Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis

no, only getting hit. but there’s magic right?

Amazing guide!! The world needs more guides like this.

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Need your opinion cathexis on my idea of making a hoplite3/barb2 assuming r7 is here? Why barb2? Basically for the 2 sec stun, seism, frenzy. I know we cant use cleave with finestra. Ive tried rodelero and i didnt like its skills except for montano. I like doppel but it doesnt have a stun which is useful for pvp. What do you think?

Okay so here’s the thing I’m curious about atm. Since they announced the Rank 7 Classes.
Do you really need to get Cataphract just so you can equip a Two-handed spear? Cuz at Rank 7 I’m thinking of going Dragoon and it is said that it specialize at using Two-handed spear.

no you don’t, it seems dragoon have one and 2h attribute.

On the whole Deeds of Valor and Doppelsoeldner thing:

Doppel is really, really good with Hoplite C3, as with Finestra level 15+ you can go full STR and get insane amounts of Physical Attack, that only grows bigger with Deeds of Valor since it scales off Physical Attack.

A Barbarian using Deeds of Valor isn’t as good, as dodge doesn’t count and you don’t have the luxury of going full STR.

To be honest, defense doesn’t really matter, and you can’t get negative defense anyways, so that just makes Deeds of Valor even better. It is probably the best buff the entire Swordsman tree has.


I think it could be a pretty decent build for PvP. To be honest, I would wait until we have more information about what types of PvP we will have in the game, before making too much theorycrafting about PvP builds.

For example, we know there is arena but will we have something like WoE (guid vs guild) or structured PvP (pre-organized groups) or will we get equipment to reduce duration/chance of CC?

But yes, with the limited information we currently have, the 2 second stun from Helm Chopper and Seism are pretty good for PvP, specially since they are easy to land and have fast animations.


Nope, just like @tomredwait said, Dragoon has attributes for 1-Handed and 2-Handed Spears. So there is no need to take Cataphract for a Dragoon build now.


I know you probably haven’t played with a Dragoon yet, but what path do you think is the best for it?

Does it even makes sense to get Dragoon if you want a barbarian path with Corsair/Fencer/Doppel?

Since it’s a spear based class, it makes much more sense to get something like Swordsman>Peltasta>Hoplite c3>Doppel>Dragoon, doesn’t it? You’ll be able to use all hoplite skills and dragoon skills with the same weapon and will have that doppel buffs to increase the dps on top of all that.

Do you know something about the rank 7 corsair c3, doppel c2 and fencer c2? I’ve been trying to look for that information but it’s pretty hard.

Your path Sword -> Peltasta -> Hoplite c3 -> Doppel -> Dragoon definitely will work.

However, with the newest patch confirmed that Dragoon skills can be used while on mount, another path that might work is Sword -> Peltasta -> Hoplite c2 -> Cataphract c2 -> Dragoon, where you get 100% up time for finestra as well as all important cataphract skills

And what about the barbarian paths? Does Dragoon synergize with them or will it become something really awkward?

For example, Swordsman>Peltasta>Barbarian c2>Corsair c2>Dragoon, or Swordsman>Peltasta>Barbarian c3>doppel>dragoon.

wont it be better to go Doppel C2 ? so Sw-Pelt-Hoplite3-Doppel2
or does dragoon skill better than having lv10 spin2win ?


@lawrencesamburgo @jordyrein

I think it is still a little bit too early to start theory-crafting on builds, since they are releasing updates pretty fast right now on the Korean test server and they include many changes. For example, at first Dragoon skills were not able to be used while mounted, and a few days later an update changed this so they can be used while mounted.

Another example is that currently the Doppelsoeldner C2 skills are locked for 2H Sword only. We will have to see if it stays that way or if it changes to no weapon requirement, just like the C1 skills are. Or maybe they even decide to make it a 2H Sword class only, and change the C1 skills as well.

That is why waiting for the changes “solidify” is a good idea.

But just for the sake of it, with the limited information we have right now, here is what I think:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite C3->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon
Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon

Both of these builds are viable right now, since Doppelsoeldner C1 skills don’t have any weapon requirements, and Dragoon has both, the 1H and 2H Spear Attributes, making it possible for a Barbarian to end up using Spears with a good build.

Now, the difference here is that the Hoplite will remain as a much better boss killer, as well as a higher DPS machine. While the Barbarian build will stay better at mobbing, and instead of more damage it can go for lots of evasion (it also has more potential for PvP, in my opinion).

This is clearly a problem, because the Barbarian build could potentially become better at everything but bosses than the Hoplite counterpart, as it would have easy access to all types of damage (Strike, Slash, Pierce), as well as being a better tank due to high evasion and better mobbing skills (plus way more CC for PvP).

The Barbarian build could also balance it out and be good against bosses too by giving up a chunk of the mobbing power to pick up more DPS on Corsair C2 (Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C2->Corsair C2->Dragoon).

Now, there is also another problem:

Swordsman->Peltasta->Hoplite->Cataphract C3->Dragoon

Now that the Dragoon skills can be used while mounted, AND they massively buffed the Cataphract skills (lower cooldown, lower charge time, being able to charge while moving), then this is becoming a very strong build. Perhaps too strong, since at C3 the Cataphract can move really fast with a 99% uptime on Trot.

Right now, it is not looking very good for Hoplite to be honest, so we will have to wait for more information and actually see if it stays this way or not.



You can stay up to date with the changes on the Korean server with this post:

Or find “real-time” updates here:

It has all the confirmed information about the new and current classes (Corsair C3, Doppel C2, Dragoon, etc).

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Hi, may I ask why there is a must of having R2 as a Peltasta? If you said Peltasta gives a opportunity of being a tank for the team, I think the other classes can provide better service as a tank than Peltasta.

Actually my thought comes from a question of whether R2 be a Highlander or not. Skills of Highlander are awesome in early stage and definitely gives an easy happy grind n mobbing path towards Barbarian.

Therefore, i would like to know the essence of having

Swordsman->Highlander->Barbarian C3-> Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon

and the question of having Cataphract C3 then Dragoon, does the damage can compare to what BarbarianC3 has?

thank you for answering my wonders.

Peltasta is mainly for swashbuckling. It really speeds up grinding.

Highlander is all good but not for going hoplite

As for cataphract vs barbarian, cataphract is more of a mobile-burst type, while barbarian is sustainable with skills spamming.

If you take only 1 rank in Highlander, your Damage Skill will fall behind as you progress and eventually you won’t be using them by the time you are reaching Barb C3 or Doppel, even at Barb C2 I was only using Cartar Strike and only against bosses or when all my other skills were in cooldown (which rarely happened).

But the 2H Sword Attribute from Highlander is completely awesome if you are going for Doppel C2 instead of Dragoon, as Dragoon skills are spear-locked.
If you really want to take Dragoon, I would recommend going Peltasta, since thanks to SB it will never be a waste of a rank.


What you guys think about combination of Barbarian, Cataphract and Dragoon?

Doppelsoeldner is good DPS too thats why i planned to go for C1 before.

Dragoon, to me, brand new R7 therefore has a higher consideration than Doppelsoeldner C2…

Seems like Dragoon needa has Hoplite before, but the damage of Hoplite really extremely low compared to Barbarian or even Cataphract… therefore i wont consider Hoplite.

It’s quite hard to speculate dragoon right now since there is only 1 circle available, we don’t know if dragoon c2 has awesome buff or not.

Hoplite damage is not low, it’s just that the skills cooldown are too long. If you mix many classes base on hoplite, the damage is actually really great since you can rotate skills.

For example sword -> peltasta -> hoplite c2 -> cataphract c2 -> dragoon.

You have 100% up time for finestra, 7 attack skills to rotate with the support of spear lunge, and cataphract skills are now charging while moving plus has really low cooldown as well. And better yet, you have high mobility (was one of hoplite’s weaknesses) and your defense aren’t too shabby either

It’s viable since barbarian skills are not weapon-locked, but since you are going for spear build, you won’t be getting the Highlander attribute buff. Thus your damage won’t be much higher than if you were going Hoplite instead.

Hoplite’s damage is by no means low. Barbarians just have an easier time early on, but tend to fall off in the leater game, in which Hoplite C2 do not, thanks to 100% up time finestra and new skills from other classes to rotate.

I heard that spear lunge is quite difficult to use and still depends on chance of hitting. and its just a 6s debuff.

Spear lunge is overheat so you can has 12 seconds debuff. Yes it does not have 100% chance to apply debuff, but at least 75-80% chance according to my experience.

I’m not sure what you mean by difficult to use since the skill itself cast very fast, faster than your auto attack. And there is a small trick where you can cast the skill immediately after your auto attack hit making it even faster. The only downside of spear lunge is the small AoE

And Barbarian’s skill most likely can use 2-3 times… which really matters the DPS.

I know Barbarian should be going for Doppelsoeldner and then R8 new classes…

I think I have to make a decision of whether go for Dragoon or Doppelsoeldner C2 for grinding or not.