

  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3 -> Doppelsoeldner
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Corsair -> Corsair C2
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Corsair -> Doppelsoeldner
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Squire -> Squire C2
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Corsair -> Squire
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3/Cataphract -> Hoplite C3/Cataphract
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3 -> Rodelero
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3 -> Squire
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Rodelero/Squire -> Rodelero/Squire
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Rodelero -> Rodelero C2
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Rodelero/Cataphract -> Rodelero/Cataphract
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Squire/Cataphract -> Squire/Cataphract
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Squire/Cataphract/Corsair/Hoplite C3 -> Fencer

There are many ways to play the same game.

And don’t worry about “elitists” choosing only certain builds for their parties, those are just a minority. The fact is that you WILL get invited to dungeons, grinding parties, etc; as long as you have a clear role you can provide.

This is another reason why I highly recommend taking Peltasta at Rank 2 no matter what, since it gives you the ability to play the role of a tank (made even easier with AoE taunt) which any party will welcome with open arms.

Choose your playing style, pick classes accordingly and enjoy the game.

On another note:

I finally caught up to uploading videos, so there is a bunch of new videos on the Youtube channel. Nothing that really stands out, but I will be uploading more videos with the Hoplite C3 -> Doppelsoeldner build, like this one: [Testing Cyclone] (

If there is something anyone would like to see on video, don’t be afraid to ask.


What about Dragoon? Does it come after Hoplite C2?

I’m into spear and shield tank, pretty much like spartans did. What class comes after Hoplite C2? I’m at it right now, level 80.

9 points in Finestra. :grin:

Dragoon is a Rank 7+ class, so it would come after whatever the build has at Rank 6.

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You don’t use a shield on Doppelsoeldner. :no_mouth:

We have no info on dragoon yet (do we?), but if we get to choose between 2h spear and 1h spear/shield I’d like to go shield, so I’m trying to decide if I go pelt 2 hop 3 or if there’s another viable spear/shield build.

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I’d like ideas for a option to spear/shield build too after hoplite c2 I mean.

Can you make a video of how the attack speed increase with Deeds of Valor is

I actually switch between Spear+Shield and Spear+Dagger depending on the situation, even now as a Doppelsoeldner.

For example, easy maps and questing I just use Spear+Dagger. Some maps have mobs that hit really hard (800+ damage per hit), so I switch to Shield for those because I get to block their attacks and it is just easier.

You will never die to a world boss as long as you have a shield to block.

During heavy party grinding sessions at Demon Prison or 2nd Demon Prison, I would just use shield because the damage difference is just minimal (most of it comes from mages, etc) and I was getting insane amounts of passive blocking just by using the shield, negating lots of damage.

About Dragoon:

We don’t have information yet and we will need more details before drawing any possible builds for it. That said, as I listed on my previous post, there are lots of viable builds that can be used. Like I said, it depends on the playing style you want to have.

So if you want to be a Dragoon using Spear+Shield, then you might want to consider picking Peltasta, Hoplite, Rodelero and Doppelsoeldner as your choices before Rank 7, where you will pick Dragoon. Every build I listed is viable before going into Dragoon.


None of the skills that increase attack speed in the game are currently working. Not sure if it is a bug which will be fixed in the future. However, it does increase your attack.

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What’s the best good spears u can get at lvl 120 ? Every spear i see doesn’t seems as cool as grand spontoon from lvl 75 which gives 80 crit attack…


In my opinion, the best Spear currently available in the game is Zega Spear. Grand Spontoon only adds 80 Critical Attack, which means only 80 extra points to your total damage, when you are dealing over 1,000 damage then 80 is nothing.

On another note, I recently hit level 200:

And here are some of the videos I took after getting to Rank 6:

#Thoughts after reaching Level 200

As we can see, at level 200 I can get exactly 450 points into STR only using Zachariel Bangle which adds +3 STR.

Now, as you can see my Critical Rate is 236, but I still haven’t equipped myself with Green Gems higher than level 4, so that number will only keep on increasing.

My health is at 17,967 (22,458 with Swash Buckling) without spending a single point in CON, but equipment does add a lot to it, and I am also using Level 50 “Plate Mastery: Defense” attribute.

Even though there are a few level 170 spears in the game, I decided to stay with the level 120 Zega Spear, as I consider it a much better option considering we don’t have the good level 170 spears available in this beta. Otherwise, my Physical Attack would be a little higher since the level 170 ones have higher numbers.

My Physical Attack is at 1036~1120 with Gung Ho (Level 50 attribute), and it goes up to 1494~1518 with 5 stacks of Deeds of Valor, but nothing else used (like Squire weapon upgrade, Dumbbell, etc).

Now, those are my stats, but this is my general overview of the build:


Full STR is definitely possible.

I ran through every map, all the quests and all the dungeons with full STR and didn’t have any problems.

The HP I had was more than enough for everything I did, so CON wasn’t a necessity when being the tank for grinding parties or dungeons and I always kept my accuracy up with Gauntlets of the highest level I could wear, so no need for extra accuracy (it can be further increased with Green Gems on Gauntlets, but I never slotted any of mine so far).

As for Critical Rate, you can see the amount of critical hits I landed through the videos I have been posting.

That said:

I do think there is room to improve the build. As we can see, full STR gives 450 STR at level 200, and with the damage already being high, those extra points past 400 doesn’t really seem to do THAT much in the overall picture.

So I came up with a decent ratio for a build:

  • 1 point of DEX every 10 levels. The rest into STR.

Which would result in a build similar to this:

As we can see, it leaves us with 409 STR, 22 CON and 44 DEX, which I think is a pretty nice trade, considering my Physical Attack is 1051~1075.

I do think it is possible to keep on refining the build, specially when better equipment is taken into consideration, but I don’t want to spend too much time seeking the most optimal build as this is only beta and we will get an increased level cap with more equipment and stuff when the game comes out.

So for now, I recommend the “1 point of DEX every 10 levels. The rest into STR” ratio, but it also has room for adding some CON or even more DEX if it is to your liking. There really no way to go wrong as long as you keep your Physical Attack high enough (at least 900 with Gung Ho).


As you can see from the picture above, that is the build I went with.

I did have Level 5 Throwing Spear at some point because it helped when grinding at 2nd Demon Prison, but overall I think one point is enough for Long Stride, Throwing Spear and Spear Lunge (specially when you are using Zega Spear, which increases those skills to level 3).

After playing around with different skill builds, that is what I felt more comfortable with as a Hoplite.

##Final Thoughts

Had lots of fun playing with my Hoplite, and will definitely look forward to keep on improving the build as I get better equipment, gems and with the future release of the Dragoon class.

I took the Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite C3 -> Doppelsoeldner path for this beta, but I do think every build I listed on one of my previous post is viable:

  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3 -> Doppelsoeldner
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Corsair -> Corsair C2
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Corsair -> Doppelsoeldner
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Squire -> Squire C2
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Corsair -> Squire
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3/Cataphract -> Hoplite C3/Cataphract
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3 -> Rodelero
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Hoplite C3 -> Squire
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Rodelero/Squire -> Rodelero/Squire
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Rodelero -> Rodelero C2
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Rodelero/Cataphract -> Rodelero/Cataphract
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Squire/Cataphract -> Squire/Cataphract
  • Swordsman -> Peltasta -> Hoplite -> Hoplite C2 -> Squire/Cataphract/Corsair/Hoplite C3 -> Fencer

Each one gives a different playing style but remains as viable as the rest, as every one of them has Hoplite as their core. I have also met and partied several of these builds in game being used by other people, and they have been doing just fine.

There certainly is room for customization depending on each person’s preferences, so don’t be afraid to experiment and choose the classes you like the most.

And as always, I will keep answering questions and updating the guide.