Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis

Actually I tried Full STR. And added 2 level 5 green gem on my weapon. And I was kinda surprised that I crit most of the time (more like 70-80% or even higher). But since I lost my green gems, I need to put some dex to maintain the crit percentage. But I might go back to Full STR once I get my hands on more level 5 greens.

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I see.
I guess since we still on OBT lot of thing will change may be.
But trying out this, i will :smile:
Thanks for this guide and your tips guys :slight_smile:
I will follow this guide if news will be add. I find your guide very good and interessting :slight_smile:

Soon, maybe today or tomorrow, iā€™ll start to grind on mage tower. I will bring a couple of stats scrolls with me and try full dex, then full str and then 2>1 str>dex and will post the results here, mates.

I actually tried that. And I find full STR much better (considering you have green gems for crit rate all over you). The difference is not that much with the damage. But I prefer having more damage with around 70+ chance of doing crit rather than all crit but lesser damage. The evasion is really good, but when you face magic type monster, itā€™s useless. So the only thing youā€™ll get really from it is that itā€™ll crit all the time with lesser damage than going full str (with green gems).

For a Hoplite->Corsair build, high STR will still be the best build to use as it is the one that gets the most benefits from the tools it provides (Finestra mainly).

If you want to use a high DEX build as a Corsair, then going through the Barbarian->Corsair route provides you with a lot of better options, as you are not required to use Spear on your main hand and you can use something like Trinity Sword for example. It has more synergy than going through the Hoplite route.

For higher level mobs, they donā€™t get that much Critical Resistance, only a few bosses do, but the magic number everyone is throwing around is 233 Critical Rate to be safe for the rest of the game.

Ok iā€™m testing 2str:1 dex and iā€™m critting around 1.4k on drakes, with a 70% ~chance. STR is real.

Great answer(s) Cathexis, thank you very much! Iā€™m so excited to see Dragoon in this game, Iā€™m always attracted to Dragoon/Monk/Shinobi types and I decided to start with this class so YESSSSS!

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@Cathexis Whatā€™s your gear recommendation on lvl 120? How about stat distribution? Should I equip Zega + a better shield than scallop? Thanks!

In my opinion if one goes full STR the character will lack HP Regeneration and potions do not recover our HP fast enough (thinking about playing solo without a Cleric/Priest/Healer class).

During boss combats, that usually takes longer than the average creatures, it is a very important item to take into consideration. Specially those magic onesā€¦

I see the Hoplite (and future spear-based classes) as a tank, with a good recovery to sustain damage meanwhile the party deals the greater damage. If one goes solo can deal a nice amount of damage due to skills but level up slower in comparison to a group, of course.

Thatā€™s my goal/point of view. :wink:


At level 120 you want Zega Spear and Beetleback Shield + Arde Dagger to switch between pure damage and tanking, but since Beetleback is a little expensive, any level 120 shield will do. Try to upgrade your Zega Spear to at least +5.

For stat distribution, as high STR as you can with maybe some points into DEX/CON if you feel like you need them. You can read a little more about that through the posts on this thread.


HP Recovery in this game is pretty much useless. Not only is it too low to recover any significant amount, but you also have to stand still or sit for it to work better, and even then it takes way too long to recover any meaningful amount of HP.

You can solo pretty much any quest boss in the game within 1 minute without taking much damage, as long as you use your block or position correctly. You can even solo dungeon bosses without using potions.

Even world bosses are really easy to tank with block.

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@Cathexis Ok. I have like 152 STR and 73 DEX and Iā€™m 120. Thatā€™s with some gear that adds stats. Should I lower my dex some more and put it to STR?


Are you using green gems on your gear? (You should if possible).

You should grab a Status Reset Scroll and go test between no DEX, low DEX (like 10~20) and 50+ DEX (the rest of the points on STR).

See which amount you like more, between damage dealt and frequency of critical hits. Once you get a feeling of what it is like when using different amounts, you can easily determine what is best for you. The only thing you have to make sure of is that your STR is much higher than your DEX.

And tell us about your experience!

@Cathexis Iā€™m adding one right now and still in the middle of testing. (+29 crit on dagger) With stats that I used to have (150+ str and 70+ dex), using a grand spontoon and an arde dagger, I hit 1.3k on a drake. Iā€™ll be using a vega since it doesnā€™t reduce the crit damage by a lot.

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How do you upgrade your gems to level 5? Did you just buy tons of low level mats or farm for monster gem?

Meh. Just got lucky with monster gems. Looted 2 of them and feed one each to 2 of my green gems.

I understand your point that RIGHT NOW it is broken but it MAY BE fixed or needed or changed in the future. Iā€™m saying it because of experiences I had on different RPGs not only MMORPGs.

Usually we tanks need a good hp regeneration, high defense and vitality.

@Baldr I didnā€™t allocate any of my stats to CON with my c1 Peltasta and I can block at least 98% of the physical hits. Iā€™m almost level 130 now.

@YuriYuri Block comes from strength, not constitution. So itā€™s yet another reason to go mostly strength. Get like 20 spirit, 30 con, and like 30 dex and dump strength. Itā€™s crazy nice, Iā€™m actually testing the peltasta path instead of sword 2, swashbuckling is SUCH A HUGE HELP. Not only that, but the stagger+ umblow blow strike damage is useful for over killing packs and stabbing clears any pack.

The 20 spirit doubles your sp pool, and combining that with blue gems in gloves you never have so issues as you level up more.


@bradley_a_betts Just saying I donā€™t need any CON to survive. Shouldā€™ve been more specific. And no, :wink: Unless they changed it. I couldnā€™t see it in in-game details as well.

You might as well read the benefits of CON there as well, just to see the other guys point.

block is from con, not str