Tree of Savior Forum

[GUIDE] Archer Class Types

What do you mean it did have too many hidden mechanic? Well i’m not comparing the Hunter by other archer types but the pet’s overall damage is what surprised me.

Yeah since i’ve never played the game, i’m not too sure how good Hunter is in PvP but its set of skills looks to me like for PvP. We’ll see and ill test it out when the game releases.

Hunter got already a bit buffed.


Still … if only the AI was a bit more … intuitive.

Do they not attack what you aggro? Like in other games where in WoW when you engage in a fight it’ll auto attack the target. If not that would suck telling your pet to attack a target each time :confused:

They do … but the Ai is pretty bad xD.

I was hunter in icbt2.
At times the pet was lagging behind an boss … not attacking at all. Only rush dog worked… then it went to attack traps…

You cant control the pet at all xD… soemtimes you want to kill it …

I got 2 questions on QS if anyone can answer them…

  1. Deploy Pavise - What benefit do you get for leveling it? Does it do dmg to enemies or gain more health or something?

  2. Tear Down and Caltrops - Do these skills scale decently into later game for a form of AoE for the QS?

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  1. Pavise gets more block counts. Aka it can take more hit. And a bit more dps if you drop it on someone.

  2. calrtops increase in amount of them per level. It’s okay for aoe. But that is more an aggro tool then anythign else ^^. Mobs aggro your caltrops.

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Look for it’s attribute Swift step: Critical rate below the skill.

interesting. I see that mobs aggro my pavise too. I was wondering if I dropped 2x pavise, kited enemies or hit enemies to come by the pavise then drop a caltrops and tear down both pavise would it do decent AoE? like could I farm like it?

You could kill low level mobs with it.
Highe rlevel mobs have simply to much hp ^^.

But damagwsie it would do alright.

Search in youtbue for tree of savior videos. There’s lots of them.

hmm changes things a bit…I did find this video it’s a QS mobbing with those skills but I feel like it’s lacking AoE potential. Am i right in assuming that taking QS you basically go C3 into a machine gun build that is really good at single target dps but falls off in AoE hard? Ranger would gives alot better options for AoE farming as a solo player?

Ranger would be better at aoe farming.
As said, early level it works well. But it’s lacking later on.

If you want an AOE archer class:

  • sapper
  • wugushi
  • cannoner
  • ranger3 (one good aoe skill + barrage semi aoe+high anchoring good aoe but hard to effectivel ypull off)
  • archer3+ falconer
  • hunter (the 5 seconds cd on rushdog, makes it into a good aoe fighter. if you do mob right)

What about Schwarzer? Could it worth picking C2 instead of musk/canno?
Any synergy with quarrel?

Archer1 - Quarrel3 - ??? - Schwarzer2?

It’s kinda awkward since deploy pavise, stone picking and teardown can’t be used while mounted. If you’re fine with that, then you could take QS3, I guess. But ranger is probably better since all skills can be used while mounted.

The thing about SR is that you have to pick the C2 if you take the C1. Both Cannoneer and Musketeer skills are also not mount-compatible.

I was thinking about caltrops and running shot, but after watching some videos looks like you can shoot freely while moving mounted.
Will be playing the game first time at 29th, btw.

Now I wonder if hide and cloaking from scout could work there as well.

Is there a musketeer build that does well with let’s say… 366 ping?

I wanted to go A3 > Q3 > M
but due to my ping… I’m afraid that it might kill my build… and musketeer is the path I really wanted to go…

I was wondering would a build such as

A2 > S2 > Rogue 3 work? I was thinking of making a Sapper Rogue

Would Scout be better to put in there?

hunter skill retrieve + rush dog to other enemy COMBO

Snatching Skill can use ground monster

As a heads up … high ping over 200 is deadly to any AA builds. if they haven’t changed how atks are calculated.

Your data needs to travel from you to the servers and back … on each attack.
When you have 366 ms ping. That’s 0,7 seconds of travel time roughly.

Meaning that inbetween that time, hits wont register… this happened in icbt2 when upping your attackspeed to a certain point. Even if you had 200 ping only.

YOU won’t enjoy galting gun builds, with fast attack like QS3.
But don’t take my word … maybe they have changed how they’re client calculates atk … (unlikely).

Ranger would work better for you, as skills are calculated as a whole.

So I should go A3 > R3 > M or A2 > R3 > F1 > M, priority in ranger would be bounce arrow, steady aim and barrage right?

Archer>Ranger3>Your choice of class two times>Musketer

For tips.
Falconer, you know make smultishot an aoe and helps with musketer skills too.

But you probably don’t know that feint makes barrage hit extra times.
So if you go ranger 3, getting one circle or maybe even two (if you want backstab?) will be helpfull.

Or you go archer 2 and falconer for good synergies between most of your classes.

Or any other combos ^^.

And yes. Bounce arrow, Steady aim and barrage.
Even if steady aim got nerfed, as it needed to be~ Still quite strong.