Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Hoplite - By Cathexis

@Cathexis Hey man, great build. but I had some doubts regarding my build Peltasta>Hoplite>Hoplite c2 actually and wanting to get Peltasta>Hoplite>Hoplite c2>Catapracht>Hoplite c3(or Catapracht c2 maybe?) and thinking if its worth use two handed spears(lyndeka seems to be very strong), obviously if not worth i will not get Cataphract. What you think about it? You think the shield + spear combination is much more effective than two handed spears ???
obs: sorry for the bad english
obs²:yes, I know that using spear in both hands Peltasta becomes obsolete, if I choose so it’ll probably be highlander in open beta.

peltasta still worth cus u can use the swash buck skill, with rank 7 we will have the dragoon class to choose so u can go something like hoplitec3>x>dragoon and use 2h spear


This is something that always confuses me. For some reason, many people think that they HAVE to use certain type of weapon all the time.

You have the ability to switch between two sets of weapons by pressing ALT+Z (or respective command). This allows you to have combinations like 1-handed spear + shield and 2-handed spear to swap around. You don’t have to limit yourself to only one linear playing style.

Use the shield for situations where the extra damage is not needed, dungeons or world bosses for example. And take out the 2-handed spear for normal questing or where using a shield doesn’t benefit you.

Now, coming back to your question: For this beta, no, I don’t think it is worth taking Cataphract just to use 2-handed spears.

You can simply upgrade your damage by using Spear+Arde/Karacha dagger and swapping to shield when you need to.

We will see if this changes in the future when we get more information about the Dragoon class (and Rank 7+ classes), but for now it isn’t required to use 2-handed spears.

That said, if you have other reasons for choosing Cataphract (like moving fast or the costume), then you can find a way to justify taking it.


Tnx :D. So far im lvl 38 going hoplite soon and i must say going high str in the early game helps in grinding since i really just auto attack everything and i dont use my peltasta damaging skills. haha

What creature drops Zega Spear?

The recipe drops from Blue Raffly at the Residence of the Fallen Legwyn Family. It shouldn’t be that expensive on the market though, around 60k for the recipe or so.

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Hi Cathexis, does Block activate Deeds Of Valor?

Does Finestra still get +2 bonus from Zega after you swap Weapon to different spear? Might be useful for buffing purpose. Thx before :wink:

Awesome guide, thanks.

Just one question, I’m planning to go Dragoon and use 2h-spears at the full release, do you think peltasta will still be worth it if I’m not going to use a shield later on? I know you can switch your weapons in the middle of the fight to use swash buckling, but I think Swordie c2 buffs, including restrain, would be more useful.

You can get more than 150 extra damage with both gung-ho and concentration active if you invested a fair amount of money and time on the attributes.

In case anyone wants to take a look, this is the build I’m planning to do:


No, blocking or dodging don’t activate Deeds of Valor, you have to get hit for it to increase stacks.

Yes, if you use Finestra with Zega spear equiped, you will get the +2 bonus and you can switch to another spear. You have to equip Zega again for each time you cast it though.


We really need to wait for details about the Dragoon class to come out before making any plans for it.

That said, in my opinion Peltasta is the best class by far to take at Rank 2, regardless of what classes you plan on taking later on. It offers way too much utility, and to be honest Restrain isn’t that good, and 5 extra levels of Gung Ho and Concentrate won’t make any difference.

Sometimes it just makes me sad seeing level 200 swordies that didn’t take Peltasta looking for tanks for their parties, because they themselves can’t perform this role. You limit yourself to one linear playing style and the benefits you get for doing so aren’t that impactful.

Being able to switch your role to a real tank whenever you need to, is an invaluable asset to have on your character.

For your build, besides Peltasta, I would take 1 point in Throwing Spear and Mordschlag, for utility.


@Cathexis nice info about block dont activate Deeds of Valor, i hope we can hurt ourself with poison or something to trigger this :smiley:

yey extra 20 crit rate from zega was good to hear.

Btw does Zega spear make us can use all skill in hoplite even if we dont adding point to that skill? if so, this might be usefull to not raise skill like spear lunge which only need 1 point there. Thx for answer :heart_eyes:

No, you need to have at least 1 point into the skill to be able to get the benefits from anything that adds skill levels to it (equipment, gems, etc).

Thanks for the guide, really helped me figure out that I wanted to opt for Hoplite C2 over pelt C3 for going squire. You make some really good points on how Hoplite’s can still effectively tank via Finestra block chance increase. Shame about Syncro being not great but hey it changed my build for the better I guess. Would appreciate it if you would look over my build so i can iron out any discrepancies.

Stat build would be - Str main, Con minor, Maybe a little dex if any (gonna need str for carrying squire items)

Basically my only things that I feel need some looking at from someone who’s played the class are:

  1. Opting for pain barrier over bash. Bash is slash so would be nice to have a none pierce skill but it obviously lacks synergy with my pierce + dmg skill later in hoplite. Pain barrier is good for not getting knocked around in block and for PvP if i opt for it later.

  2. Getting guardian 1. idk how i feel about it, idk if it’s really that necessary for taking hits or not, giving up rim blow for it seems like a harsh choice.

  3. stabbing only got to 8 but from what you said I feel the 2 lvl 1 skills are needed for utility and finestra is the backbone of the stat build so it deserves maxing.

  4. Arrest only got to level 1 but from vids i’ve seen it only holds enemies in place and makes me channel so i cant do any dps. Is maxing it to get 100% increase in PHYSICAL dps (not magic) really worth giving up something like armor + for party/myself? Hard to say but I may opt for it, we will see.

My reasoning for playing squire is because I work alot and want to make silver when im off at work or out with my wife. I know its a dps decrease but I like the social interaction options it gives me in the game. Plus, you will all love me when I make your weapon better and repair your stuff while you continue farming.


Hey, welcome.

Your build is pretty good overall, here are a few things that I would consider:


  • Gung Ho: You really want to get this, it is a good skill that pretty much will be your main one for early levels, and once you start leveling it’s attribute it is going to add some little extra damage at mid~late levels.
  • Bash: You might want to have level 1~3 Bash. Level 3 allows you to get the “Knockdown” attribute, and then later on you can reset it to 1 to keep it as just utility. You don’t really use it for damage, just for the Knockdown.
    Necessary? Not really, to be honest I don’t use Bash at all (besides early levels), but it might be something useful to have at hand when PvP becomes a thing, we will see. Just a thought to have for the future. If you prefer to have Pain Barrier, then that is good too.


  • Shops: The most popular ones (as in the ones people look for the most) are Weapon Maintenance and Repair, in that order. Armor Maintenance is barely used, as it is only for Top+Pants+Shield, and not really needed for the content we have so far, in my opinion. You might want to invest those points into Repair instead.

For your points:

  1. Guardian level 1 is more than enough. The real reason why people get it is because of the attribute, that gives +18% evasion, which could provide useful later on as we get more stats to play around with. Rim Blow doesn’t really change much from level 4 to level 5, so might as well take Guardian level 1.

  2. Stabbing at level 8 is fine, that is exactly the build most of us go with: Level 1 for Long Stride, Spear Lunge and Throwing Spear (in case of Hoplite C3), then max Finestra and Pierce, the rest into Stabbing.

  3. That is correct, Arrest only prevents the targets from moving, but they can still perform actions while under it. For tanking and group PvP it could be useful, you enable your party to deal damage without worrying about the targets moving. It does stop you from taking any action too, but I think it could be a pretty strong skill for group PvP. For PvE, it isn’t necessary, but it could be useful from time to time. Level 1 is good enough for bosses.

I think Squire is a pretty good class.

Don’t worry too much about not dealing as much damage as other builds out there, you already have Peltasta + Arrest to perform the role of a tank, which any party will welcome with open arms. And you are right, everyone loves having Repair+Weapon Maintenance on the spot.

You will rely mostly on auto-attacks for dealing damage, while having Stabbing+Pierce as your main damage skills, you can see more about this playing style on the few damage test videos I uploaded on the guide.

If you are comfortable with that (it could be boring for some people), then you are set. Otherwise, if you think you would rather enjoy having a few more skills to use, then you could also explore the path of Barbarian C2 -> Squire C2.

There is also the factor that we will get more Ranks available in the future, so that could give you the necessary tools to improve your damage after Squire. We will see, when they announce more information.

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Thank you @Cathexis. I have to find now a Thick Chain to craft it. Couldn’t find any being sold on market.

Thick chain is not tradable, you have to find them yourself.

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Thank you @thailehuy for the information. :grin:

Yeah, just kill the archers at the bottom side of Forest of Prayer, those are easy and they drop it.

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Hello! Thank you for the guide.
sorry for my bad english.

Here are many questions about str/dex balance. I make my own investigation.
build: sw-pelt-hoplite2-corsair, 132 lvl,
i was on the location “forest of prayer”, victim - archers on that map.
Equip: zega spear, dirk dagger, zachariel bangle, necklace+10 dex. no green gems.
only one buff - finestra lvl 12
and some reset scrolls, paper, pencil and a lot of patience…

I make 100 autoattack strikes with each of different stat builds and write all the results. Here they are, enjoy!
Total damage:
Full str:_________103 450
2:1 (str/dex)______95 700
1:1 (str/dex)______87 880
1:2 (str:dex)______77 600

Critical chance:
Full str:_________38
2:1 (str/dex)______66
1:1 (str/dex)______77
1:2 (str:dex)______85

Damage (crit, normal attack):
Full str:_________1515 740
2:1 (str/dex)______1150 600
1:1 (str/dex)______980 540
1:2 (str:dex)______830 470

But one more moment (may be for somebody it will be important): with dex builds i spent much less HP due to evasion.

And some questions for you:

  1. why dagger from 90 inst and not dirk (120 lvl)? fire attack better?
  2. why in corsair skill build you take for the hook points from dust devil and not jolly roger? My opinion - upping jolly roger increase only its duration, cooldown very little, and better to max battle skill than more 20 seconds of flag.
    or putting points into flag increase not only duration?
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  1. why dagger from 90 inst and not dirk (120 lvl)? fire attack better?
    The +fire dmg works like blessing and will add on every hit of your main weapon, dirk will only do dmg when you use sub-weapon.

Cool. And what with corsair skill “double weapon assault”? Fire damage will be added for both (main and sub) weapons attacks?