Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis


  1. Like Jonathan said, Arde Dagger and Karacha dagger add +fire damage to all your attacks. Dirk dagger adds nothing (sub-weapons do not add to your main physical attack).

And yes, this elemental damage will be added to Double Weapon Assault as it is added to everything you use to deal damage.

  1. On the Corsair build, having multiple flags with long duration allows you to have a better time when grinding. The difference between Dust Devil level 5 and level 10 is only 190 damage, which isn’t that much for spending 5 points to be honest

But yes, if you prefer to add points into Dust Devil then take the points from Jolly Roger instead.

what about SW C2> Hoplite C3>Doppelsoeldner? i think Restrain pretty good isn’t it?

do we need to put dex? since Finestra reduce evasion??

sory my bad english…

I believe 50-60 DEX is good for your accuracy, not evasion. Unless you have very good equipment slotted with 6 stars gem.

Also Restraint is pointless, you don’t want to stand around hitting mob for a good 10 seconds when they are stunned, you want to kill them in 3 shots.

what about Restraint in pvp…?
thanks in advance…

People won’t stand still for you to hit your auto attack in PvP (unless of course you count on a 20% chance stun on first hit). Spear throw is a much more reliable source of bind.

I wouldn’t necessarily call Throwing Spear a reliable source of CC, considering it is only a 60% chance on a 54 seconds cooldown.

That said, I don’t think Swordsman C2 is good at all. Restrain was good in theory, but in theory it fell flat. PvP is going to be more about burst damage and hard CC rather than soft CC like Restrain.

And that is the only thing Swordsman C2 had going on for it, as everything else it offers is pretty useless.

For DEX, I recommend you to put at least 1 point of DEX every 10 levels, that will give you a safe amount to have at level 200.

Finally decided to go Squire instead of Cataphract. Will be rank 5 pretty soon and this is what I have in mind right now.

Just one question about Squire. Is it worth to get 1 point in Armor Maintenance? From the description it feels that it needs a few points in it to be useful, not to mention it only increase physical def (no magic def?).

I don’t think armor maintenance is worth it at 1 point, in fact I think not even level 10 worth it. There are only 3 pieces of armor can be used on, so the max it can give is +30 def for 1 hour. I can buy Aspersion buff from Pardoner for less (10k or something) and it also last 1 hour, Aspersion also works in % based and is better with scaling.

Although I would recommend a point in repair in case your party run out of durability in dungeon.

ohh yesss you’re right…
thanks anyway…

ohhh… so sw C2 is bad idea…
sw>peltasta>hoplite C3 >Doppelsoeldner or sw>pletasta>hoplite C2>corsair 2 need at least 50 DEX of acc…?

Well nice guide thank
I have a quesion with finestra buff on 2handsword it posible ? if we use finestra before and then swap to 2 handsword, buff still work or gone


You don’t need any DEX for PvE, but you might need it later on for PvP. Personally I never had any problems going full STR, but looks like some people were missing on some mobs, that is why I recommend at least 1 point of DEX every 10 levels.

Check my previous post about that: [Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis


No, if you use Finestra and switch to a weapon that is not a spear, the buff will be gone.

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I really hate that “weapon lock” design… Builds could be more unique without that restrition.

Continuing the discussion from [Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis:

Actually I belive it will lead to way less used build/gear combinations. Sure you could come up with some unique builds, but as for variety, I think forcing some weapons to use some skills is actually good. At least you wont see all the swordmen running around with the best 2h sword or something on that line :smile:

If you think about, Finestra is a really strong skill as it allows a character to build with more liberty by not needing to invest heavily into DEX to acquire critical hits. Sure, there are green gems but those will take a huge amount of resources to become something that can replace DEX the way Finestra does, if at all.

By restricting Finestra to this class only, you actually prevent other classes from picking it up and becoming too strong. Just imagine a two-handed sword user with huge damaging skills and full STR build but that can still land a lot of critical hits because of Finestra, there would be almost no reason to pick other build as it would be too strong.

So in this case, limiting Finestra to only one type of weapon is actually a good thing.

i believe that finestra is there to make the one-hand + shield hoplite have enough damage to compete with 2 handers
cus if the 2h guy go like 1:1 str/dex, he will get the same crit rate and dmg in the end, but instead of shield he can dodge (cross guard can be used to block cus it scales with str)

Wow i just learned about how strong deeds of valor can get! At lvl 5 with 5 stacks, your attack increases by 50%. If one chooses to advance the doppel to C2, the duration of deeds of valor is longer than its cd, meaning you can keep the skill up 100% of the time. You can even get up to 100% attack with 10 stacks.

Now the question is, do you think refreshing the skill will refresh the number of stacks? For example, if I have 10 stacks before I use the deeds of valor again, will it be kept at 10 stacks or will it drop to 0? I might just skip the dragoon class and stay with doppel awhile longer because deeds of valor seems to significantly increase DPS

Sure you can get 100% attack, But you wont have defense

with no defense u can go to 150% atack =), doppel is made for 2handers, that use leather and evasion. they even got a 2h atribute in last korean patch (dont know the effect tho)

Will you still be able to get the Deeds of Valor stacks if you guard or evade an attack?