Tree of Savior Forum

Hop + Cata (and some more options)

Hello lads.
I’ve been reading tons of topics about swordsman class and I am not sure about what path to follow, I have some clues but I would like to share my thoughts with you guys.
At the beginning I was thinking about creating a full DPS mothafocka, but then I realize that I didn’t play the closed beta, so as my first char I would like to create a all around swordsman, so I got these paths:

Sw > pet c1 > hop c3 > cat c2
Sw > pet c1 > hop c2 > cat c3
Sw > pet c1 > hop c2 > cat c2 > dop ?!?!
Sw > pet c1 > barb c3 >cors c2
Sw > hig c2 > barb c2 > dop c2

As I said I didn’t play the closed beta and these build are my thoughts about what I’ve read, so if you guys want to share some of your opinions I really appreciate.

Sorry about my english, thanks!

Both builds work fine.
However, I personally prefer Sw > pet c1 > hop c1 > cat c3 > drag c1

Never combine cata with dop because you can’t use Cyclone while mounted. Punish and Mordschlag have worse damage compared to Dragoon’s skills.

Works fine.

Looks like a 2h sword build. It works fine.

This is the build I’m going to use on my main character so maybe this can help you.

I tried making a round Swordman that could solo without depending on others since thats how I like to play but at the same time in case I decide to party with some people I’m not going to be that useless because what is a mmorpg w/o social interaction if I wanted something like that I’d continue playing Skyrim or Fallout.

As you can see from the build title it is only for PvE so I left behind all those skills that would not be that great since I know that mobs are going to come running straight to my face w/o doing too much effort like Long Stride (way too long cast time but it’s my favorite skill believe it or not).

The only problem is that I haven’t decided what is going to be the Stat distribution, I was thinking something like Full STR after getting 20~30 CON more or less and about 20~50~100 DEX with some green gems and Plate Armor Mastery.

I’m a sucker for Spears in any kind thats why I picked Dragoon for Rank 8 but I dont know if its good to pick Doppel C2 and risk even more for more reward and Cyclone lv10 seems tempting but Doppel C2 new skills require a 2H Sword which is something that I’m never going to use.

@Erokhi I kinda know who you are and I know you have a lot more experience than me so would you be kind enough to help me with the stat distribution if it doesnt bothers you? Thank you!

If you want to be even more round IMO I’d go Peltasta C2 at some rank when you feel that you have enough damage to kill stuff or at Rank 3 if you are going to be in a party most of the time.

Anyways I hope this helps you and feel free to ask anything :sweat_smile:

You can go for Peltasta c2 to replace Hop c3 but that’d be a waste of DPS potential, especially in PvE.

For spear users, Doppel c1 is enough.

If you are going for PvE focused build :
Your target is 250+ STR, 100+ DEX, and 100+ CON at lv 280. (Those amounts don’t include bonus status from Zemyna statue, or from gears)

If you wear lv 220+ Plate Armor set with lv 50 plate armor mastery, you should have around 30k HP. That is enough to tank most dungeons.

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Solo? No. you will die a lot and can complete title ‘Never Die’ in no time starting from 2 star map Lv220. Extra x5 speed getting title ‘Never Die’ if you use Lv5 Deed o valor often. So don’t use it at all or you will regret later.

Doppel c2. You can’t use finestra and need 2H sword. You will only have 3 skills and not enough.

Hoplite c3 +Doppel c2 = 3 skills + 1 if you add Lv1 Punish.
Hoplite c3 + Doppel c1 + Dragoon c1 = 6 or 7 skills.
7 skills still not enough to kill high HP monster and you will die a lot against magic monster. And personally I only like Dragontooth skill.

Armor Mastery
Don’t forget to learn Cloth Mastery too.

Plate > Cloth > Leather
Cloth > Plate > Leather
Leather > Plate > Cloth - Leather for Hoplite full finestra? Save your money here.

Add more to CON. Swordsman will looks like Kepa against high level monster.
At rank 7 you will get bonus 27 STR, so keep 27 level point and upgrade CON.

I just thought of something and think it’s very nice to share, good advice is play in party. :blush:

Source: From experience.

I dont know if I should love you more for your Monokuma pic or for the awesome replies you do :laughing: Thank you very much no homo

Im not going to solo the whole game xD I really like to be always in parties and a good guild since it makes the game more fun talking to random people and doing awkward jokes but I really like to explore 100% of the maps and do stuff by my own and some hardcore players wouldnt follow me because they need to grind 100 mobs per second or they would kill their dog if they stop for 10 minutes :unamused: So in that kind of stuff I’ll solo maybe until lv 200 because after that everything gets harder.

And thank you for your reply, I’ll keep in mind those 27 extra points in STR since I didnt knew about that :open_mouth:

Thank you guys for all the replies!
After reading tons of topics this week I got this build (which is similar to Soushi).

About stats I saw some guys telling to go full Str and put some points into dex.

Another option that I’ve been tempted to try is this one (peltasta instead of highlander):

What do you guys think about barb + dop + drag?

It is viable for 2h spear build, especially for PvP build considering Barb has pretty huge burst damage and stun.

For PvE, I prefer Highlander c2 or Hoplite c3.

You can also mix Highlander c2 with Barbarian c2.

Thanks Erokhi for all your opinions and patience hehe
I saw a hoplite guide (which is superb, gave me a lot of ideas) and the guy post this:

What’s your thoughts about his comments, after this post that I’ve been thinking in create Swordsman->Peltasta->Barbarian C3->Doppelsoeldner->Dragoon

Cathexis is also an experienced Swordsman and all his/her points are valid.

However, if there are changes for Swordsman in the future, I’m sure that it’s 100% buff, not nerf. Swordsman is already underpowered compared to the other classes at the moment. That’s why IMC keep buffing certain classes such as Highlander, Hoplite, Cataphract, Dragoon. Let’s just hope they will buff Peltasta-Rodelero soon.

That is viable. You will either use 1h sword-shield, or 1h spear-shield, or 2h spear. You have all access to any type of attacks.

It’s also good in mobbing, with CC (stun) for PvP, and high damage output, and good skills rotation.