Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis


you forgot to mention sexy CAPES from Dragoon COSTUME! for rank 7

also holy BATMAN that STR!

you had my interest in hoplite but now you have my attention.

Where did you get so much crit rate from?

Thatā€™s only 150 at level 15. He has 236 total in the top picture stat distribution in which he puts 0 points into dex.

stats do have natural inclination as you level, the most obvious is the HP value. i suppose crit rate does to.

@Karjalainen So how much of his total stat in the first picture is from natural crit rate progression? Versus his gear / gems.

only OP can tell unfortunately

also i think OPā€™s Finestra is LvL17

see spear

Oh ā– ā– ā– ā–  youā€™re right. So that leaves 86 crit rate, and assuming 4 green gems from shield and spear that should add up to 80 crit rate +/- I think plus the nat 9 dex. I guess it all adds up.

thats why OP had me more intrested in Hoplite class now more than ever. But i still dig the fencer costumes which leave me in dilema as fencer seems to suck.

Once the Dragoon class comes out probably ill take spear holplite and i shall praise OP for her enlightenment.

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Is this Zega spear still the best choice even if Iā€™m going C2 hoplite c2 corsair ? Or should i just aim for higher base dmg spearā€¦? You think this +2 hoplite skills will give me much when im only c2 hoplite?


You donā€™t get Critical Rate from leveling up, the difference comes from Gems: 170 (Finestra) + 9 (DEX) + 57 (Gems) = 236.

Green gems add the next values:

  • Level 1 (+2)
  • Level 2 (+4)
  • Level 3 (+8)
  • Level 4 (+14)
  • Level 5 (+22)
  • Level 6 (+32)
  • Level 7 (+44)

I am not sure about higher levels, but I think it is close to +100 at max level gem. There is also a monster gem (Chafperor) that increases Finestra skill level, so it just keeps on increasing.


I do think you have a little more flexiblity as a Corsair, but there are not that many options available. The only good spear you can get at level 170 is Geras Spear, which is a decent spear.

You will get a little bit of a higher attack using that one (plus the +2 AoE Range), while Zega Spear gives you +20 Critical Rate, +4% Block and some extra damage on the Hoplite skills.

At the same time, Geras takes double the cost to upgrade, so you might want to stick with Zega a little longer until you get enough money to upgrade Geras to a high level.

It seems that Dust Devil skill from Corsair syncro with Doppelā€™s Cyclone Skill. Do they or am I not understanding it right?

Iā€™m at the breaking point now: Hoplite Second Circle.

In my opinion The Geras Spear is good ONLY if you go to the Third Circle of Hoplite.

On the contrary, if you go with Hoplite Circle 3 then you would want to stay with Zega Spear.

As for Cyclone, you canā€™t use anything else while at it. Dust Devil is just a quick attack with spin animation you can watch it here: Dust Devil.

So no, they would not synchronize or anything.

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I agree. Those +2 to Hoplite Skills are unbeatable in my opinion.

I saw a Centurion class in public builds but it doesnā€™t seem it is available anymore on skill tree simulator. Did they remove this class?

Although I probably wonā€™t be able to use it before the game going live I bought one for me and stored it (a Zega Spear). :grin:

What are the benefits of going corsair c1/c2? Corsair skills donā€™t look that strong.

Corsair C1 doesnā€™t offer much, but you get a little bit of utility with the flag and a hard CC with Iron Hook, plus a decent damaging skill on Dust Devil.

Itā€™s true potential unlocks at C2, where Corsair gets Hexen Dropper and Double Weapon Assault.

Hexen Dropper is a smaller version of Stabbing, hits multiple times, faster but overall less hits. It has overheart and 28 seconds cooldown. It is a pretty good skill.

Double Weapon Assault, while nice, drains 2 stamina per hit (like Monkā€™s Double Punch), but you have the ability to deal extra damage with your auto-attacks while using it.

Hi, iā€™m thinking about going Swordsman>peltasta>hoplitec2>corsairc2. is it viable if i make dex as my secondary stat? and add little con in to the mix, lastly what is a good armor type for corsair? leather or plate? (sorry if my english is bad) :smiley: since im still at my early levels i really advice/opinion.

Yeah but Hoplite C3 > Doppel just looks stronger. Iā€™ll probably try corsair c2 this beta (Iā€™m level 110 atm), if I donā€™t like it Iā€™ll probably go Hop C3 > Doppel when the game launches.

The thing about corsair 2 double weapon assault that i hate is it consume stamina per hit.


Well, yes DEX is your secondary stat, but donā€™t add too much of it. On a previous post I recommended using a 1 point into DEX every 10 levels, the rest into STR. You can add some CON if you want to, but it is not necessary, would be a personal preference.

For amor, you want to be using plate later on, but at early levels just use the best you can find.


Let us know how that goes.

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